Ticket #6902: Portfile

File Portfile, 432 bytes (added by dreness (Andre LaBranche), 19 years ago)

Portfile for cmatrix

1# $Id: $
2PortSystem              1.0
3name                    cmatrix
4version                 1.2a
5categories              amusements
6maintainers             dre@mac.com
7description             displays a matrix-like effect
8long_description        cmatrix displays a matrix-like effect that may be \
9                        used as a console screensaver, such as with the GNU \
10                        screen blankerprg command.
11homepage                http://www.asty.org/cmatrix.html
12master_sites            http://www.asty.org/dist
13checksums               md5 ebfb5733104a258173a9ccf2669968a1