Ticket #7753: Portfile

File Portfile, 721 bytes (added by JLM939@…, 19 years ago)

Portfile for libmemcache

1# $Id: Portfile,v 1.0 2006/03/13 11:00:00 jm Exp $
2PortSystem 1.0
3name        libmemcache
4version     1.4.0.rc2
5description C library for memcached.
6long_description    The libmemcache C API to memcached is a high-performance
7library with support for multiple servers, memory contexts, and client-side
8hashes. Using the callback interface, it is possible to lump many gets together
9into a single get request with a great deal of ease.
10maintainers darwinportsatopendarwin.org
11categories  devel
12platforms   darwin
13homepage    http://people.freebsd.org/~seanc/libmemcache/
14master_sites    ${homepage}/
15use_bzip2   yes
16checksums   libmemcache-1.4.0.rc2.tar.bz2 md5 402c957cd71538c07a263542eeb513d1
17depends_lib port:memcached