Ticket #68653: octave Log File contents.html

File octave Log File contents.html, 9.0 KB (added by Schamschula (Marius Schamschula), 11 months ago)
1<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
2    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
3  <html>
4  <head><title>Log File contents</title>
5  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../../../default.css" type="text/css" />
6  <script type="text/javascript">                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
7    var active = true;
8    window.onscroll = function() {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
9      var html = document.documentElement;
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11    }
12    window.setInterval(function() {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
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15      }
16    }, 300);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
17  </script>
18  </head>
19  <body class='log'>
20    <a href="stdio/text">(view as text)</a><br/>
21    <pre><span class="header">./mpbb/mpbb --prefix /opt/local/var/buildmaster/build/prefix mirror-distfiles --distfiles-dir /Volumes/RAID/opt/local/var/rsync/macports/distfiles octave
22 in dir /opt/local/var/buildworker/jobs/jobs-mirror/build (timeout 1200 secs)
23 watching logfiles {}
24 argv: [&#39;./mpbb/mpbb&#39;, &#39;--prefix&#39;, &#39;/opt/local/var/buildmaster/build/prefix&#39;, &#39;mirror-distfiles&#39;, &#39;--distfiles-dir&#39;, &#39;/Volumes/RAID/opt/local/var/rsync/macports/distfiles&#39;, &#39;octave&#39;]
25 environment:
28  BUILDBOT_BUILDURL=https://build.macports.org/builders/jobs-mirror/builds/657241
29  HOME=/opt/local/var/buildworker/jobs
30  LOGNAME=buildbot
31  PATH=/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
32  PWD=/opt/local/var/buildworker/jobs/jobs-mirror/build
33  SHELL=/usr/bin/false
34  TMPDIR=/var/folders/q3/nlyp90zs0rbggk9fq2wsc7k00000gm/T/
35  USER=buildbot
36  XPC_FLAGS=0x0
37  XPC_SERVICE_NAME=net.macports.buildworker.jobs
39 using PTY: False
40</span><span class="stdout">---&gt;  Cleaning octave
41---&gt;  Removing work directory for octave
42---&gt;  Fetching distfiles for octave
43---&gt;  octave-8.4.0.tar.gz does not exist in /Volumes/RAID/opt/local/var/rsync/macports/distfiles/octave
44---&gt;  Attempting to fetch octave-8.4.0.tar.gz from http://distfiles.macports.org/octave
45</span><span class="stderr">  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
46                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
48  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0</span><span class="stdout">---&gt;  Attempting to fetch octave-8.4.0.tar.gz from http://mirror.facebook.net/gnu/octave
49</span><span class="stderr">  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
50                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
52  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
53  0 35.4M    0 15681    0     0  21621      0  0:28:36 --:--:--  0:28:36 21599
54  3 35.4M    3 1148k    0     0   667k      0  0:00:54  0:00:01  0:00:53  667k
55 10 35.4M   10 3964k    0     0  1456k      0  0:00:24  0:00:02  0:00:22 1456k
56 28 35.4M   28 10.0M    0     0  2678k      0  0:00:13  0:00:03  0:00:10 2677k
57 28 35.4M   28 10.0M    0     0  2164k      0  0:00:16  0:00:04  0:00:12 2164k
58 37 35.4M   37 13.1M    0     0  2330k      0  0:00:15  0:00:05  0:00:10 2662k
59 49 35.4M   49 17.4M    0     0  2547k      0  0:00:14  0:00:06  0:00:08 3161k
60 49 35.4M   49 17.5M    0     0  2318k      0  0:00:15  0:00:07  0:00:08 2787k
61 58 35.4M   58 20.6M    0     0  2409k      0  0:00:15  0:00:08  0:00:07 2201k
62 58 35.4M   58 20.7M    0     0  2182k      0  0:00:16  0:00:09  0:00:07 2199k
63 67 35.4M   67 23.9M    0     0  2206k      0  0:00:16  0:00:11  0:00:05 2073k
64 71 35.4M   71 25.1M    0     0  2196k      0  0:00:16  0:00:11  0:00:05 1677k
65 84 35.4M   84 29.8M    0     0  2395k      0  0:00:15  0:00:12  0:00:03 2515k
66 93 35.4M   93 33.0M    0     0  2416k      0  0:00:15  0:00:13  0:00:02 2426k
