Ticket #54666: MacVIM-136.diff

File MacVIM-136.diff, 1.4 KB (added by enxio (Clemens Wittinger), 7 years ago)

Patch to make MacVim (136) to compile.

  • MacVim/MMBackend.m

    old new  
    15901590    NSNumber *key = [NSNumber numberWithInt:port];
    15911591    NSMutableArray *replies = [serverReplyDict objectForKey:key];
    15921592    if (replies && [replies count]) {
    1593         ASLogDebug(@"    %ld replies, topmost is: %@", [replies count],
     1593        ASLogDebug(@"    %ld replies, topmost is: %@", (unsigned long) [replies count],
    15941594                   [replies objectAtIndex:0]);
    15951595        return [replies objectAtIndex:0];
    15961596    }
    21022102        modifiers:(int)mods
    21042104    ASLogDebug(@"key='%@' code=%#x mods=%#x length=%ld", key, code, mods,
    2105             [key length]);
     2105            (unsigned long) [key length]);
    21062106    if (!key) return;
    21082108    char_u *str = (char_u*)[key UTF8String];
    28302830        if (range.length > 0) {
    28312831            // TODO: This only works for encodings where 1 byte == 1 character
    28322832            cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<C-\\><C-N>%ldgov%ldgo",
    2833                     range.location, NSMaxRange(range)-1];
     2833                    (unsigned long) range.location, (long) NSMaxRange(range)-1];
    28342834        } else {
    28352835            cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<C-\\><C-N>%ldGz.0",
    2836                     range.location];
     2836                    (unsigned long) range.location];
    28372837        }
    28392839        [self addInput:cmd];