Ticket #59217: snowleopard-i386-uninstall.log

File snowleopard-i386-uninstall.log, 10.5 KB (added by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt), 5 years ago)
1--->  Uninstalling arpack @3.7.0_0+accelerate+gfortran
2--->  Cleaning arpack
3--->  Uninstalling assimp @4.1.0_0
4--->  Cleaning assimp
5--->  Uninstalling astyle @3.1_1
6--->  Cleaning astyle
7--->  Uninstalling gtkmm @2.24.5_2+x11
8--->  Cleaning gtkmm
9--->  Uninstalling goocanvasmm2 @1.90.11_0
10--->  Cleaning goocanvasmm2
11--->  Uninstalling gtksourceviewmm3 @3.18.0_0
12--->  Cleaning gtksourceviewmm3
13--->  Uninstalling gtkmm3 @3.22.3_0+x11
14--->  Cleaning gtkmm3
15--->  Uninstalling atkmm @2.28.0_0
16--->  Cleaning atkmm
17--->  Uninstalling bladeRF @20191001-f03d8433_0+tecla
18--->  Cleaning bladeRF
19--->  Uninstalling boost-numpy @1.71.0_0+no_single+no_static+python27
20--->  Cleaning boost-numpy
21--->  Uninstalling libcdr-0.1 @0.1.5_0
22--->  Cleaning libcdr-0.1
23--->  Uninstalling libfreehand @0.1.2_0
24--->  Cleaning libfreehand
25--->  Uninstalling libmspub @0.1.4_0
26--->  Cleaning libmspub
27--->  Uninstalling libpagemaker @0.0.4_0
28--->  Cleaning libpagemaker
29--->  Uninstalling libvisio-0.1 @0.1.7_0
30--->  Cleaning libvisio-0.1
31--->  Uninstalling mstch @1.0.2_2
32--->  Cleaning mstch
33--->  Unable to uninstall boost @1.71.0_0+no_single+no_static+python27, the following ports depend on it:
34--->    Gyoto @1.3.6_0
35--->    librevenge @0.0.4_3
36--->  Uninstalling boost @1.71.0_0+no_single+no_static+python27
37--->  Cleaning boost
38--->  Uninstalling botan @2.10.0_1
39--->  Cleaning botan
40--->  Uninstalling pangomm @2.42.0_0+x11
41--->  Cleaning pangomm
42--->  Uninstalling cairomm @1.12.2_0+x11
43--->  Cleaning cairomm
44--->  Unable to uninstall gdal @3.0.1_2, the following ports depend on it:
45--->    py27-fiona @1.8.8_0
46--->    py35-fiona @1.8.8_0
47--->    py36-fiona @1.8.8_0
48--->    py37-fiona @1.8.8_0
49--->  Uninstalling gdal @3.0.1_2
50--->  Cleaning gdal
51--->  Uninstalling charls @2.0.0_1
52--->  Cleaning charls
53--->  Unable to uninstall chromaprint @1.4.3_0, the following ports depend on it:
54--->    gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad @1.14.4_10+x11
55--->  Uninstalling chromaprint @1.4.3_0
56--->  Cleaning chromaprint
57--->  Uninstalling clasp @3.3.4_0
58--->  Cleaning clasp
59--->  Uninstalling cmake @3.15.4_0
60--->  Cleaning cmake
61--->  Uninstalling courier-unicode @2.1_0
62--->  Cleaning courier-unicode
63--->  Uninstalling cpp-utilities @5.0.1_0
64--->  Cleaning cpp-utilities
65--->  Uninstalling cppunit @1.14.0_0
66--->  Cleaning cppunit
67--->  Uninstalling evolution-data-server @3.28.5_1+phonenumber
68--->  Cleaning evolution-data-server
69--->  Unable to uninstall exempi @2.5.1_0, the following ports depend on it:
70--->    eog @3.26.2_3
71--->  Uninstalling exempi @2.5.1_0
72--->  Cleaning exempi
73--->  Uninstalling fish @3.0.2_1
74--->  Cleaning fish
75--->  Uninstalling ftgl @2.4.0_0
76--->  Cleaning ftgl
77--->  Uninstalling gdb @8.3_0
78--->  Cleaning gdb
