Ticket #7890: ocaml.1.log

File ocaml.1.log, 76.7 KB (added by takuzo.ohara@…, 19 years ago)

Whole compile log.

1$ sudo port -d -v install ocaml
2DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/db/dports/sources/rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports/lang/ocaml
3DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/db/dports/sources/rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports/lang/ocaml
4DEBUG: Requested variant i386 is not provided by port ocaml.
5DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port ocaml.
6DEBUG: Executing variant darwin provides darwin
7DEBUG: Executing com.apple.main (ocaml)
8DEBUG: No TGZ archive: /opt/local/var/db/dports/packages/darwin/i386/ocaml-3.09.1_0.i386.tgz
9DEBUG: Skipping unarchive (ocaml) since no archive found
10DEBUG: Skipping completed com.apple.unarchive (ocaml)
11--->  Fetching ocaml
12DEBUG: Executing com.apple.fetch (ocaml)
13--->  Verifying checksum(s) for ocaml
14DEBUG: Executing com.apple.checksum (ocaml)
15--->  Checksumming ocaml-3.09.1.tar.bz2
16DEBUG: Correct (md5) checksum for ocaml-3.09.1.tar.bz2
17DEBUG: Correct (sha1) checksum for ocaml-3.09.1.tar.bz2
18DEBUG: Correct (rmd160) checksum for ocaml-3.09.1.tar.bz2
19DEBUG: setting option extract.cmd to /usr/bin/bzip2
20--->  Extracting ocaml
21DEBUG: Executing com.apple.extract (ocaml)
22--->  Extracting ocaml-3.09.1.tar.bz2
23DEBUG: setting option extract.args to /opt/local/var/db/dports/distfiles/ocaml/ocaml-3.09.1.tar.bz2
24DEBUG: Assembled command: 'cd "/opt/local/var/db/dports/build/_opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports_lang_ocaml/work" && /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /opt/local/var/db/dports/distfiles/ocaml/ocaml-3.09.1.tar.bz2 | /usr/bin/gnutar --no-same-owner -xf -'
25DEBUG: Executing com.apple.patch (ocaml)
26--->  Applying patches to ocaml
27--->  Applying /opt/local/var/db/dports/sources/rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports/lang/ocaml/files/patch-otherlibs-unix-times.c
28DEBUG: Assembled command: 'cd "/opt/local/var/db/dports/build/_opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports_lang_ocaml/work/ocaml-3.09.1" && patch -p0'
29patching file otherlibs/unix/times.c
30--->  Configuring ocaml
31DEBUG: Executing com.apple.configure (ocaml)
32DEBUG: Assembled command: 'cd "/opt/local/var/db/dports/build/_opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports_lang_ocaml/work/ocaml-3.09.1" && ./configure -prefix /opt/local -no-tk'
33Configuring for a i686-apple-darwin8.5.1 ...
34gcc found
35The C compiler is ANSI-compliant.
36Checking the sizes of integers and pointers...
37OK, this is a regular 32 bit architecture.
3864-bit "long long" integer type found (printf with "%ll").
39This is a little-endian architecture.
40Doubles can be word-aligned.
4164-bit integers can be word-aligned.
42Native division and modulus have round-towards-zero semantics, will use them.
43ranlib found
44#! appears to work in shell scripts
45POSIX signal handling found.
46getrusage() found.
47times() found.
48termcap functions found (with libraries '-lcurses')
49You have BSD sockets.
50socklen_t is defined in <sys/socket.h>
51inet_aton() found.
52IPv6 is supported.
53unistd.h found.
54off_t is defined in <sys/types.h>
55dirent.h found.
56rewinddir() found.
57lockf() found.
58mkfifo() found.
59getcwd() found.
60getwd() found.
61getpriority() found.
62utime() found.
63utimes() found.
64dup2() found.
65fchmod() found.
66truncate() found.
67sys/select.h found.
68select() found.
69symlink() found.
70waitpid() found.
71wait4() found.
72getgroups() found.
73POSIX termios found.
74Asynchronous I/O are supported.
75setitimer() found.
76gethostname() found.
77uname() found.
78gettimeofday() found.
79mktime() found.
80setsid() found.
81putenv() found.
82setlocale() and <locale.h> found.
83NSLinkModule() found. Using darwin dynamic loading.
84mmap() found.
85Replay debugger supported.
86Cannot detect system stack overflow.
87POSIX threads library supported.
88Options for linking with POSIX threads: -lpthread
89sigwait() found
90Bytecode threads library supported.
91Location of X11 include files: /usr/X11R6/include/X11
92Options for linking with X11: -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
93NDBM found (in /usr/include)
94Configuring LablTk...
95Configuration failed, LablTk will not be built.
96Camlp4 correctly configured.
