Ticket #783: patch

File patch, 818 bytes (added by meissnem@…, 21 years ago)


  • Portfile

    RCS file: /Volumes/src/cvs/od/proj/darwinports/dports/sysutils/pv/Portfile,v
    retrieving revision 1.1
    diff -u -r1.1 Portfile
    33PortSystem 1.0
    44name            pv
    5 version         0.5.3
     5version         0.6.2
    66categories      sysutils
    77maintainers     meissnem@mac.com
    88description     monitor the progress of data through a pipe
    1515                        and an estimate of how long it will be until completion.
    1616homepage        http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml
    1717master_sites    sourceforge:pipeviewer
    18 checksums       md5 c659a732806a720d65abf02d58dffd40
     18checksums       md5 48d538cbc5cbfa52d18350b03dca3566
    1919configure.args-append   --disable-nls
    2020destroot.args   prefix=${destroot}${prefix}