79--->  Unable to uninstall geos @3.7.2_0, the following ports depend on it:
80--->    librttopo @1.1.0_0
81--->    spatialite @4.99.0_1
82--->  Uninstalling geos @3.7.2_0
83--->  Cleaning geos
84--->  Uninstalling glfw @3.1.2-20151024_0+docs
85--->  Cleaning glfw
86--->  Uninstalling glibmm @2.58.0_0+x11
87--->  Cleaning glibmm
88--->  Unable to uninstall gnome-online-accounts @3.28.2_0, the following ports depend on it:
89--->    libgdata @0.17.9_0
90--->  Uninstalling gnome-online-accounts @3.28.2_0
91--->  Cleaning gnome-online-accounts
92--->  Unable to uninstall gpgme @1.13.1_0, the following ports depend on it:
93--->    gmime3 @3.2.3_1
94--->  Uninstalling gpgme @1.13.1_0
95--->  Cleaning gpgme
96--->  Uninstalling gpsbabel @1.5.4_0
97--->  Cleaning gpsbabel
98--->  Unable to uninstall texlive-bin @2019.50896_0+x11, the following ports depend on it:
99--->    dvipng @1.15_4
100--->    texlive-basic @50893_0+doc
101--->    texlive-fonts-recommended @49603_0+doc
102--->    texlive-latex @50741_0+doc
103--->    texlive-latex-recommended @50818_0+doc
104--->  Uninstalling texlive-bin @2019.50896_0+x11
105--->  Cleaning texlive-bin
106--->  Uninstalling webkit-gtk @2.4.11_2+video
107--->  Cleaning webkit-gtk
108--->  Uninstalling webkit-gtk3 @2.4.11_2+video
109--->  Cleaning webkit-gtk3
110--->  Unable to uninstall webkit2-gtk @2.20.5_1+gtk2+x11, the following ports depend on it:
111--->    yelp @3.28.1_0
112--->  Uninstalling webkit2-gtk @2.20.5_1+gtk2+x11
113--->  Cleaning webkit2-gtk
114--->  Uninstalling harfbuzz-icu @2.6.2_0
115--->  Cleaning harfbuzz-icu
116--->  Uninstalling poppler-qt5 @0.81.0_0
117--->  Cleaning poppler-qt5
118--->  Uninstalling qt53 @5.3.2_0
119--->  Cleaning qt53
120--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtconnectivity @5.3.2_0
121--->  Cleaning qt53-qtconnectivity
122--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtenginio @5.3.2_0
123--->  Cleaning qt53-qtenginio
124--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtwebkit @5.3.2_0
125--->  Cleaning qt53-qtwebkit
126--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtlocation @5.3.2_0
127--->  Cleaning qt53-qtlocation
128--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtquickcontrols @5.3.2_0
129--->  Cleaning qt53-qtquickcontrols
130--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtgraphicaleffects @5.3.2_0
131--->  Cleaning qt53-qtgraphicaleffects
132--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtmultimedia @5.3.2_0
133--->  Cleaning qt53-qtmultimedia
134--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtsensors @5.3.2_0
135--->  Cleaning qt53-qtsensors
136--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtscript @5.3.2_0
137--->  Cleaning qt53-qtscript
138--->  Uninstalling qtkeychain-qt5 @0.9.1_0
139--->  Cleaning qtkeychain-qt5
140--->  Uninstalling qt53-qttranslations @5.3.2_0
141--->  Cleaning qt53-qttranslations
142--->  Unable to uninstall qt53-qttools @5.3.2_0, the following ports depend on it:
143--->    phonon-qt5 @4.10.3_0
144--->  Uninstalling qt53-qttools @5.3.2_0
145--->  Cleaning qt53-qttools
