Ticket #55441: libcxxabi.diff

File libcxxabi.diff, 1.8 KB (added by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt), 7 years ago)
  • Portfile

    22PortGroup               compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0
    44name                    libcxxabi
     5epoch                   1
    56version                 3.9.1
    6 epoch                   1
     7revision                1
    78categories              lang
    89platforms               darwin
    910license                 MIT NCSA
    5051    if {${os.major} < 11} {
    5152        post-activate {
    52             system "cd / && tar xzf ${roots_path}/${root_name}.tgz"
     53            set dirs /
     54            if {${os.subplatform} eq "macosx"} {
     55                lappend dirs ${developer_dir}/SDKs/MacOSX${macosx_version}.sdk
     56            }
     57            foreach d ${dirs} {
     58                system -W ${d} "tar xzf ${roots_path}/${root_name}.tgz"
     59            }
    5360        }
    5461    }
    7784    # cmake would choose either cxa_exceptions or cxa_noexceptions
    7885    # but the buildit script just builds every file in the src directory and you can't have both
    7986    post-extract {
    80         system "rm ${worksrcpath}/src/cxa_noexception.cpp"
     87        delete ${worksrcpath}/src/cxa_noexception.cpp
    8188    }
    8390    if {${os.major} < 10} {
    122129        xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/include/__cxxabi_config.h ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}/usr/include
    123130        xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/include/cxxabi.h ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}/usr/include
    125         system "cd ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name} && tar czf ../${root_name}.tgz ."
    126         file delete -force ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}
     132        system -W ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name} "tar czf ../${root_name}.tgz ."
     133        delete ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}
    127134    }
    128135} else {
    129136    distfiles