Ticket #62482: gnuplotError.log

File gnuplotError.log, 115.8 KB (added by renzresearch, 4 years ago)

Error message shown after gnuplot is launched if the previous session had a segmentation fault

1% gnuplot
2objc[24047]: Class wxNSAppController is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909c40) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759ac40). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
3objc[24047]: Class ModalDialogDelegate is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909c68) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759ac68). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
4objc[24047]: Class wxNSApplication is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909cb8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759acb8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
5objc[24047]: Class wxCPWCDelegate is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909d08) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759ad08). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
6objc[24047]: Class wxMacFontPanelAccView is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909d58) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759ad58). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
7objc[24047]: Class wxNSButton is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909dd0) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759add0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
8objc[24047]: Class wxDisclosureNSButton is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909df8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759adf8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
9objc[24047]: Class wxNSPopUpButton is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909e70) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759ae70). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
10objc[24047]: Class wxNSComboBox is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909e98) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759ae98). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
11objc[24047]: Class DropSourceDelegate is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909ee8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759aee8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
12objc[24047]: Class wxOpenPanelDelegate is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909f38) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759af38). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
13objc[24047]: Class wxNSProgressIndicator is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909fb0) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759afb0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
14objc[24047]: Class wxNSTableColumn is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x109909fd8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759afd8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
15objc[24047]: Class wxNSTableDataSource is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a028) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
16objc[24047]: Class wxNSTableView is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a0a0) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b0a0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
17objc[24047]: Class wxNSMenu is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a0c8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b0c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
18objc[24047]: Class wxNSMenuController is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a118) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b118). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
19objc[24047]: Class wxNSMenuItem is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a168) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b168). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
20objc[24047]: Class wxNSWindow is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a1b8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b1b8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
21objc[24047]: Class wxNSPanel is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a208) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b208). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
22objc[24047]: Class wxNonOwnedWindowController is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a258) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b258). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
23objc[24047]: Class wxTabViewController is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a2a8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b2a8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
24objc[24047]: Class wxNSTabView is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a320) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b320). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
25objc[24047]: Class WXCTabViewImageItem is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a348) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b348). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
26objc[24047]: Class wxNSRadioButton is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a398) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b398). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
27objc[24047]: Class wxNSScroller is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a410) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b410). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
28objc[24047]: Class wxNSSlider is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a460) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b460). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
29objc[24047]: Class wxNSStepper is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a4b0) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b4b0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
30objc[24047]: Class wxNSSearchField is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a4d8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b4d8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
31objc[24047]: Class wxNSBox is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a550) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b550). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
32objc[24047]: Class wxNSStaticTextView is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a578) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b578). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
33objc[24047]: Class wxMaximumLengthFormatter is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a5c8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b5c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
34objc[24047]: Class wxNSSecureTextField is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a640) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b640). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
35objc[24047]: Class wxNSTextScrollView is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a690) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b690). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
36objc[24047]: Class wxNSTextFieldEditor is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a6b8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b6b8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
37objc[24047]: Class wxNSTextView is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a730) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b730). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
38objc[24047]: Class wxNSTextField is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a758) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b758). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
39objc[24047]: Class wxNSToolbarItem is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a7a8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b7a8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
40objc[24047]: Class wxNSToolbarDelegate is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a7f8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b7f8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
41objc[24047]: Class wxNSToolbar is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a848) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b848). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
42objc[24047]: Class wxNSToolBarButton is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a898) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b898). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
43objc[24047]: Class wxNSView is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a8e8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b8e8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
44objc[24047]: Class wxNSAnimationDelegate is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core- (0x10990a938) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.dylib (0x10759b938). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
45objc[24047]: Class wxPointerObject is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a3e0) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd3e0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
46objc[24047]: Class wxCustomRendererObject is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a430) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd430). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
47objc[24047]: Class wxDVCNSTableColumn is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a480) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd480). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
48objc[24047]: Class wxSortDescriptorObject is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a4d0) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd4d0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
49objc[24047]: Class wxCocoaOutlineDataSource is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a520) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd520). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
50objc[24047]: Class wxCustomCell is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a598) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd598). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
51objc[24047]: Class wxImageTextCell is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a5c0) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd5c0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
52objc[24047]: Class wxCocoaOutlineView is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a610) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd610). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
53objc[24047]: Class wxNSDatePicker is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a688) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd688). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
54objc[24047]: Class wxOSXStatusItemTarget is implemented in both /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv- (0x10953a6d8) and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxWidgets/3.0/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.dylib (0x1071cd6d8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
55../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlHelpController" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
56../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlHelpData" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
57../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlHelpDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
58../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlHelpFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
59../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlHelpWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
60../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlCell" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
61../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlWordCell" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
62../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlContainerCell" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
63../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlColourCell" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
64../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlFontCell" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
65../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlWidgetCell" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
66../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlFilter" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
67../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlFilterPlainText" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
68../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlFilterImage" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
69../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlFilterHTML" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
70../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlFilterModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
71../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlParser" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
72../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlTagHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
73../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlEntitiesParser" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
74../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlLinkEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
75../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlCellEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
76../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlProcessor" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
77../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
78../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlWinModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
79../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlPrintingModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
80../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleDefinitionList" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
81../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleFonts" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
82../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleHLine" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
83../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleImage" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
84../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleLayout" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
85../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleLinks" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
86../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleList" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
87../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModulePre" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
88../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleSpans" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