146--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtwebsockets @5.3.2_0
147--->  Cleaning qt53-qtwebsockets
148--->  Unable to uninstall qt53-qtdeclarative @5.3.2_0, the following ports depend on it:
149--->    phonon-qt5 @4.10.3_0
150--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtdeclarative @5.3.2_0
151--->  Cleaning qt53-qtdeclarative
152--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtimageformats @5.3.2_0
153--->  Cleaning qt53-qtimageformats
154--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtmacextras @5.3.2_0
155--->  Cleaning qt53-qtmacextras
156--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtserialport @5.3.2_0
157--->  Cleaning qt53-qtserialport
158--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtsvg @5.3.2_0
159--->  Cleaning qt53-qtsvg
160--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtxmlpatterns @5.3.2_0
161--->  Cleaning qt53-qtxmlpatterns
162--->  Uninstalling qt53-sqlite-plugin @5.3.2_0
163--->  Cleaning qt53-sqlite-plugin
164--->  Uninstalling quazip @0.8.1_0
165--->  Cleaning quazip
166--->  Unable to uninstall qt53-qtbase @5.3.2_0+openssl, the following ports depend on it:
167--->    phonon-qt5 @4.10.3_0
168--->  Uninstalling qt53-qtbase @5.3.2_0+openssl
169--->  Cleaning qt53-qtbase
170--->  Unable to uninstall harfbuzz @2.6.2_0, the following ports depend on it:
171--->    icu-le-hb @1.0.3_0
172--->    pango @1.42.4_0+quartz+x11
173--->  Uninstalling harfbuzz @2.6.2_0
174--->  Cleaning harfbuzz
175--->  Uninstalling graphite2 @1.3.13_1
176--->  Cleaning graphite2
177--->  Uninstalling gringo @4.5.4_2
178--->  Cleaning gringo
179--->  Uninstalling gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good @1.14.4_1+pulseaudio+x11
180--->  Cleaning gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good
181--->  Unable to uninstall guile @2.2.4_1, the following ports depend on it:
182--->    swig3-guile @3.0.12_0
183--->  Uninstalling guile @2.2.4_1
184--->  Cleaning guile
185--->  Unable to uninstall openexr @2.3.0_1, the following ports depend on it:
186--->    gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad @1.14.4_10+x11
187--->    ImageMagick @6.9.9-40_6+x11
188--->  Uninstalling openexr @2.3.0_1
189--->  Cleaning openexr
190--->  Uninstalling ilmbase @2.3.0_1
191--->  Cleaning ilmbase
192--->  Uninstalling json-modern-cpp @3.7.0_0
193--->  Cleaning json-modern-cpp
194--->  Uninstalling jsoncpp @1.9.1_0
195--->  Cleaning jsoncpp
196--->  Unable to uninstall leveldb @1.20_3, the following ports depend on it:
197--->    py37-plyvel @1.0.5_1
198--->  Uninstalling leveldb @1.20_3
199--->  Cleaning leveldb
200--->  Unable to uninstall libcaca @0.99.beta19_6, the following ports depend on it:
201--->    gstreamer010-gst-plugins-good @0.10.31_12+pulseaudio
202--->  Uninstalling libcaca @0.99.beta19_6
203--->  Cleaning libcaca
204--->  Uninstalling libfmt @5.3.0_0
205--->  Cleaning libfmt
206--->  Uninstalling libmemcached @1.0.18_0
207--->  Cleaning libmemcached
208--->  Uninstalling libtorrent @0.13.8_0
209--->  Cleaning libtorrent
