Ticket #7288: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 809 bytes (added by stechert (Andre Stechert), 19 years ago)

Patches the Portfile

  • Portfile

    old new  
    33PortSystem 1.0
    44name            git-core
    5 version         1.1.6
     5version         1.2.0
    66description     The stupid content tracker.
    77long_description        A stupid (but extremely fast) directory \
    88                        content manager. It doesn't do a whole lot, \
    1414homepage        http://kernel.org/git/
    1515use_bzip2       yes
    1616master_sites    http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/
    17 checksums       md5 9c664d5b5dc9111fc5312c568b907f0c
     17checksums       sha1 89590dac147e64c1abd4567bc67f82e234a7545b
    1818distname        git-${version}
    1919depends_run     bin:curl:curl bin:diff:diffutils bin:merge:rcs bin:wish:tk \
    2020                bin:ssh:openssh bin:python:python24 bin:rsync:rsync