Ticket #63533: install-dependencies-build154362-10.11_x86_64-builder

File install-dependencies-build154362-10.11_x86_64-builder, 3.5 KB (added by jasonliu-- (Jason Liu), 3 years ago)

Attaching full log, just in case it disappears from the builder

1Installing 166 dependencies of materialx:
2 - bzip2 "" ""
3 - curl-ca-bundle "" ""
4 - libiconv "" ""
5 - ncurses "" ""
6 - gettext "" ""
7 - libunistring "" ""
8 - libidn2 "" ""
9 - libpsl "" ""
10 - zlib "" ""
11 - openssl "" ""
12 - lz4 "" ""
13 - xz "" ""
14 - zstd "" ""
15 - curl +ssl ""
16 - expat "" ""
17 - legacy-support "" ""
18 - icu "" ""
19 - libxml2 "" ""
20 - lzo2 "" ""
21 - libarchive "" ""
22 - libcxx "" ""
23 - libuv "" ""
24 - cmake "" ""
25 - bison-runtime "" ""
26 - m4 "" ""
27 - bison "" ""
28 - flex "" ""
29 - libpng "" ""
30 - libedit "" ""
31 - libffi "" ""
32 - python3_select "" ""
33 - python_select "" ""
34 - sqlite3 "" ""
35 - python39 "" ""
36 - doxygen "" ""
37 - eigen3 "" ""
38 - glfw +docs ""
39 - nanovg "" ""
40 - nanogui-wjakob "" ""
41 - lzma "" ""
42 - boost176 +no_single+no_static+python39 ""
43 - libjpeg-turbo "" ""
44 - tcp_wrappers "" ""
45 - tiff "" ""
46 - dcmtk +ssl ""
47 - XviD "" ""
48 - dav1d "" ""
49 - brotli "" ""
50 - freetype "" ""
51 - db48 "" ""
52 - readline "" ""
53 - gdbm "" ""
54 - perl5.28 "" ""
55 - ossp-uuid +perl5_28 ""
56 - fontconfig "" ""
57 - fribidi "" ""
58 - gmp "" ""
59 - libtasn1 "" ""
60 - nettle "" ""
61 - libxslt "" ""
62 - p11-kit "" ""
63 - gnutls "" ""
64 - lame "" ""
65 - pcre "" ""
66 - glib2 +x11 ""
67 - libpixman "" ""
68 - xorg-xorgproto "" ""
69 - xorg-libXau "" ""
70 - xorg-libXdmcp "" ""
71 - xorg-libpthread-stubs "" ""
72 - xorg-xcb-proto +python39 ""
73 - xorg-libxcb +python39 ""
74 - xorg-libX11 "" ""
75 - xorg-libXext "" ""
76 - xorg-xcb-util "" ""
77 - xrender "" ""
78 - cairo +quartz+x11 ""
79 - graphite2 "" ""
80 - harfbuzz "" ""
81 - libass "" ""
82 - libbluray "" ""
83 - libmodplug "" ""
84 - libogg "" ""
85 - libopus "" ""
86 - libtool "" ""
87 - py39-setuptools "" ""
88 - py39-beaker "" ""
89 - py39-markupsafe "" ""
90 - py39-mako "" ""
91 - py39-markdown "" ""
92 - gobject-introspection "" ""
93 - jasper "" ""
94 - shared-mime-info "" ""
95 - gdk-pixbuf2 +x11 ""
96 - Xft2 "" ""
97 - pango +quartz+x11 ""
98 - aom "" ""
99 - libde265 "" ""
100 - rav1e "" ""
101 - x265 "" ""
102 - libheif "" ""
103 - giflib "" ""
104 - webp "" ""
105 - xorg-libice "" ""
106 - xorg-libsm "" ""
107 - xorg-libXt "" ""
108 - xpm "" ""
109 - gd2 +x11 ""
110 - libnetpbm "" ""
111 - gts "" ""
112 - libLASi "" ""
113 - urw-fonts "" ""
114 - xorg-libXmu "" ""
115 - xorg-libXaw "" ""
116 - graphviz +pangocairo+x11 ""
117 - vala "" ""
118 - librsvg "" ""
119 - libsdl2 "" ""
120 - libvorbis "" ""
121 - libtheora "" ""
122 - libvpx "" ""
123 - jbigkit "" ""
124 - lcms2 "" ""
125 - openjpeg "" ""
126 - soxr "" ""
127 - speex "" ""
128 - x264 "" ""
129 - zimg "" ""
130 - ffmpeg +gpl2 ""
131 - hdf5 +cxx+hl ""
132 - ilmbase "" ""
133 - field3d "" ""
134 - libfmt "" ""
135 - libraw "" ""
136 - tinyxml "" ""
137 - yaml-cpp "" ""
138 - opencolorio +python39 ""
139 - ade "" ""
140 - openexr "" ""
141 - opencv4 "" ""
142 - snappy "" ""
143 - blosc "" ""
144 - libgcc11 "" ""
145 - libgcc "" ""
146 - OpenBLAS +gcc11+lapack ""
147 - fftw-3 +gfortran ""
148 - cython_select "" ""
149 - py39-cython "" ""
150 - py39-numpy +gfortran+openblas ""
151 - boost176-numpy +no_single+no_static+python39 ""
152 - tbb "" ""
153 - openvdb +python39 ""
154 - ptex "" ""
155 - dbus "" ""
156 - pcre2 "" ""
157 - qt511-qtbase +openssl ""
158 - robin-map "" ""
159 - squish "" ""
160 - openimageio +python39 ""
161 - llvm_select "" ""
162 - xar "" ""
163 - llvm-11 "" ""
164 - partio "" ""
165 - pugixml "" ""
166 - pybind11 "" ""
167 - osl +docs+partio ""
168port doxygen  c80d6884508775c37dc55f9d19ca734ff48b7f733ed50e6e847f2476a3e656d2 previously failed in build https://build.macports.org/builders/ports-10.11_x86_64-builder/builds/151490
169Dependency 'doxygen' with variants '' has previously failed and is required.
170Aborting build because 1 dependencies are known to fail.
171./mpbb/mpbb: error: `install-dependencies' failed to run successfully