Ticket #7549: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 1.6 KB (added by cremes@…, 19 years ago)

Made from a cvs diff against HEAD.

  • Portfile

    RCS file: /Volumes/src/cvs/od/projects/darwinports/dports/www/php5/Portfile,v
    retrieving revision 1.20
    diff -u -d -b -w -u -r1.20 Portfile
    128128        configure.args-append   --with-apxs2=${prefix}/apache2/bin/apxs
     131variant fastcgi {
     132        configure.args-append --enable-fastcgi \
     133                                        --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
     134                                        --enable-memory-limit
    131137variant mysql3 {
    132138        depends_lib-append      port:mysql
    133139        configure.args-delete   --without-mysql
    156162        configure.args-append   --with-pgsql=${prefix}/lib/pgsql8/bin/
    159 # if no apache/apache2 variant is set, we set it (waiting a better default variant management)
    160 if { ![variant_isset apache] && ![variant_isset apache2] } {
     165# if no apache/apache2/fastcgi variant is set, we set it (need better default variant management)
     166if { ![variant_isset apache] && ![variant_isset apache2] && ![variant_isset fastcgi] } {
    161167        if { ! [variant_isset macosx] } {
    162168                depends_lib-append      path:${prefix}/sbin/apxs:apache
    163169                configure.args-append   --with-apxs=${prefix}/sbin/apxs
    171177destroot.target install-cli install-pear install-build install-headers install-programs
    173179post-destroot   {
     180        # copy fastcgi php binary to the bin dir under a new name so it doesn't overwrite cli version
     181        if { [variant_isset fastcgi] } {
     182                xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/sapi/cgi/php ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/php-fcgi
     183        }
    174185        #copy module
    175186        if { [variant_isset apache] } {