98** Configuration summary **
100Directories where Objective Caml will be installed:
101        binaries.................. /opt/local/bin
102        standard library.......... /opt/local/lib/ocaml
103        manual pages.............. /opt/local/man (with extension .1)
104Configuration for the bytecode compiler:
105        C compiler used........... gcc
106        options for compiling..... -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT
107        options for linking.......     -lcurses -lpthread
108        shared libraries not supported
109Configuration for the native-code compiler:
110        (not supported on this platform)
111Source-level replay debugger: supported
112Additional libraries supported:
113        unix str num dynlink bigarray systhreads threads graph dbm
114Configuration for the "num" library:
115        target architecture ...... ia32 (asm level 2)
116Configuration for the "graph" library:
117        options for compiling .... -I/usr/X11R6/include
118        options for linking ...... -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
119The "labltk" library: not supported
121** Objective Caml configuration completed successfully **
123--->  Building ocaml with target world.opt
124DEBUG: Executing com.apple.build (ocaml)
125DEBUG: Assembled command: 'cd "/opt/local/var/db/dports/build/_opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports_lang_ocaml/work/ocaml-3.09.1" && make world.opt'
126cd byterun; make all
127sed -n -e '/^  /s/ \([A-Z]\)/ \&\&lbl_\1/gp' \
128       -e '/^}/q' instruct.h > jumptbl.h
129gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o interp.o interp.c
130gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o misc.o misc.c
131gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o stacks.o stacks.c
132gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o fix_code.o fix_code.c
133sed -n -e 's/;;//' \
134            -e '/let *ocaml_version *= */s//#define OCAML_VERSION /p' \
135            <../stdlib/sys.ml >version.h
136gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o startup.o startup.c
137gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o main.o main.c
138gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o freelist.o freelist.c
139gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o major_gc.o major_gc.c
140gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o minor_gc.o minor_gc.c
141gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o memory.o memory.c
142gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o alloc.o alloc.c
143gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o roots.o roots.c
144gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o globroots.o globroots.c
145gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o fail.o fail.c
146gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o signals.o signals.c
147gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o printexc.o printexc.c
148gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o backtrace.o backtrace.c
149gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o compare.o compare.c
150gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o ints.o ints.c
151gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o floats.o floats.c
152gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o str.o str.c
153gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o array.o array.c
154gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o io.o io.c
155gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o extern.o extern.c
156gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o intern.o intern.c
157gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o hash.o hash.c
158gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o sys.o sys.c
159gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o meta.o meta.c
160gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o parsing.o parsing.c
161gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o gc_ctrl.o gc_ctrl.c
162gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o terminfo.o terminfo.c
163gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o md5.o md5.c
164gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o obj.o obj.c
165gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o lexing.o lexing.c
166gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o callback.o callback.c
167gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o debugger.o debugger.c
168gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o weak.o weak.c
169gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o compact.o compact.c
170gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o finalise.o finalise.c
171gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o custom.o custom.c
172gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o dynlink.o dynlink.c
173gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o unix.o unix.c
174ar rc libcamlrun.a interp.o misc.o stacks.o fix_code.o startup.o main.o freelist.o major_gc.o minor_gc.o memory.o alloc.o roots.o globroots.o fail.o signals.o printexc.o backtrace.o compare.o ints.o floats.o str.o array.o io.o extern.o intern.o hash.o sys.o meta.o parsing.o gc_ctrl.o terminfo.o md5.o obj.o lexing.o callback.o debugger.o weak.o compact.o finalise.o custom.o dynlink.o unix.o
175ranlib libcamlrun.a
176sed -n -e "s/CAMLprim value \([a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_]*\).*/\1/p" \
177    alloc.c array.c compare.c extern.c floats.c gc_ctrl.c hash.c intern.c interp.c ints.c io.c lexing.c md5.c meta.c obj.c parsing.c signals.c str.c sys.c terminfo.c callback.c weak.c finalise.c stacks.c dynlink.c > primitives
178(echo '#include "mlvalues.h"'; \
179 echo '#include "prims.h"'; \
180 sed -e 's/.*/extern value &();/' primitives; \
181 echo 'c_primitive caml_builtin_cprim[] = {'; \
182 sed -e 's/.*/  &,/' primitives; \
183 echo '  0 };'; \
184 echo 'char * caml_names_of_builtin_cprim[] = {'; \
185 sed -e 's/.*/  "&",/' primitives; \
186 echo '  0 };') > prims.c
187gcc -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -O -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o prims.o prims.c
188gcc -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT  -o ocamlrun \
189          prims.o libcamlrun.a -lcurses -lpthread
190echo "/opt/local/lib/ocaml/stublibs" >ld.conf
191echo "/opt/local/lib/ocaml" >>ld.conf
192cp byterun/ocamlrun boot/ocamlrun
193cd yacc; make all
194gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o closure.o closure.c
195gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o error.o error.c
196gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o lalr.o lalr.c
197gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o lr0.o lr0.c
198sed -n -e 's/;;//' \
199            -e '/let *ocaml_version *= */s//#define OCAML_VERSION /p' \
200            <../stdlib/sys.ml >version.h
201gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o main.o main.c
202gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o mkpar.o mkpar.c
203gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o output.o output.c
204gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o reader.o reader.c
205gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o skeleton.o skeleton.c
206gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o symtab.o symtab.c
207gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o verbose.o verbose.c
208gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o warshall.o warshall.c
209gcc -O -DNDEBUG -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT  -o ocamlyacc closure.o error.o lalr.o lr0.o main.o mkpar.o output.o reader.o skeleton.o symtab.o verbose.o warshall.o
