Ticket #6706: versions.patch

File versions.patch, 2.0 KB (added by deric@…, 19 years ago)

patch for the found mispellings

  • portimage.tcl

    RCS file: /Volumes/src/cvs/od/proj/darwinports/base/src/registry1.0/portimage.tcl,v
    retrieving revision 1.15
    diff -u -r1.15 portimage.tcl
    209209        set ilist [registry::installed $name $v]
    210210        if { [string equal $v ""] } {
    211211                if { [llength $ilist] > 1 } {
    212                         ui_msg "$UI_PREFIX [msgcat::mc "The following versons of $name are currently installed:"]"
     212                        ui_msg "$UI_PREFIX [msgcat::mc "The following versions of $name are currently installed:"]"
    213213                        foreach i $ilist {
    214214                                set iname [lindex $i 0]
    215215                                set iversion [lindex $i 1]
  • portuninstall.tcl

    RCS file: /Volumes/src/cvs/od/proj/darwinports/base/src/registry1.0/portuninstall.tcl,v
    retrieving revision 1.13
    diff -u -r1.13 portuninstall.tcl
    4545        set ilist [registry::installed $portname $v]
    4646        if { [llength $ilist] > 1 } {
    47                 ui_msg "$UI_PREFIX [msgcat::mc "The following versons of $portname are currently installed:"]"
     47                ui_msg "$UI_PREFIX [msgcat::mc "The following versions of $portname are currently installed:"]"
    4848                foreach i $ilist {
    4949                        set iname [lindex $i 0]
    5050                        set iversion [lindex $i 1]
  • registry.tcl

    RCS file: /Volumes/src/cvs/od/proj/darwinports/base/src/registry1.0/registry.tcl,v
    retrieving revision 1.10
    diff -u -r1.10 registry.tcl
    209209        set ilist [registry::installed $portname $portversion]
    211211        if { [llength $ilist] > 1 } {
    212                 puts "The following versons of $portname are currently installed:"
     212                puts "The following versions of $portname are currently installed:"
    213213                foreach i $ilist {
    214214                        set iname [lindex $i 0]
    215215                        set iversion [lindex $i 1]