Ticket #64396: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 2.8 KB (added by BjarneDMat, 3 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    11# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    33PortSystem          1.0
     4PortGroup           legacysupport 1.1
    56name                samba4
    67conflicts           samba3
    7 version             4.14.7
    8 revision            1
    9 checksums           rmd160  732a018b5b97e9efc91efd1b2d3540c23aec1dca \
    10                     sha256  6f50353f9602aa20245eb18ceb00e7e5ec793df0974aebd5254c38f16d8f1906 \
    11                     size 18668592
     8version             4.15.3
     9revision            0
     10checksums           rmd160  0d4a2443d6e3f53268389e3504ef97765ac8b9be \
     11                    sha256  519399404391550345846768ea4dd0fe7fcb04e20c2b891b5eeb02e5554137db \
     12                    size    19272345
    1314categories          net
    1415platforms           darwin
    3132                    port:libarchive \
    3233                    port:libiconv \
    3334                    path:lib/libldap.dylib:openldap \
    34                     port:p5.28-parse-yapp \
     35                    port:p5.32-parse-yapp \
    3536                    port:popt \
    36                     port:python38 \
     37                    port:python39 \
    3738                    port:readline \
    3839                    port:zlib
    4041patch.pre_args      -p1
    42 platform darwin {
    43     # fix missing header
    44     patchfiles-append \
    45                     patch-fix-debug.diff
    47     # patch "get_user_groups: failed to get the unix group list" on
    48     # macOS
    49     #
    50     # Samba fails on macOS when current user belongs to more than 16
    51     # groups.
    52     #
    53     # The 16 group limit is returned by sysconf when asked for
    54     # _SC_NGROUPS_MAX; this is apparently due to OS X's nested groups;
    55     # while the call to getgrouplist returns a flat (not nested) group
    56     # list. getgrouplist will happily return the first 16 groups but
    57     # still return a -1 return code, indicating failure. Hence the
    58     # strange maximum of 16 groups on OS X.
    59     #
    60     # https://github.com/Homebrew/legacy-homebrew/issues/5954
    61     patchfiles-append \
    62                     patch-macos-grouplimit.diff
    63  }
    6543# patch to disable building documentation on MacOS
    6644# this enables us to have a working samba4 port without docs,
    6745# rather than not having samba4 at all. Can be removed when
    6846# doc build issues are resolved.
    6947patchfiles-append patch-no-xsltproc.diff
    71 configure.perl      ${prefix}/bin/perl5.28
    72 configure.python    ${prefix}/bin/python3.8
     49configure.perl      ${prefix}/bin/perl5.32
     50configure.python    ${prefix}/bin/python3.9
    7351configure.env-append \
    74                     YAPP=${prefix}/bin/yapp-5.28
     52                    YAPP=${prefix}/bin/yapp-5.32
    7553configure.cmd       ${configure.python} ./buildtools/bin/waf configure
    7654configure.args      -C \
    7755                    --enable-fhs \