Ticket #61170: patch-libffi-tests-gcc42.diff

File patch-libffi-tests-gcc42.diff, 1.0 KB (added by kencu (Ken), 4 years ago)

allows libffi 3.3 testsuite to build with gcc-4.2

  • ./testsuite/lib/libffi.exp

    old new  
    488488        }
    489489      }
    490490      "gnu" {
    491         set common "-W -Wall -Wno-psabi"
     491        set common "-W -Wall"
    492492        if [info exists env(LIBFFI_TEST_OPTIMIZATION)] {
    493493          set optimizations [ list $env(LIBFFI_TEST_OPTIMIZATION) ]
    494494        } else {
  • ./testsuite/libffi.bhaible/bhaible.exp

    old new  
    2424# was done in a pretty lazy fashion, and requires the use of compiler
    2525# flags to disable warnings for now.
    2626if { [string match $compiler_vendor "gnu"] } {
    27     set warning_options "-Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-uninitialized";
     27    set warning_options "-Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-uninitialized";
    2929if { [string match $compiler_vendor "microsoft"] } {
    3030    # -wd4996  suggest use of vsprintf_s instead of vsprintf