Ticket #716: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.2 KB (added by fenner@…, 21 years ago)

libsmi-0.4.1 Portfile

1# $Id: $
2PortSystem 1.0
3name            libsmi
4version         0.4.1
5categories      net
6maintainers     fenner@research.att.com
7description     Library to Access SMI MIB Information
8homepage        http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/libsmi/
9master_sites    ftp://ftp.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/pub/local/libsmi/
10checksums       md5 32ed095e5dc67036d48cd8524b4a0b02
11long_description The core of the libsmi distribution is a library \
12 that allows management applications to access SMI MIB module \
13 definitions. On top of this library, there are tools to check, \
14 analyze dump, convert, and compare MIB definitions. Finally, the \
15 distribution contains a steadily maintained and revised archive of \
16 all IETF and IANA maintained standard MIB and PIB modules. \
17 \
18 The library is internally divided into two layers. The upper layers \
19 represent the API to applications that make use of libsmi. \
20 Furthermore, the upper layer holds the MIB information in common \
21 internal data structures. The lower layer contains the drivers that \
22 implement the access to persistent MIB module repositories. \
23 Currently drivers for SMIv1/v2 MIB module files and for SPPI PIB \
24 module files exist. A driver for an early draft of SMIng is also \
25 present.