Ticket #56894: Portfile-codeblocks.diff

File Portfile-codeblocks.diff, 2.1 KB (added by mf2k (Frank Schima), 6 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    33PortSystem          1.0
    44PortGroup           wxWidgets 1.0
    6 fetch.type          svn
    7 svn.url             https://svn.code.sf.net/p/codeblocks/code/trunk
    8 svn.revision        11098
    9 # Get the svn last changed date by running the following command:
    10 # svn info https://svn.code.sf.net/p/codeblocks/code/trunk| grep "^Last Changed Date:" | cut -d" " -f4,5
    11 set LCD             "2017-06-21 13:35:48"
    136name                codeblocks
    14 version             16.01-${svn.revision}
    15 revision            2
     7version             17.12
    168platforms           darwin freebsd
    179categories          devel aqua x11
    1810license             GPL-3+
    1911license_noconflict  boost
    2012maintainers         nomaintainer
    2114description         Open Source, Cross-platform, Free C/C++/D IDE
    2215long_description    Code::Blocks is a free C++ IDE built specifically \
    2316                    to meet the most demanding needs of its users. \
    2518                    extensible and configurable.
    2720homepage            http://www.codeblocks.org/
     21master_sites        sourceforge:project/codeblocks/Sources/${version}
     23use_xz              yes
     24distname            ${name}_${version}
     25worksrcdir          ${name}-${version}
    29 worksrcdir          trunk
     27checksums           rmd160  d6b24ef948437f248135ccc40fcff71944a6a07f \
     28                    sha256  13881a0a72769694e82e531b8e7814d51fbf1fa122c73c5004e186560fbc57e0 \
     29                    size    15725976
     31patchfiles          patch-sqvm-header-fix.diff
    3133depends_build-append \
    3234                    port:pkgconfig
    4951# so it was disabled for now
    5052configure.args      --with-contrib-plugins=all,-FileManager
    52 post-extract {
    53     # Fix svn revision and last changed date in app
    54     reinplace "s|\tREV=0|\tREV=${svn.revision}|g" ${worksrcpath}/update_revision.sh
    55     reinplace "s|\tLCD=\"\"|\tLCD=\"${LCD}\"|g" ${worksrcpath}/update_revision.sh
    56 }
    5854post-destroot {
    5955    # TODO: this might need a review
    6056    system "strip -S ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/codeblocks"