210cp yacc/ocamlyacc boot/ocamlyacc
211cd stdlib; make COMPILER=../boot/ocamlc all
212../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags pervasives.cmi` -c pervasives.mli
213../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags pervasives.cmo` -c pervasives.ml
214../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags array.cmi` -c array.mli
215../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags array.cmo` -c array.ml
216../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags list.cmi` -c list.mli
217../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags list.cmo` -c list.ml
218../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags char.cmi` -c char.mli
219../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags char.cmo` -c char.ml
220../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags string.cmi` -c string.mli
221../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags string.cmo` -c string.ml
222../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags sys.cmi` -c sys.mli
223../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags sys.cmo` -c sys.ml
224../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags hashtbl.cmi` -c hashtbl.mli
225../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags hashtbl.cmo` -c hashtbl.ml
226../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags sort.cmi` -c sort.mli
227../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags sort.cmo` -c sort.ml
228../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags marshal.cmi` -c marshal.mli
229../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags marshal.cmo` -c marshal.ml
230../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags obj.cmi` -c obj.mli
231../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags obj.cmo` -c obj.ml
232../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags int32.cmi` -c int32.mli
233../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags int32.cmo` -c int32.ml
234../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags int64.cmi` -c int64.mli
235../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags int64.cmo` -c int64.ml
236../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags nativeint.cmi` -c nativeint.mli
237../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags nativeint.cmo` -c nativeint.ml
238../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags lexing.cmi` -c lexing.mli
239../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags lexing.cmo` -c lexing.ml
240../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags parsing.cmi` -c parsing.mli
241../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags parsing.cmo` -c parsing.ml
242../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags set.cmi` -c set.mli
243../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags set.cmo` -c set.ml
244../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags map.cmi` -c map.mli
245../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags map.cmo` -c map.ml
246../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stack.cmi` -c stack.mli
247../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stack.cmo` -c stack.ml
248../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags queue.cmi` -c queue.mli
249../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags queue.cmo` -c queue.ml
250../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stream.cmi` -c stream.mli
251../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stream.cmo` -c stream.ml
252../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags buffer.cmi` -c buffer.mli
253../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags buffer.cmo` -c buffer.ml
254../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags printf.cmi` -c printf.mli
255../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags printf.cmo` -c printf.ml
256../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags format.cmi` -c format.mli
257../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags format.cmo` -c format.ml
258../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags scanf.cmi` -c scanf.mli
259../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags scanf.cmo` -c scanf.ml
260../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags arg.cmi` -c arg.mli
261../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags arg.cmo` -c arg.ml
262../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags printexc.cmi` -c printexc.mli
263../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags printexc.cmo` -c printexc.ml
264../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags gc.cmi` -c gc.mli
265../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags gc.cmo` -c gc.ml
266../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags digest.cmi` -c digest.mli
267../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags digest.cmo` -c digest.ml
268../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags random.cmi` -c random.mli
269../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags random.cmo` -c random.ml
270../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags callback.cmi` -c callback.mli
271../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags callback.cmo` -c callback.ml
272../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags camlinternalOO.cmi` -c camlinternalOO.mli
273../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags camlinternalOO.cmo` -c camlinternalOO.ml
274../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags oo.cmi` -c oo.mli
275../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags oo.cmo` -c oo.ml
276../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags camlinternalMod.cmi` -c camlinternalMod.mli
277../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags camlinternalMod.cmo` -c camlinternalMod.ml
278../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags genlex.cmi` -c genlex.mli
279../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags genlex.cmo` -c genlex.ml
280../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags weak.cmi` -c weak.mli
281../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags weak.cmo` -c weak.ml
282../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags lazy.cmi` -c lazy.mli
283../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags lazy.cmo` -c lazy.ml
284../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags filename.cmi` -c filename.mli
285../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags filename.cmo` -c filename.ml
286../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags complex.cmi` -c complex.mli
287../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags complex.cmo` -c complex.ml
288../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags arrayLabels.cmi` -c arrayLabels.mli
289../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags arrayLabels.cmo` -c arrayLabels.ml
290../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags listLabels.cmi` -c listLabels.mli
291../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags listLabels.cmo` -c listLabels.ml
292../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stringLabels.cmi` -c stringLabels.mli
293../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stringLabels.cmo` -c stringLabels.ml
294../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags moreLabels.cmi` -c moreLabels.mli
295../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags moreLabels.cmo` -c moreLabels.ml
296../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stdLabels.cmi` -c stdLabels.mli
297../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stdLabels.cmo` -c stdLabels.ml
