Ticket #7593: Portfile

File Portfile, 643 bytes (added by josh_root@…, 19 years ago)

the Portfile

1# $Id:
3PortSystem      1.0
4PortGroup       perl5 1.0
5categories      perl mail
6perl5.setup     Mail-Sendmail 0.79
7maintainers     josh_root@users.sourceforge.net
8description     Simple platform independent e-mail from perl scripts.
9long_description Simple platform independent e-mail from your perl \
10                script. Only requires Perl 5 and a network connection. \
11                Mail::Sendmail contains mainly &sendmail, which takes a \
12                hash with the message to send and sends it. It is \
13                intended to be very easy to setup and use.
15checksums       md5 038f261afd091d8fad347d6c66d2833d \
16                sha1 606d1dc108fad8ec962062b8dbdee0f7dfa82329 \
17                rmd160 6f593aecbbffed43c592e58d8dd2c342d70c8e93