Ticket #64758: muniversal.diff

File muniversal.diff, 3.2 KB (added by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt), 14 months ago)
  • _resources/port1.0/group/muniversal-1.0.tcl

    diff --git a/_resources/port1.0/group/muniversal-1.0.tcl b/_resources/port1.0/group/muniversal-1.0.tcl
    index bc8bd0998e5..7e28a710460 100644
    a b variant universal { 
    608608            copy ${dir1}/${fl} ${tempfile1}
    609609            copy ${dir2}/${fl} ${tempfile2}
    611             reinplace -q -E {s:-arch +[0-9a-zA-Z_]+::g} ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    612             reinplace -q {s:-m32::g} ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    613             reinplace -q {s:-m64::g} ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    615             # also strip out host information and stray space runs
    616             reinplace -q -E {s:--host=[^ ]+::g}     ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    617             reinplace -q -E {s:host_alias=[^ ]+::g} ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    618             reinplace -q -E {s:  +: :g}             ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
     611            set re {(-m32|-m64|-arch +[0-9a-zA-Z_]+|(--host|host_alias)=[0-9a-zA-Z_.-]+)}
     612            reinplace -q -E "s: *'${re}'::g" ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
     613            reinplace -q -E "s: *${re}::g" ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    620615            if { ! [catch {system "/usr/bin/cmp -s \"${tempfile1}\" \"${tempfile2}\""}] } {
    621616                # modified files are identical
    622                 ui_debug "universal: merge: ${fl} differs in ${dir1} and ${dir2} but are the same when stripping out -m32, -m64, and -arch XXX"
     617                ui_debug "universal: merge: ${fl} differs in ${dir1} and ${dir2} but are the same when stripping out -m32, -m64, -arch *, --host=*, and host_alias=*"
    623618                copy ${tempfile1} ${dir}/${fl}
    624619                delete ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2} ${tempdir}
    625620            } else {
  • _resources/port1.0/group/muniversal-1.1.tcl

    diff --git a/_resources/port1.0/group/muniversal-1.1.tcl b/_resources/port1.0/group/muniversal-1.1.tcl
    index fc4df1b33b7..9d1de3f1d37 100644
    a b proc muniversal::strip_arch_flags {dir1 dir2 dir fl} { 
    319319    copy ${dir1}/${fl} ${tempfile1}
    320320    copy ${dir2}/${fl} ${tempfile2}
    322     reinplace -q -E {s:-arch +[0-9a-zA-Z_]+::g} ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    323     reinplace -q {s:-m32::g} ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    324     reinplace -q {s:-m64::g} ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    326     # also strip out host information and stray space runs
    327     reinplace -q -E {s:--host=[^ ]+::g}     ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    328     reinplace -q -E {s:host_alias=[^ ]+::g} ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    329     reinplace -q -E {s:  +: :g}             ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
     322    set re {(-m32|-m64|-arch +[0-9a-zA-Z_]+|(--host|host_alias)=[0-9a-zA-Z_.-]+)}
     323    reinplace -q -E "s: *'${re}'::g" ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
     324    reinplace -q -E "s: *${re}::g" ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2}
    331326    if { ! [catch {system "/usr/bin/cmp -s \"${tempfile1}\" \"${tempfile2}\""}] } {
    332327        # modified files are identical
    333         ui_debug "universal: merge: ${fl} differs in ${dir1} and ${dir2} but are the same when stripping out -m32, -m64, and -arch XXX"
     328        ui_debug "universal: merge: ${fl} differs in ${dir1} and ${dir2} but are the same when stripping out -m32, -m64, -arch *, --host=*, and host_alias=*"
    334329        copy ${tempfile1} ${dir}/${fl}
    335330        delete ${tempfile1} ${tempfile2} ${tempdir}
    336331    } else {