67 93 35.4M   93 33.1M    0     0  2304k      0  0:00:15  0:00:14  0:00:01 2544k
68100 35.4M  100 35.4M    0     0  2350k      0  0:00:15  0:00:15 --:--:-- 2722k
69</span><span class="stdout">---&gt;  Checksumming octave-8.4.0.tar.gz
70octave +gcc12
71octave +clang12
72octave +universal
73octave +fltk
74octave +gcc13
75octave +clang13
76octave +java
77octave +clang50
78octave +clang14
79octave +clang15
80octave +clang16
81octave +clang70
82octave +clang17
83octave +clang90
84octave +clang37
85octave +clang60
86octave +openblas
87octave +gccdevel
88octave +clangdevel
89octave +clang80
90octave +atlas
91octave +g95
92octave +gcc10
93octave +clang10
94octave +clang11
95octave +gcc11
96octave with platform &#39;darwin 8 powerpc&#39;
97octave with platform &#39;darwin 8 i386&#39;
98octave with platform &#39;darwin 9 powerpc&#39;
99octave with platform &#39;darwin 9 i386&#39;
100octave with platform &#39;darwin 10 i386&#39;
101octave with platform &#39;darwin 11 i386&#39;
102octave with platform &#39;darwin 12 i386&#39;
103octave with platform &#39;darwin 13 i386&#39;
104octave with platform &#39;darwin 14 i386&#39;
105octave with platform &#39;darwin 16 i386&#39;
106octave with platform &#39;darwin 17 i386&#39;
107octave with platform &#39;darwin 18 i386&#39;
108octave with platform &#39;darwin 19 i386&#39;
109octave with platform &#39;darwin 20 arm&#39;
110octave with platform &#39;darwin 20 i386&#39;
111octave with platform &#39;darwin 21 arm&#39;
112octave with platform &#39;darwin 21 i386&#39;
113octave with platform &#39;darwin 22 arm&#39;
114octave with platform &#39;darwin 22 i386&#39;
115octave with platform &#39;darwin 23 arm&#39;
116octave with platform &#39;darwin 23 i386&#39;
117---&gt;  Cleaning sundials5
118---&gt;  Removing work directory for sundials5
119---&gt;  Fetching distfiles for sundials5
120---&gt;  Checksumming sundials-5.8.0.tar.gz
121sundials5 +gcc12
122sundials5 +clang12
123sundials5 +universal
124sundials5 +gcc13
125sundials5 +clang13
126sundials5 +clang14
127sundials5 +clang15
128sundials5 +clang16
129sundials5 +clang17
130sundials5 +clang90
131sundials5 +examples
132sundials5 +debug
133sundials5 +openmpi
134sundials5 +openblas
135sundials5 +g95
136sundials5 +atlas
137sundials5 +doc
138sundials5 +gcc10
139sundials5 +clang10
140sundials5 +clang11
141sundials5 +gcc11
142sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 8 powerpc&#39;
143sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 8 i386&#39;
144sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 9 powerpc&#39;
145sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 9 i386&#39;
146sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 10 i386&#39;
147sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 11 i386&#39;
148sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 12 i386&#39;
149sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 13 i386&#39;
150sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 14 i386&#39;
151sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 16 i386&#39;
152sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 17 i386&#39;
153sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 18 i386&#39;
154sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 19 i386&#39;
155sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 20 arm&#39;
156sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 20 i386&#39;
157sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 21 arm&#39;
158sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 21 i386&#39;
159sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 22 arm&#39;
160sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 22 i386&#39;
161sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 23 arm&#39;
162sundials5 with platform &#39;darwin 23 i386&#39;
163</span><span class="stderr">Error: No such port: mpich-clang17
164Error: No such port: mpich-gcc13
165./mpbb/mpbb: error: `mirror-distfiles&#39; failed to run successfully
166</span><span class="header">program finished with exit code 1