Ticket #62130: log.txt

File log.txt, 6.8 KB (added by rernenwein, 4 years ago)

log stellarium

2Operating System: Darwin 19.6.0 x86_64
3Compiled using Clang 12.0.0
4Qt runtime version: 5.15.2
5Qt compilation version: 5.15.2
6Addressing mode: 64-bit
7Model Name: iMac
8Model Identifier: iMac19,1
9Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Core i5
10Processor Speed: 3,7 GHz
11Number of Processors: 1
12Memory: 40 GB
13Chipset Model: Radeon Pro 580X
14VRAM (Total): 8 GB
16 -----------------------------------------------------
17[ This is Stellarium 0.20.4 - https://stellarium.org/ ]
18[ Copyright (C) 2000-2021 Fabien Chereau et al.       ]
19 -----------------------------------------------------
20Writing log file to: "/Users/rene/Library/Application Support/Stellarium/log.txt"
21File search paths:
22  0 .  "/Users/rene/Library/Application Support/Stellarium"
23  1 .  "/Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources"
24Config file is:  "/Users/rene/Library/Application Support/Stellarium/config.ini"
25Default surface format:  QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>(), depthBufferSize -1, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize -1, samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::DefaultSwapBehavior, swapInterval 1, colorSpace QSurfaceFormat::DefaultColorSpace, profile  QSurfaceFormat::NoProfile)
26Desired surface format:  QSurfaceFormat(version 2.1, options QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::DefaultSwapBehavior, swapInterval 0, colorSpace QSurfaceFormat::DefaultColorSpace, profile  QSurfaceFormat::NoProfile)
27StelGLWidget constructor
28StelGraphicsScene constructor
30OpenGL supported version:  "2.1 ATI-3.10.19"
31Current Format:  QSurfaceFormat(version 2.1, options QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>(DeprecatedFunctions), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::DoubleBuffer, swapInterval 0, colorSpace QSurfaceFormat::DefaultColorSpace, profile  QSurfaceFormat::NoProfile)
33Driver version string: "2.1 ATI-3.10.19"
34GL vendor is "ATI Technologies Inc."
35GL renderer is "AMD Radeon Pro 580X OpenGL Engine"
36GL Shading Language version is "1.20"
37Detected a high resolution device! Device pixel ratio: 2
38Cache directory is:  "/Users/rene/Library/Caches/stellarium/stellarium"
39Sky language is  "en_US"
40Planetary features language is  "en_US"
41Application language is  "en_US"
42Empty translation file for language  "en_US" in section "stellarium-scripts"
43Scripts language is  "en_US"
44Loading Solar System data (1: planets and moons) ...
45Loading from : "/Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/data/ssystem_major.ini"
46SolarSystem has  83 entries.
47Loaded 83 Solar System bodies
48Loading Solar System data (2: minor bodies)...
49Loading from : "/Users/rene/Library/Application Support/Stellarium/data/ssystem_minor.ini"
50SolarSystem has  190 entries.
51Loaded 107 Solar System bodies
52File ssystem_minor.ini is loaded successfully...
53Loading nomenclature for Solar system bodies ...
54Loaded 15670 / 15672 items of planetary surface nomenclature
55WARNING - The next planets to assign nomenclature items is not found: "Dactyl"
56Loading star data ...
57"Loading /Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/stars/default/stars_0_0v0_8.cat: 0_0v0_8; 4979"
58"Loading /Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/stars/default/stars_1_0v0_8.cat: 1_0v0_8; 21806"
59"Loading /Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/stars/default/stars_2_0v0_8.cat: 2_0v0_8; 150826"
60"Loading /Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/stars/default/stars_3_1v0_4.cat: 3_1v0_4; 425807"
61Finished loading star catalogue data, max_geodesic_level:  3
62Loading scientific star names from "/Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/stars/default/name.fab"
63Loaded 6489 / 6489 scientific star names
64Loading variable stars from "/Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/stars/default/gcvs_hip_part.dat"
65Loaded 6862 / 6862 variable stars
66Loading double stars from "/Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/stars/default/wds_hip_part.dat"
67Loaded 16412 / 16412 double stars
68Loading cross-identification data from "/Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/stars/default/cross-id.dat"
69Loaded 108338 / 108338 cross-identification data records for stars
70Loading parallax errors data from "/Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/stars/default/hip_plx_err.dat"
71Loaded 117703 / 117703 parallax error data records for stars
72navigation/preset_sky_time is a double - treating as jday: "2451514.25001"
73qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC profile class 70727472
74QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
75qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC profile class 70727472
76QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
77qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC profile class 70727472
78QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
79qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC profile class 70727472
80QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
81qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC profile class 70727472
82QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
83qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC profile class 70727472
84QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
85qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC profile class 70727472
86QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
87Loading DSO data ...
88[...] "Stellarium DSO Catalog, version 3.12 (standard edition)"
89Loaded 94671 DSO records
90Loading DSO outline data ...
91Loaded 95 DSO outline records successfully
92LandscapeMgr: initialized Cache for 100 MB.
93Loading star names from "/Applications/MacPorts/Stellarium.app/Contents/Resources/skycultures/western/star_names.fab"
94Loaded 1004 / 1004 common star names
95Loading DSO name data ...
96Loaded 1135 / 1161 DSO name records successfully
97WARNING - No position data for 26 objects: "NGC 3184, NGC 5907, NGC 5907, NGC 5907, PGC 2907, PGC 23521, PGC 28759, PGC 29167, PGC 34658, PGC 42102, PGC 44750, PGC 54559, PGC 59117, PGC 59858, PGC 59953, PGC 69018, PGC 69877, PGC 73957, PGC 95597, PGC 100170, PGC 100170, PGC 119230, PGC 1694462, PGC 2822840, PGC 2826829, PGC 3098124"
98Loaded 88 / 88 constellation records successfully for culture "western"
99Loaded 85 / 85 constellation art records successfully for culture "western"
100Loaded 88 / 88 constellation names
101Loading constellation boundary data ...
102Loaded 782 constellation boundary segments
103Error in Asterism  "TA6" : can't find star with coordinates 2.14697 / 8.55097
104ERROR reading asterism lines record at line  88 for culture "western"
105Loaded 81 / 82 asterism records successfully for culture "western"
106WARNING - asterism abbreviation "TA6" not found when loading asterism names
107Loaded 71 / 72 asterism names
108Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.14.2) with this library (5.15.2)