89../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleStyleTag" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
90../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHTML_ModuleTables" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
91../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlWinParser" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
92../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlWinTagHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
93../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlTagsModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
94../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHtmlListBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
95../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSimpleHtmlListBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
96../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxAnimationBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
97../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxAnimationCtrlBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
98../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDateEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
99../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericCalendarCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
100../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCalendarEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
101../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewIconText" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
102../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewRendererBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
103../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewCtrlBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
104../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
105../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewListCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
106../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewTreeCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
107../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGrid" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
108../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHyperlinkCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
109../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHyperlinkEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
110../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxOwnerDrawnComboBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
111../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBitmapComboBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
112../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCommandLinkButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
113../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxEditableListBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
114../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGridCellEditorEvtHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
115../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGridTableBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
116../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGridStringTable" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
117../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGridEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
118../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGridSizeEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
119../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGridRangeSelectEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
120../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGridEditorCreatedEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
121../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxExtHelpController" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
122../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
123../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCalculateLayoutEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
124../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSashLayoutWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
125../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPropertySheetDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
126../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSashWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
127../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSashEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
128../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSplashScreen" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
129../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewCheckIconText" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
130../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTreeListEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
131../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWizard" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
132../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWizardPage" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
133../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWizardPageSimple" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
134../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWizardEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
135../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxAnimation" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
136../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxAnimationModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
137../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxAnimationCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
138../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDatePickerCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
139../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTimePickerCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
140../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
141../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
142../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewCustomRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
143../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewTextRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
144../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewBitmapRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
145../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewChoiceRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
146../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewDateRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
147../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewIconTextRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
148../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewToggleRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
149../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDataViewProgressRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
150../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTaskBarIcon" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
151../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxJoystick" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
152../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCommandEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
153../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxNotifyEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
154../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxScrollEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
155../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxScrollWinEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
156../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMouseEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
157../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxKeyEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
158../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSizeEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
159../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPaintEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
160../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxNcPaintEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
161../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxEraseEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
162../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMoveEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
163../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFocusEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
164../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxChildFocusEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
165../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCloseEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
166../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxShowEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
167../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMaximizeEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
168../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxIconizeEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
169../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMenuEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
170../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxJoystickEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
171../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDropFilesEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
172../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxActivateEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
173../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxInitDialogEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
174../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSetCursorEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
175../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSysColourChangedEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
176../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDisplayChangedEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
177../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxUpdateUIEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
178../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxNavigationKeyEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
179../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPaletteChangedEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
180../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxQueryNewPaletteEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
181../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWindowCreateEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
182../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWindowDestroyEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
183../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHelpEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
184../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxContextMenuEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
185../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
186../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMouseCaptureLostEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
187../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxClipboardTextEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
188../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBrush" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
189../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxImageList" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
190../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMiniFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
191../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxNonOwnedWindowImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
192../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPalette" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
193../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPen" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
194../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBlindPlateWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
195../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWidgetImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
196../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBitmap" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
197../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMask" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
198../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBundleResourceHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
199../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPNGResourceHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
200../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxJPEGResourceHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
201../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMemoryDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
202../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHIDModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
203../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxOSXPrintData" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
204../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMacPrinter" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
205../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMacPrintPreview" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
206../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBitmapCheckBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
207../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMenuImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
208../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMenuItemImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
209../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMacPrintDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
210../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMacPageSetupDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
211../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMacPageMarginsDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
212../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxRadioBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
213../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSearchCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
214../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxToggleButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
215../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBitmapToggleButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
216../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxToolBar" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
217../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxColourDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
