Ticket #5798: ZopeEditManager-0.9.6.diff

File ZopeEditManager-0.9.6.diff, 2.7 KB (added by jmroot (Joshua Root), 17 years ago)

update to 0.9.6 and depend on python24

  • aqua/ZopeEditManager/files/patch-setup.py.diff

    1 --- setup.py.orig       Tue Oct 12 15:04:14 2004
    2 +++ setup.py    Tue Oct 12 17:35:26 2004
     1--- setup.py.orig       2005-06-22 03:31:11.000000000 +1000
     2+++ setup.py    2008-03-23 22:06:59.000000000 +1100
    33@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
    44 plist = dict(
    5      CFBundleExecutable = "ZopeEditManager",
     5     CFBundleName = "ZopeEditManager",
    66     CFBundleIdentifier = "com.urbanape.zopeeditmanager",
    7 -    CFBundleShortVersionString = "Version 0.9.5",
    8 -    CFBundleGetInfoString = ("ZopeEditManager version 0.9.5, "
     7-    CFBundleShortVersionString = "Version 0.9.6",
     8-    CFBundleGetInfoString = ("ZopeEditManager version 0.9.6, "
    99+    CFBundleShortVersionString = "Version @VERSION@",
    1010+    CFBundleGetInfoString = ("ZopeEditManager version @VERSION@, "
    11                               "Copyright 2003 Zope Corporation"),
    12      NSHumanReadableCopyright = "Copyright 2003 Zope Corporation",
     11                              "Copyright 2003-2005 Zope Corporation"),
     12     NSHumanReadableCopyright = "Copyright 2003-2005 Zope Corporation",
    1313     CFBundleIconFile = "ZEM.icns",
    1414@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
    1515     NSMainNibFile = "MainMenu",
  • aqua/ZopeEditManager/Portfile

    11# $Id$
    23PortSystem              1.0
    45name                    ZopeEditManager
    5 version                 0.9.5
     6version                 0.9.6
    67categories              aqua zope www python
    78maintainers             nomaintainer
    89description             Zope Edit Manager for External Editing support on Mac OS X
    910long_description        ${description}
    1011homepage                http://www.urbanape.com/software
    1112master_sites    http://www.urbanape.com/downloads/
    12 distfiles               ${name}-${version}-src${extract.suffix}
    13 checksums               md5 86e931428abbf71fb02efe0b2f50c150
     13distname                ${name}-${version}-src
     14extract.suffix .tgz
     15checksums               md5 d42fb947d090db9fe459e8cd9e25153f \
     16                        sha1 63cfb2154f6560d0fbbfc63178dcac1a4d857ed1
    1417platforms               darwin
    16 # Use Python 2.3 from MacPorts explicitly
    17 set python              ${prefix}/bin/python2.3
    18 set pythonlib   ${prefix}/lib/python2.3
     19# Use Python 2.4 from MacPorts explicitly
     20set python              ${prefix}/bin/python2.4
     21set pythonlib   ${prefix}/lib/python2.4
    2023# Depends on Python, Py-Objc, and Py2App for building ONLY
    21 depends_build   path:${python}:python23 \
     24depends_build   path:${python}:python24 \
    2225                                path:${pythonlib}/site-packages/PyObjC:py-pyobjc \
    2326                                path:${pythonlib}/site-packages/py2app:py-py2app
    4245                xinstall -m 0644 $img ${helpPath}/$img
    4346        }