Ticket #7833: dylib.patch

File dylib.patch, 990 bytes (added by vincent-opdarw@…, 19 years ago)

Patch that adds the symlinks

  • Portfile

    22PortSystem 1.0
    33name            gconf
    44version         2.12.1
     5revision        1
    56description     GConf is a configuration database system.       
    67long_description        GConf is a configuration database system, \
    78                        functionally similar to the Windows registry \
    3031        destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}/${prefix}/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory ${destroot}/${prefix}/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults
     34# See GNOME bug 172971 - http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=172971
     35post-destroot {
     36        cd ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/GConf/2
     37        system "ln -s libgconfbackend-evoldap.so libgconfbackend-evoldap.dylib"
     38        system "ln -s libgconfbackend-oldxml.so libgconfbackend-oldxml.dylib"
     39        system "ln -s libgconfbackend-xml.so libgconfbackend-xml.dylib"
    3342platform darwin 7 { configure.env-append       CFLAGS="-DBIND_8_COMPAT=1" }
    3544variant use-sys-deps {