Ticket #58943: Portfile

File Portfile, 3.6 KB (added by Veence (Vincent), 5 years ago)

Portfile for wx-python-4.0 (4.0.7 post2)

1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=2:ts=2:sts=2
3PortSystem          1.0
4PortGroup           python      1.0
5PortGroup           wxWidgets   1.0
7name                py-wxpython-4.0
8version             4.0.7
9distname            wxPython-${version}.post2
10set wx_version      [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 2] .]
11set branch          [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
12categories-append   graphics devel
13license             wxwidgets-3.1
14platforms           darwin
15maintainers         {mojca @mojca} openmaintainer
17description         Python interface to the wxWidgets ${branch} cross platform GUI
18long_description    wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming \
19                    language. It allows Python programmers to create \
20                    programs with a robust, highly functional graphical \
21                    user interface, simply and easily. It is implemented \
22                    as a Python extension module (native code) that wraps \
23                    the wxWidgets cross platform GUI library, written in C++.
25homepage            http://www.wxpython.org/
26master_sites        pypi:w/wxPython
28checksums           rmd160  0acb106cb0095a743096875449a23454c8d4378c \
29                    sha256  5a229e695b64f9864d30a5315e0c1e4ff5e02effede0a07f16e8d856737a0c4e \
30                    size    68891167
32python.versions     27 34 35 36 37
33python.default_version 37
36if {${name} ne ${subport}} {
37    conflicts       py${python.version}-wxpython-2.8 py${python.version}-wxpython-3.0
38    # As long as wxPython and wxWidgets are at the same version,
39    # this port could also depend on wxWidgets-3.0.
40    # A separate port is there just because wxPython usually lags behind.
41    wxWidgets.use   wxWidgets-3.2
42    depends_lib-append \
43                    port:${wxWidgets.port} \
44                    port:py${python.version}-pathlib2 \
45                    port:py${python.version}-pip
47    # patchfiles      patch-config.py.diff
49    # TODO: is it possible to use build arguments instead of redefining the whole command?
50    set boptions    "--enable-plugins --enable-utf8 --enable-std_string_conv_in_wxstring \
51                     --enable-permissive"
52    build.cmd       ${python.bin} setup.py WX_CONFIG="${wxWidgets.wxconfig}" 
53    destroot.cmd    ${python.bin} setup.py WX_CONFIG="${wxWidgets.wxconfig}"
55    post-destroot {
56        # When a new release of wxPython comes out, the contents of
57        # ${destroot}${wxWidgets.prefix}/Versions/wxPython/${branch}/include/wx-${branch}/wx/wxPython
58        # should be stored separately into wxPython-${version}-MacPorts-subset.tar.bz2
59        # to be extracted/installed by wxPython-3.0 rather than this port.
60        # This allows parallel installation of several versions of py**-wxpython-3.0.
61        delete      ${destroot}${wxWidgets.prefix}
62    }
64    livecheck.type  none
65} else {
66    # Once upon a time this would install the documentation,
67    # however the python PortGroup disables all steps including fetching & extracting
68    # which makes it a bit inconvenient to do things like this.
69    # If anyone is missing the docs badly enough, you are welcome to fix this
70    # in both py-wxpython-2.8 and py-wxpython-3.0.
71    #
72    # post-destroot {
73    #     xinstall -d -m 755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/
74    #     file copy ${worksrcpath}/docs ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
75    #     file copy ${worksrcpath}/samples ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/examples
76    # }
78    livecheck.url   https://api.github.com/repos/wxWidgets/wxPython/tags
79    livecheck.regex tarball/wxPy-(3\\.0\\.\[^"\]+)