Ticket #53712: libarchive_fixes.diff

File libarchive_fixes.diff, 4.5 KB (added by michaelld (Michael Dickens), 8 years ago)
  • archivers/libarchive/Portfile

    commit 1866370fe5e850979c364722e63c43962bdade0d
    Author: Michael Dickens <michaelld@macports.org>
    Date:   Thu Mar 16 21:14:29 2017 -0400
        libarchive: fix back to working
        Reverts e4da3687 for release back to 3.2.2;
        Adds devel version at current GIT master;
        moves both release and devel to GitHub PG;
        hopefully addresses ticket https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53712 .
    diff --git a/archivers/libarchive/Portfile b/archivers/libarchive/Portfile
    index 3678221b87..fc4c27c5e3 100644
    a b  
    11# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    3 PortSystem 1.0
     3PortSystem       1.0
     4PortGroup        github 1.0
    46name             libarchive
    5 homepage         http://libarchive.org/
    6 master_sites     ${homepage}downloads/
    7 version          3.3.1
    87categories       archivers
    98license          BSD
    109maintainers      toby openmaintainer
    long_description \ 
    1615        also write shar archives.
    1716platforms        darwin
    19 checksums        rmd160  229d68a81b7b4e5b7b12d5da88522e04974328b4 \
    20                  sha256  29ca5bd1624ca5a007aa57e16080262ab4379dbf8797f5c52f7ea74a3b0424e7
     18if {${subport} eq ${name}} {
     20    github.setup    libarchive libarchive 3.2.2 v
     21    checksums       rmd160 7a1339b824bed4fac3b2ff5780d6e5b3376194ad \
     22                    sha256 c4b361aeac885700da77d243978dab0477f9e5b1e104240190dc28dc19c7f42d
     24    # original 3.2.2 archive is different from GitHub tagged version,
     25    # so do a stealth upgrade hack to make it work
     26    # NOTE: remove this on next release update
     27    dist_subdir     ${name}/${version}_1
     29    # bump epoch because we reverted the version from 3.3.1 to 3.2.2
     30    epoch           1
     32    conflicts       libarchive-devel
     36subport libarchive-devel {
     38    github.setup    libarchive libarchive a300fab1da39c0121027ae42e2d4f26b82c13d18
     39    version         20170316
     40    checksums       rmd160 333d91894e229a34474066e79dbfe5b4604d15c5 \
     41                    sha256 05104194e15500eec3da229c0797ca1286e2d6c920673c0167f7b61d46c78127
    22 depends_lib      port:bzip2 port:zlib port:libxml2 port:xz \
     43    long_description ${long_description} \
     44        This port is kept up with the libarchive GIT 'master' branch, is typically updated weekly to monthly.
     45    conflicts       libarchive
     47    patchfiles-append patch-Makefile.am.devel.diff
     51homepage         http://libarchive.org/
     53depends_lib      port:bzip2 port:zlib \
     54                 port:libxml2 port:xz \
    2355                 port:lzo2 port:libiconv \
    2456                 port:lz4 port:expat
    26 patchfiles       patch-libarchive__archive_read_support_format_lha.c.diff
     58depends_build-append port:autoconf \
     59                 port:automake port:libtool
     61patchfiles-append patch-libarchive__archive_read_support_format_lha.c.diff
     63post-patch {
     64    system -W ${worksrcpath} "build/autogen.sh"
    2867configure.args   --enable-bsdtar=shared --enable-bsdcpio=shared \
    2968                 --disable-silent-rules --without-nettle \
    30                  --without-openssl --without-lzmadec
    32 livecheck.type  regex
    33 livecheck.regex libarchive-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.tar.gz
     69                 --without-openssl
  • new file archivers/libarchive/files/patch-Makefile.am.devel.diff

    diff --git a/archivers/libarchive/files/patch-Makefile.am.devel.diff b/archivers/libarchive/files/patch-Makefile.am.devel.diff
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000000..7b3f79aec4
    - +  
     1--- Makefile.am.orig    2017-03-16 20:31:38.000000000 -0400
     2+++ Makefile.am 2017-03-16 20:31:42.000000000 -0400
     3@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     4 DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --enable-bsdtar --enable-bsdcpio
     5 # The next line is commented out by default in shipping libarchive releases.
     6 # It is uncommented by default in trunk.
     7-DEV_CFLAGS=-Werror -Wextra -Wunused -Wshadow -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -g
     8+DEV_CFLAGS=-Wextra -Wunused -Wshadow -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -g
  • devel/cmake/Portfile

    diff --git a/devel/cmake/Portfile b/devel/cmake/Portfile
    index 9f883a7ac1..905e3c7e16 100644
    a b depends_lib-append port:curl \ 
    9090                    port:expat \
    9191                    port:zlib \
    9292                    port:bzip2 \
    93                     port:libarchive \
     93                    path:lib/libarchive.dylib:libarchive \
    9494                    port:ncurses
    9696# allow use of libuv or libuv-devel;