Ticket #6372: Portfile

File Portfile, 2.1 KB (added by jyrki.wahlstedt@…, 19 years ago)


1# $Id: Portfile,v 1.5 2005/12/22 19:24:22 mww Exp $
3PortSystem 1.0
4name            dialog
5version         1.0-20060101
6categories              devel
7maintainers     jyrki.wahlstedt@hut.fi
8description     "A utility to create nice user interfaces to shell  scripts, or other scripting languages, such as perl."
9long_description "Dialog is a utility to create nice user interfaces to shell  scripts, or other scripting languages, such as perl. It is  non-graphical (it uses curses) so it can be run in the console or  an xterm. There are also graphical Xwindows versions."
10platforms               darwin
11homepage        http://www.invisible-island.net/dialog/
12master_sites    ftp://invisible-island.net/dialog/
13extract.suffix  .tgz
14checksums       md5 33ef37b69eeff2c477edeabbdf37f443
15configure.args  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
17post-destroot   {
18        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/examples
19        xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} CHANGES COPYING README VERSION \
20                ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
21        xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath}/samples README calendar calendar-stdout \
22                calendar2 calendar2-stdout calendar3 calendar3-stdout checklist \
23                checklist-utf8 checklist1 checklist10 checklist2 checklist3 checklist4 \
24                checklist5 checklist6 checklist7 checklist8 checklist9 checklist9.txt \
25                copismall form1 form2 form3 form4 form5 fselect \
26                fselect-stdout fselect1 fselect1-stdout fselect2 fselect2-stdout gauge \
27                gauge0 gauge0-input-fd gauge2 gauge3 infobox infobox2 infobox3 \
28                infobox4 infobox5 infobox6 inputbox inputbox1 inputbox2 inputbox3 \
29                inputbox4 inputbox5 inputbox6-utf8 inputbox7 inputmenu \
30                inputmenu-stdout inputmenu1 inputmenu2 inputmenu3 inputmenu4 killall \
31                listing menubox menubox-utf8 menubox1 menubox10 menubox2 menubox3 \
32                menubox4 menubox5 menubox6 menubox7 menubox8 menubox9 msgbox msgbox1 \
33                msgbox2 msgbox3 msgbox4-eucjp msgbox4-utf8 msgbox5 password password1 \
34                password2 radiolist radiolist10 radiolist2 radiolist3 radiolist4 \
35                tailbox tailboxbg tailboxbg1 tailboxbg2 textbox textbox2 timebox \
36                timebox-stdout timebox2 timebox2-stdout wheel yesno yesno2 yesno3 \
37                ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/examples