218../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxAcceleratorTable" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
219../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxClipboard" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
220../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCursor" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
221../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFontDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
222../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStockGDIMac" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
223../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxIcon" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
224../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxICONResourceHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
225../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxApp" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
226../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxControl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
227../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWindowDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
228../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxClientDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
229../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPaintDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
230../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrinterDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
231../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxScreenDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
232../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMacCoreGraphicsRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
233../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMDIParentFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
234../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMDIChildFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
235../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMDIClientWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
236../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMetafile" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
237../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMetafileDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
238../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMetafileDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
239../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxRegion" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
240../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxRegionIterator" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
241../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericColourButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
242../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericCollapsiblePane" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
243../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCollapsiblePaneEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
244../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericColourDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
245../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericDirDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
246../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFindReplaceDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
247../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericFileDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
248../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericFileButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
249../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericDirButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
250../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericFontDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
251../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericFontButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
252../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericListCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
253../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPostScriptPrintNativeData" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
254../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericPrintDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
255../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericPrintSetupDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
256../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericPageSetupDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
257../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStatusBarGeneric" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
258../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDirDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
259../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFileDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
260../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMessageDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
261../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxNonOwnedWindowCocoaImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
262../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxOSXCocoaPrintData" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
263../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxToolTip" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
264../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWidgetCocoaImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
265../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxArtProvider" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
266../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxArtProviderModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
267../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBitmapBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
268../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBitmapHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
269../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBitmapBaseModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
270../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBitmapButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
271../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBookCtrlBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
272../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBookCtrlEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
273../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
274../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCheckBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
275../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCheckListBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
276../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxChoice" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
277../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxClipboardEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
278../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxClipboardModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
279../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxColourPickerCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
280../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxColourPickerEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
281../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxColour" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
282../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxColourData" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
283../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxComboBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
284../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxComboCtrlBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
285../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCommand" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
286../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCommandProcessor" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
287../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintData" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
288../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintDialogData" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
289../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPageSetupDialogData" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
290../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxContextHelp" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
291../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxContextHelpButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
292../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHelpProviderModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
293../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxControlWithItems" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
294../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDCFactoryCleanupModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
295../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWindowDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
296../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxClientDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
297../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMemoryDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
298../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPaintDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
299../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxScreenDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
300../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrinterDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
301../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
302../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
303../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBufferedDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
304../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBufferedPaintDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
305../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSharedDCBufferManager" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
306../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGCDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
307../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGCDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
308../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSVGFileDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
309../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericDirCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
310../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
311../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWindowModalDialogEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
312../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDialogLayoutAdapter" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
313../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStandardDialogLayoutAdapter" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
314../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDialogLayoutAdapterModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
315../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDocMDIParentFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
316../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDocMDIChildFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
317../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDocument" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
318../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxView" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
319../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDocTemplate" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
320../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDocManager" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
321../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDocChildFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
322../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDocParentFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
323../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDocPrintout" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
324../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDisplayModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
325../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxEffectsImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
326../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFindDialogEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
327../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFileCtrlEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
328../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFileHistory" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
329../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFileDirPickerEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
330../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFilePickerCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
331../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDirPickerCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
332../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFontPickerCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
333../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFontPickerEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
334../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFileDialogBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
335../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFont" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
336../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFontData" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
337../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
338../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGauge" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
339../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGBSizerItem" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
340../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGridBagSizer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
341../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGDIObject" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
342../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGraphicsObject" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
343../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGraphicsPen" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
344../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGraphicsBrush" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
345../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGraphicsFont" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
346../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGraphicsBitmap" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
