Ticket #66677: Portfile.rpki-client8.2.diff

File Portfile.rpki-client8.2.diff, 2.2 KB (added by artkiver (グレェ), 21 months ago)

diff for rpki-client 7.4 to 8.2 with variants improved with neverpanic's suggestions

  • Portfile

    old new  
    77legacysupport.newest_darwin_requires_legacy 15
    99name                rpki-client
    10 version             7.4
    11 revision            2
     10version             8.2
     11revision            0
    1313categories          net
    1414platforms           darwin
    1515license             ISC
    16 maintainers         nomaintainer
     16maintainers         {@artkiver gmail.com:artkiver} openmaintainer
    1818description         OpenBSD RPKI Validator
    1919long_description    rpki-client is a FREE, easy-to-use implementation \
    2626master_sites        https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/rpki-client/ \
    2727                    https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/rpki-client/
    29 checksums           rmd160  74c8efaba732d3b5619c8c3a56fbc77c2e33c624\
    30                     sha256  efd336137707ad73fa51f8480cff686c21fea7086619432069c1a02553b68d57\
    31                     size    439919
     29checksums           rmd160 a8c0d3783e765a5bea2d7f6652d015da4690a5f6 \
     30                    sha256 dc0d19679b57ae657b92d21730b1678823974d43300faa8c24ee155c1e2b1d64 \
     31                    size   475141
    33 depends_lib-append  port:expat \
    34                     port:libretls \
     33depends_lib         port:expat
     35variant libressl conflicts openssl description {use LibreSSL} {
     36depends_lib-append  path:lib/libtls.dylib:libressl
     37configure.args-append --without-libretls
     40variant openssl conflicts libressl description {use OpenSSL} {
     41depends_lib-append  port:libretls \
    3542                    port:openssl
     45if {![catch {registry_active openssl}] && ![variant_isset libressl]} {
     46  # openssl is installed and the libressl variant isn't manually requested, default to openssl
     47  default_variants +openssl
     48} elseif {(![catch {registry_active libressl}] || ![catch {registry_active libressl-devel}]) && ![variant_isset openssl]} {
     49  # either libressl or libressl-devel are already installed, and the openssl variant is not explicitly requested, default to libressl
     50  default_variants +libressl
     51} elseif {![variant_isset openssl]} {
     52  # neither openssl nor libressl-devel are installed, and the openssl variant isn't selected, so libressl should be the default
     53  default_variants +libressl