# $Id: Portfile 36194 2008-04-22 07:45:27Z jmr@macports.org $ PortSystem 1.0 name vobcopy version 1.1.1 categories multimedia maintainers sneakemail.com:0booo5b02 description copies DVD .vob files to hard disk long_description Vobcopy copies DVD disks or files to your hard disk, \ with optional decryption. homepage http://vobcopy.org/ platforms darwin use_bzip2 yes master_sites http://vobcopy.org/download/ checksums md5 f3331ff362c8f271731944b1a9dea108 depends_lib port:libdvdread patchfiles patch-configure.sh.diff configure.cmd ./configure.sh configure.args --with-lfs \ --with-dvdread-libs=${prefix} \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \ --bindir=${prefix}/bin