Ticket #6729: Portfile

File Portfile, 746 bytes (added by amonre@…, 19 years ago)

angband-nox-3.0.6 Portfile

1# $Id: $
2PortSystem                      1.0
4name                            angband-nox
5version                         3.0.6
6categories                      games
7maintainers                     amonre@amonre.org
8description                     a rogue-like dungeon exploration game (curses-based)
9long_description        Angband is a freeware computer dungeon exploration game \
10based (loosely) on the books of J.R.R.Tolkien. You explore a very deep \
11dungeon, kill monsters, try to equip yourself with the best weapons and \
12armor you can find, and finally face Morgoth - The Dark Enemy.
13homepage                        http://www.thangorodrim.net/
15distname                        angband-${version}
16master_sites            ftp://ftp.thangorodrim.net/pub/angband/Source/
17checksums                       md5 4c31b1b3679dff20db6a5fcb182c3e96
18configure.args          --with-setgid=games --with-libpath=${prefix}/lib/angband --bindir=${prefix}/games