Ticket #844: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.5 KB (added by mich@…, 21 years ago)

Portfile for #844

1# $Id: $
3PortSystem 1.0
4name            spinner
5version         1.2.4
6platforms       darwin
7categories      sysutils
8maintainers     mich@freebsdcluster.org
9description     Keep ssh and telnet connections from dropping due to inactivity
10long_description   \
11                Spinner is a small program that displays a little "spinning" ASCII \
12                character in the top left corner of your terminal. To make this effect \
13                it cycles through punctuation marks like this " - \ | / - \ | / ... " \
14                (try it to see). By default the character is drawn in inverse video \
15                (or your terminal's equivalent). But you can turn this off with the -i \
16                switch. It supports any terminal capable of handling VT100 style escape codes.\
17                \
18                Spinner is useful for keeping telnet and ssh links from dropping due to \
19                inactivity. Many firewalls, and some ISPs drop connections when they are \
20                perceived as idle. By having spinner running the server is constantly \
21                sending a tiny amount of data over the link, preserving the connection. \
22                Thus (for search engines) Spinner is an anti-dle, timeout preventing, \
23                background daemon process for unix variants including linux.
24homepage        http://www.laffeycomputer.com/spinner.html
25master_sites    http://downloads.laffeycomputer.com/current_builds/spinner/
26checksums       md5 21d5d1c5ae20104f0cd36fdf6b0daa71
27use_configure   yes
28destroot {
29                set docdst "${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/spinner"
30                system "cd ${worksrcpath} && \
31                        install ${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/sbin && \
32                        install -d ${docdst} && \
33                        install README ${docdst}"