298../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -a -o stdlib.cma pervasives.cmo array.cmo list.cmo char.cmo string.cmo sys.cmo hashtbl.cmo sort.cmo marshal.cmo obj.cmo int32.cmo int64.cmo nativeint.cmo lexing.cmo parsing.cmo set.cmo map.cmo stack.cmo queue.cmo stream.cmo buffer.cmo printf.cmo format.cmo scanf.cmo arg.cmo printexc.cmo gc.cmo digest.cmo random.cmo callback.cmo camlinternalOO.cmo oo.cmo camlinternalMod.cmo genlex.cmo weak.cmo lazy.cmo filename.cmo complex.cmo arrayLabels.cmo listLabels.cmo stringLabels.cmo moreLabels.cmo stdLabels.cmo
299../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags std_exit.cmo` -c std_exit.ml
300if true; then \
301          echo '#!/opt/local/bin/ocamlrun' > camlheader && \
302          echo '#!' | tr -d '\012' > camlheader_ur; \
303        else \
304  gcc -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT  \
305                    -DRUNTIME_NAME='"/opt/local/bin/ocamlrun"' \
306                    header.c -o tmpheader && \
307          strip tmpheader && \
308  mv tmpheader camlheader && \
309          cp camlheader camlheader_ur; \
310        fi
311cd stdlib; cp stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader ../boot
312if test -f boot/libcamlrun.a; then :; else \
313          ln -s ../byterun/libcamlrun.a boot/libcamlrun.a; fi
314if test -d stdlib/caml; then :; else \
315          ln -s ../byterun stdlib/caml; fi
316tools/checkstack.c: In function 'main':
317tools/checkstack.c:29: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
318boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/misc.mli
319boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/misc.ml
320boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/tbl.mli
321boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/tbl.ml
322sed -e 's|%%LIBDIR%%|/opt/local/lib/ocaml|' \
323            -e 's|%%BYTERUN%%|/opt/local/bin/ocamlrun|' \
324            -e 's|%%CCOMPTYPE%%|cc|' \
325            -e 's|%%BYTECC%%|gcc -fno-defer-pop -no-cpp-precomp -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT |' \
326            -e 's|%%BYTELINK%%|gcc |' \
327            -e 's|%%NATIVECC%%|gcc -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT|' \
328            -e 's|%%NATIVELINK%%|gcc |' \
329            -e 's|%%PARTIALLD%%|ld -r |' \
330            -e 's|%%PACKLD%%|ld -r |' \
331            -e 's|%%BYTECCLIBS%%|-lcurses -lpthread|' \
332            -e 's|%%NATIVECCLIBS%%||' \
333            -e 's|%%RANLIBCMD%%|ranlib|' \
334            -e 's|%%CC_PROFILE%%|-pg|' \
335            -e 's|%%ARCH%%|none|' \
336            -e 's|%%MODEL%%|default|' \
337            -e 's|%%SYSTEM%%|unknown|' \
338            -e 's|%%EXT_OBJ%%|.o|' \
339            -e 's|%%EXT_ASM%%|.s|' \
340            -e 's|%%EXT_LIB%%|.a|' \
341            -e 's|%%EXT_DLL%%|.so|' \
342            -e 's|%%SYSTHREAD_SUPPORT%%|true|' \
343            utils/config.mlp > utils/config.ml
344boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/config.mli
345boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/config.ml
346boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/clflags.mli
347boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/clflags.ml
348boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/terminfo.mli
349boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/terminfo.ml
350boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ccomp.mli
351boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ccomp.ml
352boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/warnings.mli
353boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/warnings.ml
354boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/consistbl.mli
355boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/consistbl.ml
356boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamllex parsing/linenum.mll
35712 states, 323 transitions, table size 1364 bytes
358boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/linenum.mli
359boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/linenum.ml
360boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/location.mli
361boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/location.ml
362boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/longident.mli
363boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/longident.ml
364boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/syntaxerr.mli
365boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/syntaxerr.ml
366boot/ocamlyacc -v parsing/parser.mly
367boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/asttypes.mli
368boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parsetree.mli
369boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parser.mli
370boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parser.ml
371boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamllex parsing/lexer.mll
372151 states, 2930 transitions, table size 12626 bytes
3732120 additional bytes used for bindings
374boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/lexer.mli
375boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/lexer.ml
376boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parse.mli
377boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parse.ml
378boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/printast.mli
379boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/printast.ml
380boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/unused_var.mli
381boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/unused_var.ml
382boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ident.mli
383boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ident.ml
384boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/path.mli
385boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/path.ml
386boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/primitive.mli
387boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/primitive.ml
388boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/types.mli
389boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/types.ml
390boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/btype.mli
391boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/btype.ml
392boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/outcometree.mli
393boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/oprint.mli
394boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/oprint.ml
395boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/subst.mli
396boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/subst.ml
397boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/predef.mli
398boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/predef.ml
399boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/datarepr.mli
400boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/datarepr.ml
401boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/env.mli
402boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/env.ml
403boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedtree.mli
404boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedtree.ml
405boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ctype.mli
406boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ctype.ml
407boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/printtyp.mli
408boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/printtyp.ml
409boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includeclass.mli
410boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includeclass.ml
411boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/mtype.mli
412boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/mtype.ml
413boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includecore.mli
414boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includecore.ml
415boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includemod.mli
416boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includemod.ml
417boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/parmatch.mli
418boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/parmatch.ml
419boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typetexp.mli
420boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typetexp.ml
421boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/stypes.mli
422boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/stypes.ml
423boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typecore.mli
424boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typecore.ml
425boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl.mli
426boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl.ml
427boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typeclass.mli
428boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typeclass.ml
429boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typemod.mli
430boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typemod.ml
431boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/lambda.mli
432boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/lambda.ml
433boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/printlambda.mli
434boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/printlambda.ml
435boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/typeopt.mli
436boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/typeopt.ml
437boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/switch.mli
438boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/switch.ml
439boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/matching.mli
440boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/matching.ml
441boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/translobj.mli
442boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/translobj.ml
443boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/translcore.mli
444boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/translcore.ml
445boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/translclass.mli
446boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/translclass.ml
447boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/translmod.mli
448boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/translmod.ml
449boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/simplif.mli
450boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/simplif.ml
451(echo 'let builtin_exceptions = [|'; \
452 sed -n -e 's|.*/\* \("[A-Za-z_]*"\) \*/$|  \1;|p' byterun/fail.h | \
453 sed -e '$s/;$//'; \
454         echo '|]'; \
455         echo 'let builtin_primitives = [|'; \
456         sed -e 's/.*/  "&";/' -e '$s/;$//' byterun/primitives; \
457 echo '|]') > bytecomp/runtimedef.ml
458boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/runtimedef.mli
459boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/runtimedef.ml
460boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/meta.mli
461boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/meta.ml
462boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/instruct.mli
463boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/instruct.ml
464boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytegen.mli
465boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytegen.ml
466boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/printinstr.mli
467boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/printinstr.ml
468sed -n -e '/^enum/p' -e 's/,//g' -e '/^  /p' byterun/instruct.h | \
469        awk -f tools/make-opcodes > bytecomp/opcodes.ml
470boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/opcodes.ml
471boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/emitcode.mli
472boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/emitcode.ml
473boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytesections.mli
474boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytesections.ml
475boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/dll.mli
476boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/dll.ml
477boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/symtable.mli
478boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/symtable.ml
479boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelink.mli
480boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelink.ml
481boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelibrarian.mli
482boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelibrarian.ml
483boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytepackager.mli
484boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytepackager.ml
485boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/pparse.mli
486boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/pparse.ml
487boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/errors.mli
488boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/errors.ml
489boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compile.mli
490boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compile.ml
491boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/main_args.mli
492boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/main_args.ml
493boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/main.mli
494boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/main.ml
495boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot  -o ocamlc utils/misc.cmo utils/tbl.cmo utils/config.cmo utils/clflags.cmo utils/terminfo.cmo utils/ccomp.cmo utils/warnings.cmo utils/consistbl.cmo parsing/linenum.cmo parsing/location.cmo parsing/longident.cmo parsing/syntaxerr.cmo parsing/parser.cmo parsing/lexer.cmo parsing/parse.cmo parsing/printast.cmo typing/unused_var.cmo typing/ident.cmo typing/path.cmo typing/primitive.cmo typing/types.cmo typing/btype.cmo typing/oprint.cmo typing/subst.cmo typing/predef.cmo typing/datarepr.cmo typing/env.cmo typing/typedtree.cmo typing/ctype.cmo typing/printtyp.cmo typing/includeclass.cmo typing/mtype.cmo typing/includecore.cmo typing/includemod.cmo typing/parmatch.cmo typing/typetexp.cmo typing/stypes.cmo typing/typecore.cmo typing/typedecl.cmo typing/typeclass.cmo typing/typemod.cmo bytecomp/lambda.cmo bytecomp/printlambda.cmo bytecomp/typeopt.cmo bytecomp/switch.cmo bytecomp/matching.cmo bytecomp/translobj.cmo bytecomp/translcore.cmo bytecomp/translclass.cmo bytecomp/translmod.cmo bytecomp/simplif.cmo bytecomp/runtimedef.cmo bytecomp/meta.cmo bytecomp/instruct.cmo bytecomp/bytegen.cmo bytecomp/printinstr.cmo bytecomp/opcodes.cmo bytecomp/emitcode.cmo bytecomp/bytesections.cmo bytecomp/dll.cmo bytecomp/symtable.cmo bytecomp/bytelink.cmo bytecomp/bytelibrarian.cmo bytecomp/bytepackager.cmo driver/pparse.cmo driver/errors.cmo driver/compile.cmo driver/main_args.cmo driver/main.cmo
496cd yacc; make all
497make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
498cd lex; make all
499../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A cset.mli
500../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A cset.ml
501../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A syntax.mli
502../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A syntax.ml
503../boot/ocamlyacc -v parser.mly
504../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A parser.mli
505../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A parser.ml
