Ticket #6744: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 1.4 KB (added by andre@…, 19 years ago)

Patches the Portfile.

  • Portfile

    old new  
    88description       xmlwrapp is a modern style C++ library for working with XML data
    99long_description  xmlwrapp is a modern style C++ library for working with XML data. \
    1010                  It provides a simple and easy to use interface for the very \
    11                   powerful libxml2 XML parser and the libxslt XSLT engine.
    12 homepage          http://pmade.org/software/xmlwrapp/
    13 master_sites      http://pmade.org/distfiles/oss-releases/
     11                  powerful libxml2 XML parser and the libxslt XSLT engine.  It used \
     12                  to be hosted at pmade.org, but the author no longer wants to support \
     13                  his work, so it's now hosted at sourceforge.  This Portfile also \
     14                  installs libxsltwrapp which is part of the xmlwrapp package.
     15homepage          http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=142403
     16master_sites      sourceforge
     17extract.suffix    .tgz
    1418depends_build     bin:perl5:perl5.8
    1519depends_lib       lib:libxml2:libxml2 \
    1620                  bin:xml2-config:libxml2 \
    1721                  lib:libxslt:libxslt \
    1822                  bin:xslt-config:libxslt
    19 checksums         md5 b8a07e77f8f8af9ca96bccab7d9dd310
     23checksums         md5 99ba63b283762e749e1663014e5cb0fd
    2125patch.pre_args    -p1
    2226patchfiles        patch-mkmf