Ticket #5891: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.3 KB (added by jml@…, 19 years ago)

Updated portfile

1# $Id: Portfile,v 1.1 2005/05/08 11:44:51 olegb Exp $
2PortSystem       1.0
3name             planner
4version          0.13
5categories       x11 gnome
6maintainers      jml@cubical.fi
7description      Project management application for GNOME 2
8long_description Planner is a tool for planning, scheduling and tracking \
9                 projects for the GNOME Desktop. Planner is an open source \
10                 project aiming at being a better alternative than the \
11                 available proprietary tools. \
12                 Planner is part of GNOME Office, a productivity suite \
13                 composed of entirely free software, integrated with the \
14                 GNOME Desktop.
15homepage         http://planner.imendio.org/
16platforms        darwin
17master_sites     gnome:sources/planner/0.13/
18checksums        md5 acc2e2075bc489e849843009d6583cc0
19distname         planner-${portversion}
20use_bzip2        yes
22depends_build    bin:pkg-config:pkgconfig \
23                 bin:gconftool-2:gconf
24depends_lib      lib:libgtk.2:gtk2 \
25                 lib:libgnomeui.2:libgnomeui \
26                 lib:libgnomeprintui.2:libgnomeprintui \
27                 port:scrollkeeper \
28                 port:libxslt \
29                 port:p5-xml-parser
31configure.args   --disable-python \
32                 --disable-dotnet