Ticket #7594: Portfile

File Portfile, 529 bytes (added by josh_root@…, 19 years ago)

the Portfile

1# $Id:
3PortSystem      1.0
4PortGroup       perl5 1.0
5categories      perl
6perl5.setup     MARC-Record 1.38
7maintainers     josh_root@users.sourceforge.net
8description     MARC record implementation for perl
9long_description The MARC::* series of modules create a simple \
10                object-oriented abstraction of MARC record handling. \
11                MARC::Record is the core class for representing a \
12                single MARC record.
14checksums       md5 4d1fead7e445c035113e3c18071e33fa \
15                sha1 276ca6f02759b15fde62dbb516c9cac4e6306cb0 \
16                rmd160 127869e1ec809e99abf33bbeaef391a34e3bd654