Ticket #585: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by ole_guldberg@…, 21 years ago)

The portfile

1# $Id: Exp $
3PortSystem 1.0
4name            windowmaker
5version         0.80.2
6distfiles       WindowMaker-0.80.2.tar.bz2
7description     Window Maker is an X11 window manager supporting GNUstep
8maintainers     ole_guldberg@mail.dk
9categories      x11-wm x11
10platforms       darwin freebsd
12homepage        http://www.windowmaker.org
13master_sites    ftp://ftp.windowmaker.org/pub/source/release/ \
14                ftp://ftp.goldweb.com.au/pub/WindowMaker/source/release/ \
15                ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/X11/window_managers/windowmaker/source/release/ \
16                ftp://ftp.ameth.org/pub/mirrors/ftp.windowmaker.org/source/release/ \
17                ftp://ftp.minet.net/pub/windowmaker/source/release/ \
18                ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/hci/windowmaker/source/release/ \
19                ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/X/WindowMaker/source/release/ \
20                ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/X11/windowmanagers/windowmaker/source/release/
21checksums       md5 9f4fabc8831af6c58edf8708ee90126f
22#depends_extract     bin:bzip2:bzip2
23depends_lib     lib:libX11.6:XFree86
24use_bzip2 yes
25worksrcdir      WindowMaker-0.80.2
26configure.args  --prefix=${prefix} --disable-locale
28long_description        Window Maker is an X11 window manager originally \
29                        designed to provide integration support for the \
30                        GNUstep Desktop Environment. In every way possible, \
31                        it reproduces the elegant look and feel of the \
32                        NEXTSTEP\[tm\] user interface. It is fast, feature \
33                        rich, easy to configure, and easy to use. \
34                        It is also free software, with contributions being \
35                        made by programmers from around the world.