Ticket #6762: Portfile

File Portfile, 979 bytes (added by ehainry@…, 19 years ago)

Portfile for mpd

2PortSystem 1.0
3name             mpd
4version          0.11.5
5revision         1
6categories       audio
7maintainers      ehainry@free.fr
8description      Music Player Daemon
9long_description \
10        Music Player Daemon (MPD) allows remote access for playing music (MP3, Ogg\
11        Vorbis, FLAC, AAC, Mod, and wave files) and managing playlists. MPD is\
12        designed for integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides\
13        control for music playback over a local network. It also makes a great\
14        desktop music player, especially if you are a console junkie, like\
15        frontend options, or restart X often.
16homepage         http://www.musicpd.org/
17platforms        darwin
18master_sites     http://mercury.chem.pitt.edu/~shank/
19checksums        md5 1a9a1a9d31f00a43838b3752024f7ebe
20depends_lib      lib:libmad.0:libmad \
21                 lib:libid3tag.0:libid3tag \
22                 lib:libao.2:libao
23configure.env    CFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include" \
24                 LDFLAGS="-L${prefix}/lib"