Ticket #57919: patch-Wl.diff

File patch-Wl.diff, 753 bytes (added by iEFdev, 6 years ago)

same, different name

  • src/Makefile.in

    Pass LDFLAGS to apxs using "-Wl,". This patch should be sent to the developers.
    old new  
    208208top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
    209209AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign
    210210WC = -Wc,"$(CFLAGS)"
     211WL = -Wl,"$(LDFLAGS)"
    211212CLEANFILES = *.la *.lo *.o *.so *.slo .libs/*
    212213EXTRA_DIST = mod_maxminddb.c
    213214all: all-am
    403403#   compile the DSO file
    404404module: mod_maxminddb.c $(TARGET)
    405         $(APXS) -c $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBMAXMINDDB_LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(WC) $(APXS_LDFLAGS) mod_maxminddb.c
     405        $(APXS) -c $(WL) $(LIBMAXMINDDB_LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(WC) $(APXS_LDFLAGS) mod_maxminddb.c
    407407install-exec-local: module
    408408        $(APXS) -i -a -n maxminddb .libs/mod_maxminddb.so