Ticket #53777: qt5-1.0.diff

File qt5-1.0.diff, 1.7 KB (added by RJVB (René Bertin), 8 years ago)

possible patch

  • _resources/port1.0/group/qt5-1.0.tcl

    diff --git a/_resources/port1.0/group/qt5-1.0.tcl b/_resources/port1.0/group/qt5-1.0.tcl
    index 91599fc..9169bab 100644
    a b pre-configure { 
    356356    ui_debug "qt5 PortGroup: Qt is provided by ${qt_installed_name}"
    358358    if { [variant_exists qt5kde] && [variant_isset qt5kde] } {
    359         if { [string range ${qt_installed_name} end-3 end] ne "-kde" } {
    360             ui_error "qt5 PortGroup: Qt is installed but not qt5-kde, as is required by this variant"
    361             ui_error "qt5 PortGroup: please run `sudo port uninstall --follow-dependents ${qt_installed_name}-qtbase and try again"
    362             return -code error "improper Qt installed"
    363         }
     359        ui_error "Internal Qt5 port error: inappropriate use of the Qt5 1.0 PortGroup"
     360        return -code error "internal Qt5 port error"
    364361    } else {
    365362        if { ${qt_installed_name} ne [qt5.get_default_name] } {
    366363            # see https://wiki.qt.io/Qt-Version-Compatibility
    pre-configure { 
    379 # add qt5kde variant if one does not exist and one is requested via qt5.using_kde
    380 # variant is added in eval_variants so that qt5.using_kde can be set anywhere in the Portfile
    381 rename ::eval_variants ::real_qt5_eval_variants
    382 proc eval_variants {variations} {
    383     global qt5.using_kde
    384     if { ![variant_exists qt5kde] && [tbool qt5.using_kde] } {
    385         variant qt5kde description {use Qt patched for KDE compatibility} {}
    386     }
    387     uplevel ::real_qt5_eval_variants $variations
    388 }
    390376namespace eval qt5pg {
    391377    ############################################################################### Component Format
    392378    #