Ticket #66163: patch-muniversal-ventura.diff

File patch-muniversal-ventura.diff, 2.9 KB (added by kencu (Ken), 23 months ago)
  • /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports/_resources/port1.0/group/muniversal-1.1.tcl

    old new  
    348348# merge ${base1}/${prefixDir} and ${base2}/${prefixDir} into dir ${base}/${prefixDir}
    349349#        arch1, arch2: names to prepend to files if a diff merge of two files is forbidden by merger_dont_diff
    350 #    merger_dont_diff: list of files for which /usr/bin/diff ${diffFormat} will not merge correctly
     350#    merger_dont_diff: list of files for which /opt/local/bin/gdiff ${diffFormat} will not merge correctly
    351351#          diffFormat: format used by diff to merge two text files
    352352proc muniversal::merge {base1 base2 base prefixDir arch1 arch2 merger_dont_diff diffFormat} {
    353353    set dir1  ${base1}/${prefixDir}
    425425                            ui_debug "universal: merge: created ${prefixDir}/${fl} to include ${prefixDir}/${arch1}-${fl} ${prefixDir}/${arch1}-${fl}"
    427                             system "/usr/bin/diff -d ${diffFormat} \"${dir}/${arch1}-${fl}\" \"${dir}/${arch2}-${fl}\" > \"${dir}/${fl}\"; test \$? -le 1"
     427                            system "/opt/local/bin/gdiff -d ${diffFormat} \"${dir}/${arch1}-${fl}\" \"${dir}/${arch2}-${fl}\" > \"${dir}/${fl}\"; test \$? -le 1"
    429429                            copy -force ${dir1}/${fl} ${dir}/${arch1}-${fl}
    430430                            copy -force ${dir2}/${fl} ${dir}/${arch2}-${fl}
    531531                                    if { ! [catch {system "test \"`head -c2 ${dir1}/${fl}`\" = '#!'"}] } {
    532532                                        # shell script, hopefully striping out arch flags works...
    533533                                        muniversal::strip_arch_flags ${dir1} ${dir2} ${dir} ${fl}
    534                                     } elseif { ! [catch {system "/usr/bin/diff -dw ${diffFormat} \"${dir1}/${fl}\" \"${dir2}/${fl}\" > \"${dir}/${fl}\"; test \$? -le 1"}] } {
     534                                    } elseif { ! [catch {system "/opt/local/bin/gdiff -dw ${diffFormat} \"${dir1}/${fl}\" \"${dir2}/${fl}\" > \"${dir}/${fl}\"; test \$? -le 1"}] } {
    535535                                        # diff worked
    536536                                        ui_debug "universal: merge: used diff to create ${prefixDir}/${fl}"
    537537                                    } else {
    957957    global  workpath \
    958958            muniversal.dont_diff
    960     # /usr/bin/diff can merge two C/C++ files
     960    # /opt/local/bin/gdiff can merge two C/C++ files
    961961    # See https://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/manual/html_mono/diff.html#If-then-else
    962962    # See https://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/manual/html_mono/diff.html#Detailed%20If-then-else
    963963    set diffFormatProc {--old-group-format='#if (defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__))