Ticket #7410: Portfile

File Portfile, 878 bytes (added by beatrupp (Beat Rupp), 19 years ago)

Portfile for openbabel 2.0.0

1# $Id:  $
2PortSystem 1.0
3name        openbabel
4version     2.0.0
5revision        1
6description A chemistry file translation program.
7long_description    Open Babel is a free, open-source version \
8            of the Babel chemistry file translation program. \
9            OpenBabel is a project designed to pick up where \
10            Babel left off, as a cross-platform program and \
11            library designed to interconvert between many \
12            file formats used in molecular modeling and \
13            computational chemistry.
14maintainers darwinportsatopendarwin.org
15categories  science devel
16platforms   darwin
17homepage    http://openbabel.sf.net
18master_sites    sourceforge
19checksums   md5 3bddfa9188042e2518eb53c064279b4e
20depends_lib     lib:libtool:libtool
22platform darwin 7 {
23configure.env   LIBTOOL=glibtool
24build.args              LIBTOOL=glibtool
25destroot.args   LIBTOOL=glibtool