Ticket #7315: Portfile.4

File Portfile.4, 2.6 KB (added by cssdev@…, 19 years ago)

Portfile without nls, with destroot cleanup

1# $Id: $
3PortSystem 1.0
4name            prc-tools
5version         2.3
6categories      palm devel
7maintainers     cssdev@mac.com
8description     C and C++ programming tools for Palm OS
9long_description  The prc-tools package is a collection of tools   \
10        supporting C and C++ programming for Palm OS. It consists  \
11        of: the GNU Compiler Collection, assembler, linker, and    \
12        symbolic debugger, modifications to these tools to support \
13        functionality peculiar to the PalmOS, tools for dealing    \
14        with PalmOS .prc executables, and finally, conveniently    \
15        packaged documentation.
17platforms       darwin
18homepage        http://prc-tools.sourceforge.net/
19master_sites    sourceforge:${name} \
20                gnu:binutils:binutils \
21                gnu:gdb:gdb \
22                gnu:gcc/gcc-2.95.3:gcc295 \
23                gnu:gcc/gcc-3.3.1:gcc331
25distfiles       ${distname}${extract.suffix} \
26                binutils-2.14.tar.gz:binutils \
27                gdb-5.3.tar.gz:gdb \
28                gcc-2.95.3.tar.gz:gcc295 \
29                gcc-3.3.1.tar.gz:gcc331
31checksums       ${distname}${extract.suffix} md5 038a42a71a984fee6f906abc85a032ec \
32                binutils-2.14.tar.gz md5 ba665d0ddcc88313384b79e293ecbbab \
33                gdb-5.3.tar.gz md5 1e8566325f222edfbdd93e40c6ae921b \
34                gcc-2.95.3.tar.gz md5 f3ad4f32c2296fad758ed051b5ac8e28 \
35                gcc-3.3.1.tar.gz md5 46d58197212818b5f7c403267ff24e4e
37# Patching, configuring, and building PRC-Tools is not trivial.
38# See http://prc-tools.sourceforge.net/install/BUILDING.html
40# Apply all included patches and create symbolic links.
41post-extract {
42        ui_msg "Applying ${name} patches..."
43        system "cd ${workpath} && \
44        cat ${worksrcpath}/*.palmos.diff | patch -p0"
45        ui_msg "Creating symbolic links for build..."
46        system "cd ${worksrcpath} && \
47        ln -s ../binutils-2.14 binutils && \
48        ln -s ../gdb-5.3 gdb && \
49        ln -s ../gcc-2.95.3 gcc295 && \
50        ln -s ../gcc-3.3.1 gcc"
51        ui_msg "Custom ${name} pre-build steps complete."
54use_configure   yes
55configure.args  \
56        --disable-nls \
57        --enable-targets=m68k-palmos,arm-palmos \
58        --enable-languages=c,c++ \
59        --with-palmdev-prefix=${prefix}/share/palmdev \
60        --prefix=${prefix} \
61        --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
62        --infodir=${prefix}/share/info
64destroot.destdir        prefix=${destroot}${prefix}
66# Clean up junk left in place by the way that the install copies
67# files within the destroot directory!
68post-destroot {
69        file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/arm-palmos
70        file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/m68k-palmos
73# Cannot use gcc 4, so need to set the environment to use gcc 3.3.
74# Extra configurations occur during the build phase, so the
75# environment variables should be set during that phase too.
76platform darwin 8 {
77        configure.env-append    CC=gcc-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3 CPP=cpp-3.3
78        build.cmd               CC=gcc-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3 CPP=cpp-3.3 make