506../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamllex lexer.mll
50774 states, 1162 transitions, table size 5092 bytes
5081658 additional bytes used for bindings
509../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A lexer.mli
510../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A lexer.ml
511../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A table.mli
512../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A table.ml
513../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A lexgen.mli
514../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A lexgen.ml
515../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A compact.mli
516../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A compact.ml
517../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A common.mli
518../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A common.ml
519../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A output.mli
520../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A output.ml
521../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A outputbis.mli
522../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A outputbis.ml
523../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A main.ml
524../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot  -o ocamllex cset.cmo syntax.cmo parser.cmo lexer.cmo table.cmo lexgen.cmo compact.cmo common.cmo output.cmo outputbis.cmo main.cmo
525cd tools; make all
526../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver depend.mli
527../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver depend.ml
528../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver ocamldep.ml
529../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver -o ocamldep misc.cmo config.cmo clflags.cmo terminfo.cmo linenum.cmo warnings.cmo location.cmo longident.cmo syntaxerr.cmo parser.cmo lexer.cmo parse.cmo depend.cmo ocamldep.cmo
530../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver ocamlprof.ml
531../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver profiling.mli
532../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver profiling.ml
533../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver -o ocamlprof misc.cmo config.cmo clflags.cmo terminfo.cmo linenum.cmo warnings.cmo location.cmo longident.cmo syntaxerr.cmo parser.cmo lexer.cmo parse.cmo ocamlprof.cmo
534../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver ocamlcp.ml
535../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver -o ocamlcp main_args.cmo ocamlcp.cmo
536sed -e 's|%%BINDIR%%|/opt/local/bin|' ocamlmktop.tpl > ocamlmktop
537chmod +x ocamlmktop
538echo '(* THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM ocamlmklib.mlp *)' >ocamlmklib.ml
539sed -e "s|%%BINDIR%%|/opt/local/bin|" \
540            -e "s|%%SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBRARIES%%|false|" \
541            -e "s|%%MKSHAREDLIB%%||" \
542            -e "s|%%BYTECCRPATH%%||" \
543            -e "s|%%NATIVECCRPATH%%||" \
544            -e "s|%%MKSHAREDLIBRPATH%%||" \
545            -e "s|%%RANLIB%%|ranlib|" \
546          ocamlmklib.mlp >> ocamlmklib.ml
547../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver ocamlmklib.ml
548../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver -o ocamlmklib ocamlmklib.cmo
549../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamllex lexer301.mll
550113 states, 2733 transitions, table size 11610 bytes
551../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver lexer301.ml
552../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver scrapelabels.ml
553../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver -o scrapelabels misc.cmo warnings.cmo linenum.cmo location.cmo lexer301.cmo scrapelabels.cmo
554../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver -w sl -o addlabels \
555        misc.cmo config.cmo clflags.cmo terminfo.cmo linenum.cmo warnings.cmo location.cmo longident.cmo syntaxerr.cmo parser.cmo lexer.cmo parse.cmo addlabels.ml
557sed -e '/\/\*/d' \
558            -e '/^#/d' \
559            -e 's/enum \(.*\) {/let names_of_\1 = [|/' \
560            -e 's/};$/ |]/' \
561            -e 's/\([A-Z][A-Z_0-9a-z]*\)/"\1"/g' \
562            -e 's/,/;/g' \
563        ../byterun/instruct.h > opnames.ml
564../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver opnames.ml
565../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -c -warn-error A -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver dumpobj.ml
566../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../asmcomp -I ../driver -o dumpobj \
567         misc.cmo tbl.cmo config.cmo ident.cmo \
568         opcodes.cmo bytesections.cmo opnames.cmo dumpobj.cmo
569cd stdlib; make all
570../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags pervasives.cmi` -c pervasives.mli
571../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags pervasives.cmo` -c pervasives.ml
572../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags array.cmi` -c array.mli
573../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags array.cmo` -c array.ml
574../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags list.cmi` -c list.mli
575../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags list.cmo` -c list.ml
576../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags char.cmi` -c char.mli
577../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags char.cmo` -c char.ml
578../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags string.cmi` -c string.mli
579../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags string.cmo` -c string.ml
580../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags sys.cmi` -c sys.mli
581../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags sys.cmo` -c sys.ml
582../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags hashtbl.cmi` -c hashtbl.mli
583../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags hashtbl.cmo` -c hashtbl.ml
584../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags sort.cmi` -c sort.mli
585../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags sort.cmo` -c sort.ml
586../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags marshal.cmi` -c marshal.mli
587../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags marshal.cmo` -c marshal.ml
588../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags obj.cmi` -c obj.mli
589../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags obj.cmo` -c obj.ml
590../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags int32.cmi` -c int32.mli
591../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags int32.cmo` -c int32.ml
592../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags int64.cmi` -c int64.mli
593../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags int64.cmo` -c int64.ml
594../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags nativeint.cmi` -c nativeint.mli
595../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags nativeint.cmo` -c nativeint.ml
596../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags lexing.cmi` -c lexing.mli
597../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags lexing.cmo` -c lexing.ml
598../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags parsing.cmi` -c parsing.mli
599../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags parsing.cmo` -c parsing.ml
600../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags set.cmi` -c set.mli
601../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags set.cmo` -c set.ml
602../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags map.cmi` -c map.mli
603../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags map.cmo` -c map.ml
