Ticket #64097: pugixml_buildfail.txt

File pugixml_buildfail.txt, 796 bytes (added by chillin-, 3 years ago)

port -d -y rev-upgrade |tee pugixml_buildfail.txt

1--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
2--->  No broken files found.
3pugixml is using libstdc++ (this installation is configured to use libc++)
4--->  Found 1 broken port, determining rebuild order
5--->  Rebuilding in order
6     pugixml @1.10_0
7For pugixml: skipping org.macports.main (dry run)
8    .. and skipping org.macports.archivefetch
9--->  Computing dependencies for pugixml
10    .. and skipping org.macports.main
11    .. and skipping org.macports.fetch
12    .. and skipping org.macports.checksum
13    .. and skipping org.macports.extract
14    .. and skipping org.macports.patch
15    .. and skipping org.macports.configure
16    .. and skipping org.macports.build
17    .. and skipping org.macports.destroot
18Skipping uninstall pugixml @1.10_0 (dry run)
19Skipping activate pugixml @1.10_0 (dry run)