Ticket #6567: Portfile

File Portfile, 875 bytes (added by amonre@…, 19 years ago)

Portfile for frobtads-0.3

1# $Id: $
2PortSystem                      1.0
4name                            frobtads
5version                         0.3
6categories                      games
7maintainers                     denis.defreyne@ugent.be
8description                     FrobTADS is a new version of TADS for Unix
9long_description        FrobTADS is a complete rewrite of the Unix version. It \
10adds support for a number of relatively recent TADS features that were \
11missing from the old Unix version, including full support for text and \
12background colors, TADS 3 banners, and timed input. It's also much more \
13portable and more easily maintainable, as it's built to modern Unix \
14standards. And installing FrobTADS is greatly simplified compared to the old \
15Unix port, thanks to automatic configuration.
16homepage                        http://www.tads.org/frobtads.htm
18master_sites            http://www.tads.org/frobtads/
19checksums                       md5 8b6bf35e21ca6073176fd6a39c58e3f5
21destroot.destdir        PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} DESTDIR=${destroot}${prefix}