210--->  Uninstalling libtorrent-devel @20181027_1
211--->  Cleaning libtorrent-devel
212--->  Uninstalling libsigcxx2 @2.10.2_0
213--->  Cleaning libsigcxx2
214--->  Uninstalling libsodium @1.0.18-RELEASE_0
215--->  Cleaning libsodium
216--->  Uninstalling libwpg-0.3 @0.3.3_0
217--->  Cleaning libwpg-0.3
218--->  Uninstalling libwpd-0.10 @0.10.3_0
219--->  Cleaning libwpd-0.10
220--->  Uninstalling muparserx @4.0.8_0
221--->  Cleaning muparserx
222--->  Uninstalling nghttp2 @1.39.2_2
223--->  Cleaning nghttp2
224--->  Uninstalling openttd-opengfx @0.5.5_0
225--->  Cleaning openttd-opengfx
226--->  Uninstalling openttd-openmsx @0.3.1_1
227--->  Cleaning openttd-openmsx
228--->  Uninstalling openttd-opensfx @0.2.3_1
229--->  Cleaning openttd-opensfx
230--->  Uninstalling plplot @5.15.0_2+aquaterm+x11
231--->  Cleaning plplot
232--->  Unable to uninstall plumed @2.5.2_0+accelerate, the following ports depend on it:
233--->    py37-plumed @2.5.2_0
234--->  Uninstalling plumed @2.5.2_0+accelerate
235--->  Cleaning plumed
236--->  Uninstalling podofo @0.9.6_2
237--->  Cleaning podofo
238--->  Unable to uninstall policykit @0.115_1, the following ports depend on it:
239--->    gconf @3.2.6_0+x11
240--->  Uninstalling policykit @0.115_1
241--->  Cleaning policykit
242--->  Uninstalling poppler @0.81.0_0
243--->  Cleaning poppler
244--->  Unable to uninstall proj @5.2.0_0, the following ports depend on it:
245--->    spatialite @4.99.0_1
246--->  Uninstalling proj @5.2.0_0
247--->  Cleaning proj
248--->  Unable to uninstall proj6 @6.2.0_0, the following ports depend on it:
249--->    libgeotiff @1.5.1_0
250--->  Uninstalling proj6 @6.2.0_0
251--->  Cleaning proj6
252--->  Uninstalling pugixml @1.8.1_0
253--->  Cleaning pugixml
254--->  Uninstalling py27-pyopencl @2017.2.2_0
255--->  Cleaning py27-pyopencl
256--->  Uninstalling py35-pyopencl @2017.2.2_0
257--->  Cleaning py35-pyopencl
258--->  Uninstalling re2 @2019-09-01_0
259--->  Cleaning re2
260--->  Uninstalling SoapySDR @0.7.1_1
261--->  Cleaning SoapySDR
262--->  Unable to uninstall thrift @0.12.0_0, the following ports depend on it:
263--->    py37-thrift @0.12.0_1
264--->  Uninstalling thrift @0.12.0_0
265--->  Cleaning thrift
266--->  Unable to uninstall woff2 @1.0.2_0, the following ports depend on it:
267--->    fontforge @20190801_1+gui+python37
268--->  Uninstalling woff2 @1.0.2_0
269--->  Cleaning woff2
270--->  Uninstalling wxgtk-3.0 @3.0.4_1+x11
271--->  Cleaning wxgtk-3.0
272--->  Unable to uninstall wxPython-3.0 @3.0.2_6, the following ports depend on it:
273--->    py27-wxpython-3.0 @
274--->  Uninstalling wxPython-3.0 @3.0.2_6
275--->  Cleaning wxPython-3.0
276--->  Unable to uninstall wxWidgets-3.0 @3.0.4_1, the following ports depend on it:
277--->    p5.26-alien-wxwidgets @0.690.0_0
278--->    p5.28-alien-wxwidgets @0.690.0_0
279--->    wxsvg @1.5.20_0
280--->  Uninstalling wxWidgets-3.0 @3.0.4_1
281--->  Cleaning wxWidgets-3.0
282--->  Uninstalling xapian-core @1.4.12_0
283--->  Cleaning xapian-core
284--->  Uninstalling yaml-cpp @0.6.2_0
285--->  Cleaning yaml-cpp