Ticket #6741: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.2 KB (added by pierre@…, 19 years ago)


1# $Id:$
3PortSystem          1.0
5name                wormux
6categories          games
7version             0.7beta3
8platforms           darwin
9maintainers         pierre@queinnec.org
10description         Wormux is a Worms-clone.
11long_description    \
12    Wormux is free software clone of this game concept. Though currently under heavy \
13    development, it is already very playable, with lots of weapons (Dynamite, Baseball \
14    Bat, Teleportation, etc.). There are also lots of maps available for your battling \
15    pleasure! Wormux takes the genre to the next level, with great customisation options \
16    leading to great gameplay. There is a wide selection of teams, from the Aliens to \
17    the Chickens. Also, new battlefields can be downloaded from the Internet, making \
18    strategy an important part of each battle. Though two human players are currently \
19    needed to play (unless you have a split personality :) the creation of artificial \
20    players and network play are future goals.
22homepage            http://www.wormux.org
23master_sites        http://download.gna.org/wormux
24checksums           md5 4b2d23a511212b7cf2be09836e01157a
25use_bzip2           yes
27depends_lib         port:libsdl_ttf port:libsdl_image port:libsdl_gfx \
28                    port:libsdl_mixer {port:libxml\+\+2}