Ticket #65527: patch-packages-plot-gnuintfc.red.diff

File patch-packages-plot-gnuintfc.red.diff, 859 bytes (added by mbrethen, 2 years ago)
  • packages/plot/gnuintfc.red

    old new  
    128128                ("vt102" . "tek40xx")
    129129           ));
    131    plotcommand!* := find!-gnuplot();
     131   plotcommand!* := "@PREFIX@/bin/gnuplot";
    133133   plotcleanup!* :=                  % delete scratch files
    134134       {bldmsg("rm %wplotdt*",plottmp!*),bldmsg("rm %wplotcmds*",plottmp!*)};
    259259  !*plotusepipe := t;
    260260% find-gnuplot returns the full name of a version of gnuplot (if it can
    261261% find one).
    262   plotcommand!* := find!-gnuplot();
     262  plotcommand!* := "@PREFIX@/bin/gnuplot";
    263263% The Cygwin case can be "funny" here, and the case I wish to trap is
    264264% where a Cygwin version of Reduce is trying to use the native Windows
    265265% version of gnuplot. I believe I can detect this by seeing of