347../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGraphicsMatrix" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
348../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGraphicsPath" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
349../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGraphicsContext" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
350../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGraphicsRenderer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
351../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHeaderCtrlEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
352../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHelpControllerBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
353../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxIconBundle" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
354../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBMPHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
355../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxICOHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
356../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxCURHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
357../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxANIHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
358../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxImage" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
359../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxImageHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
360../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxImageModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
361../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGIFHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
362../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxIFFHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
363../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxJPEGHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
364../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPCXHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
365../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPNGHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
366../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPNMHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
367../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTGAHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
368../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTIFFHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
369../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxXPMHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
370../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
371../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxLayoutConstraints" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
372../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxListBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
373../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxListCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
374../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxListView" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
375../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxListItem" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
376../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxListEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
377../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMenu" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
378../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMenuBar" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
379../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMenuItem" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
380../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxNotebook" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
381../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintPaperType" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
382../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintPaperModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
383../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPanel" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
384../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPickerBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
385../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPopupWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
386../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPopupTransientWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
387../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintNativeDataBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
388../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintFactoryModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
389../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrinterBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
390../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrinter" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
391../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintDialogBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
392../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
393../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPageSetupDialogBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
394../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPageSetupDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
395../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintout" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
396../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPreviewCanvas" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
397../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPreviewControlBar" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
398../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPreviewFrame" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
399../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintPreviewBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
400../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPrintPreview" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
401../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxQuantize" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
402../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxRadioButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
403../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxScrollBar" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
404../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSizerItem" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
405../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSizer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
406../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGridSizer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
407../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFlexGridSizer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
408../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxBoxSizer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
409../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStaticBoxSizer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
410../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStdDialogButtonSizer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
411../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSlider" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
412../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSpinButton" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
413../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSpinEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
414../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSpinCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
415../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStatusBar" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
416../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStaticBitmap" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
417../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStaticBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
418../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStaticLine" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
419../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxStaticText" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
420../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxToolBarToolBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
421../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTextCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
422../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTextUrlEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
423../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTextCtrlBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
424../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTopLevelWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
425../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTreeCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
426../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTreeEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
427../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericValidator" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
428../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxValidator" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
429../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTextValidator" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
430../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWindowBase" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
431../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
432../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxWrapSizer" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
433../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxButtonToolBar" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
434../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSingleChoiceDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
435../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxMultiChoiceDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
436../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxChoicebook" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
437../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericComboCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
438../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxComboCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
439../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPostScriptDC" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
440../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPostScriptDCImpl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
441../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxDirFilterListCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
442../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFileIconsTableModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
443../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericDragImage" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
444../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxFileListCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
445../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericFileCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
446../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxListbook" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
447../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericMessageDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
448../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxNumberEntryDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
449../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxProgressDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
450../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPostScriptPrinter" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
451../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPostScriptPrintPreview" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
452../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericRendererModule" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
453../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxRichMessageDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
454../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxScrolledWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
455../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSpinDoubleEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
456../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSpinCtrlDouble" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
457../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSplitterWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
458../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxSplitterEvent" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
459../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericStaticText" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
460../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTextEntryDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
461../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxPasswordEntryDialog" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
462../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxToolbook" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
463../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxGenericTreeCtrl" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
464../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTreebook" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
465../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxVListBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
466../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxVScrolledWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
467../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHScrolledWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
468../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHVScrolledWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
469../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxXmlResourceHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
470../src/common/object.cpp(251): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxXmlDocument" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
472        G N U P L O T
473        Version 5.4 patchlevel 1    last modified 2020-12-01
475        Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2020
476        Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
478        gnuplot home:     http://www.gnuplot.info
479        faq, bugs, etc:   type "help FAQ"
480        immediate help:   type "help"  (plot window: hit 'h')
482Terminal type is now 'aqua'