604../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stack.cmi` -c stack.mli
605../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stack.cmo` -c stack.ml
606../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags queue.cmi` -c queue.mli
607../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags queue.cmo` -c queue.ml
608../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stream.cmi` -c stream.mli
609../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stream.cmo` -c stream.ml
610../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags buffer.cmi` -c buffer.mli
611../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags buffer.cmo` -c buffer.ml
612../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags printf.cmi` -c printf.mli
613../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags printf.cmo` -c printf.ml
614../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags format.cmi` -c format.mli
615../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags format.cmo` -c format.ml
616../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags scanf.cmi` -c scanf.mli
617../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags scanf.cmo` -c scanf.ml
618../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags arg.cmi` -c arg.mli
619../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags arg.cmo` -c arg.ml
620../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags printexc.cmi` -c printexc.mli
621../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags printexc.cmo` -c printexc.ml
622../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags gc.cmi` -c gc.mli
623../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags gc.cmo` -c gc.ml
624../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags digest.cmi` -c digest.mli
625../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags digest.cmo` -c digest.ml
626../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags random.cmi` -c random.mli
627../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags random.cmo` -c random.ml
628../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags callback.cmi` -c callback.mli
629../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags callback.cmo` -c callback.ml
630../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags camlinternalOO.cmi` -c camlinternalOO.mli
631../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags camlinternalOO.cmo` -c camlinternalOO.ml
632../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags oo.cmi` -c oo.mli
633../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags oo.cmo` -c oo.ml
634../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags camlinternalMod.cmi` -c camlinternalMod.mli
635../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags camlinternalMod.cmo` -c camlinternalMod.ml
636../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags genlex.cmi` -c genlex.mli
637../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags genlex.cmo` -c genlex.ml
638../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags weak.cmi` -c weak.mli
639../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags weak.cmo` -c weak.ml
640../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags lazy.cmi` -c lazy.mli
641../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags lazy.cmo` -c lazy.ml
642../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags filename.cmi` -c filename.mli
643../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags filename.cmo` -c filename.ml
644../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags complex.cmi` -c complex.mli
645../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags complex.cmo` -c complex.ml
646../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags arrayLabels.cmi` -c arrayLabels.mli
647../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags arrayLabels.cmo` -c arrayLabels.ml
648../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags listLabels.cmi` -c listLabels.mli
649../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags listLabels.cmo` -c listLabels.ml
650../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stringLabels.cmi` -c stringLabels.mli
651../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stringLabels.cmo` -c stringLabels.ml
652../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags moreLabels.cmi` -c moreLabels.mli
653../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags moreLabels.cmo` -c moreLabels.ml
654../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stdLabels.cmi` -c stdLabels.mli
655../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags stdLabels.cmo` -c stdLabels.ml
656../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -a -o stdlib.cma pervasives.cmo array.cmo list.cmo char.cmo string.cmo sys.cmo hashtbl.cmo sort.cmo marshal.cmo obj.cmo int32.cmo int64.cmo nativeint.cmo lexing.cmo parsing.cmo set.cmo map.cmo stack.cmo queue.cmo stream.cmo buffer.cmo printf.cmo format.cmo scanf.cmo arg.cmo printexc.cmo gc.cmo digest.cmo random.cmo callback.cmo camlinternalOO.cmo oo.cmo camlinternalMod.cmo genlex.cmo weak.cmo lazy.cmo filename.cmo complex.cmo arrayLabels.cmo listLabels.cmo stringLabels.cmo moreLabels.cmo stdLabels.cmo
657../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -g -warn-error A -nostdlib `./Compflags std_exit.cmo` -c std_exit.ml
658boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/genprintval.mli
659boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/genprintval.ml
660boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/toploop.mli
661boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/toploop.ml
662boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/trace.mli
663boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/trace.ml
664boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topdirs.mli
665boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topdirs.ml
666boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topmain.mli
667boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topmain.ml
668boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -a -o toplevel/toplevellib.cma utils/misc.cmo utils/tbl.cmo utils/config.cmo utils/clflags.cmo utils/terminfo.cmo utils/ccomp.cmo utils/warnings.cmo utils/consistbl.cmo parsing/linenum.cmo parsing/location.cmo parsing/longident.cmo parsing/syntaxerr.cmo parsing/parser.cmo parsing/lexer.cmo parsing/parse.cmo parsing/printast.cmo typing/unused_var.cmo typing/ident.cmo typing/path.cmo typing/primitive.cmo typing/types.cmo typing/btype.cmo typing/oprint.cmo typing/subst.cmo typing/predef.cmo typing/datarepr.cmo typing/env.cmo typing/typedtree.cmo typing/ctype.cmo typing/printtyp.cmo typing/includeclass.cmo typing/mtype.cmo typing/includecore.cmo typing/includemod.cmo typing/parmatch.cmo typing/typetexp.cmo typing/stypes.cmo typing/typecore.cmo typing/typedecl.cmo typing/typeclass.cmo typing/typemod.cmo bytecomp/lambda.cmo bytecomp/printlambda.cmo bytecomp/typeopt.cmo bytecomp/switch.cmo bytecomp/matching.cmo bytecomp/translobj.cmo bytecomp/translcore.cmo bytecomp/translclass.cmo bytecomp/translmod.cmo bytecomp/simplif.cmo bytecomp/runtimedef.cmo bytecomp/meta.cmo bytecomp/instruct.cmo bytecomp/bytegen.cmo bytecomp/printinstr.cmo bytecomp/opcodes.cmo bytecomp/emitcode.cmo bytecomp/bytesections.cmo bytecomp/dll.cmo bytecomp/symtable.cmo bytecomp/bytelink.cmo bytecomp/bytelibrarian.cmo bytecomp/bytepackager.cmo driver/pparse.cmo driver/errors.cmo driver/compile.cmo toplevel/genprintval.cmo toplevel/toploop.cmo toplevel/trace.cmo toplevel/topdirs.cmo toplevel/topmain.cmo
669boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topstart.ml
670boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -warn-error A -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/expunge.ml
671boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot  -o expunge utils/misc.cmo utils/tbl.cmo utils/config.cmo utils/clflags.cmo typing/ident.cmo typing/path.cmo typing/types.cmo typing/btype.cmo typing/predef.cmo bytecomp/runtimedef.cmo bytecomp/bytesections.cmo bytecomp/dll.cmo bytecomp/meta.cmo bytecomp/symtable.cmo toplevel/expunge.cmo
672boot/ocamlrun boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot  -linkall -o ocaml.tmp toplevel/toplevellib.cma toplevel/topstart.cmo
673byterun/ocamlrun ./expunge ocaml.tmp ocaml arg array arrayLabels buffer callback camlinternalMod camlinternalOO char complex digest filename format gc genlex hashtbl int32 int64 lazy lexing list listLabels map marshal moreLabels nativeint obj oo parsing pervasives printexc printf queue random scanf set sort stack stdLabels stream string stringLabels sys weak outcometree topdirs toploop
674rm -f ocaml.tmp
675cd asmrun; make all
676gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o startup.o startup.c
677ln -s ../byterun/main.c main.c
678gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o main.o main.c
679gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o fail.o fail.c
680gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o roots.o roots.c
681roots.c: In function 'caml_oldify_local_roots':
682roots.c:158: warning: implicit declaration of function 'Saved_return_address'
683roots.c:168: warning: implicit declaration of function 'Callback_link'
684roots.c:168: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast
685roots.c: In function 'caml_do_local_roots':
686roots.c:279: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast
687ln -s ../byterun/globroots.c globroots.c
688gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o globroots.o globroots.c
689gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o signals.o signals.c
690ln -s ../byterun/misc.c misc.c
691gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o misc.o misc.c
692ln -s ../byterun/freelist.c freelist.c
693gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o freelist.o freelist.c
694ln -s ../byterun/major_gc.c major_gc.c
695gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o major_gc.o major_gc.c
696ln -s ../byterun/minor_gc.c minor_gc.c
697gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o minor_gc.o minor_gc.c
698ln -s ../byterun/memory.c memory.c
699gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o memory.o memory.c
700ln -s ../byterun/alloc.c alloc.c
701gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o alloc.o alloc.c
702ln -s ../byterun/compare.c compare.c
703gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o compare.o compare.c
704ln -s ../byterun/ints.c ints.c
705gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o ints.o ints.c
706ln -s ../byterun/floats.c floats.c
707gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o floats.o floats.c
708ln -s ../byterun/str.c str.c
709gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o str.o str.c
710ln -s ../byterun/array.c array.c
711gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o array.o array.c
712ln -s ../byterun/io.c io.c
713gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o io.o io.c
714ln -s ../byterun/extern.c extern.c
715gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o extern.o extern.c
716ln -s ../byterun/intern.c intern.c
717gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o intern.o intern.c
718ln -s ../byterun/hash.c hash.c
719gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o hash.o hash.c
720ln -s ../byterun/sys.c sys.c
721gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o sys.o sys.c
722ln -s ../byterun/parsing.c parsing.c
723gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o parsing.o parsing.c
724ln -s ../byterun/gc_ctrl.c gc_ctrl.c
725gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o gc_ctrl.o gc_ctrl.c
726ln -s ../byterun/terminfo.c terminfo.c
727gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o terminfo.o terminfo.c
728ln -s ../byterun/md5.c md5.c
729gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o md5.o md5.c
730ln -s ../byterun/obj.c obj.c
731gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o obj.o obj.c
732ln -s ../byterun/lexing.c lexing.c
733gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o lexing.o lexing.c
734ln -s ../byterun/printexc.c printexc.c
735gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o printexc.o printexc.c
736ln -s ../byterun/callback.c callback.c
737gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o callback.o callback.c
738ln -s ../byterun/weak.c weak.c
739gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o weak.o weak.c
740ln -s ../byterun/compact.c compact.c
741gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o compact.o compact.c
742ln -s ../byterun/finalise.c finalise.c
743gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o finalise.o finalise.c
744ln -s ../byterun/custom.c custom.c
745gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o custom.o custom.c
746ln -s ../byterun/unix.c unix.c
747gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o unix.o unix.c
748make[1]: *** No rule to make target `none.o', needed by `libasmrun.a'.  Stop.
749make: *** [runtimeopt] Error 2
750Error: Target com.apple.build returned: shell command "cd "/opt/local/var/db/dports/build/_opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports_lang_ocaml/work/ocaml-3.09.1" && make world.opt" returned error 2
751Command output: ln -s ../byterun/sys.c sys.c
752gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o sys.o sys.c
753ln -s ../byterun/parsing.c parsing.c
754gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o parsing.o parsing.c
755ln -s ../byterun/gc_ctrl.c gc_ctrl.c
756gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o gc_ctrl.o gc_ctrl.c
757ln -s ../byterun/terminfo.c terminfo.c
758gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o terminfo.o terminfo.c
759ln -s ../byterun/md5.c md5.c
760gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o md5.o md5.c
761ln -s ../byterun/obj.c obj.c
762gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o obj.o obj.c
763ln -s ../byterun/lexing.c lexing.c
764gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o lexing.o lexing.c
765ln -s ../byterun/printexc.c printexc.c
766gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o printexc.o printexc.c
767ln -s ../byterun/callback.c callback.c
768gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o callback.o callback.c
769ln -s ../byterun/weak.c weak.c
770gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o weak.o weak.c
771ln -s ../byterun/compact.c compact.c
772gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o compact.o compact.c
773ln -s ../byterun/finalise.c finalise.c
774gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o finalise.o finalise.c
775ln -s ../byterun/custom.c custom.c
776gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o custom.o custom.c
777ln -s ../byterun/unix.c unix.c
778gcc -I../byterun -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_none -DSYS_unknown  -O -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT   -c -o unix.o unix.c
779make[1]: *** No rule to make target `none.o', needed by `libasmrun.a'.  Stop.
780make: *** [runtimeopt] Error 2
782Warning: the following items did not execute (for ocaml): com.apple.activate com.apple.build com.apple.destroot com.apple.archive com.apple.install
783Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.