package require tcltest 2 namespace import tcltest::* eval ::tcltest::configure $::argv set pwd [file normalize $argv0] set pwd [eval file join {*}[lrange [file split $pwd] 0 end-1]] source ../macports_test_autoconf.tcl source $macports::autoconf::macports_tcl_dir/macports1.0/macports_fastload.tcl package require macports 1.0 # use custom macports.conf and sources.conf makeDirectory $pwd/tmpdir makeDirectory $pwd/tmpdir/share makeDirectory $pwd/tmpdir/var/macports/registry set fd [open $pwd/tmpdir/macports.conf w+] puts $fd "portdbpath $pwd/tmpdir/var/macports" puts $fd "prefix $pwd/tmpdir" puts $fd "variants_conf $pwd/tmpdir/variants.conf" puts $fd "sources_conf $pwd/sources.conf" puts $fd "applications_dir $pwd/tmpdir/Applications" puts $fd "frameworks_dir $pwd/tmpdir/Library/Frameworks" close $fd set env(PORTSRC) $pwd/tmpdir/macports.conf file link -symbolic $pwd/tmpdir/share/macports $macports::autoconf::prefix/share/macports close [open $pwd/tmpdir/variants.conf w+] # Debug options array set ui_options {} #set ui_options(ports_debug) yes #set ui_options(ports_verbose) yes mportinit ui_options source ../../port1.0/portutil.tcl source ../../port1.0/portuninstall.tcl source ../../port1.0/portinstall.tcl source ../../registry2.0/portuninstall.tcl source ../../port1.0/port_autoconf.tcl proc registry_exists {name version {revision 0} {variants ""}} { global macports::registry.format return [${macports::registry.format}::entry_exists $name $version $revision $variants] } proc uninstall_main {args} { global subport version revision portvariants user_options registry_uninstall::uninstall $subport $version $revision $portvariants [array get user_options] return 0 } proc findBinary {prog {autoconf_hint ""}} { if {${autoconf_hint} != "" && [file executable ${autoconf_hint}]} { return ${autoconf_hint} } else { if {[catch {set cmd_path [macports::binaryInPath ${prog}]} result] == 0} { return ${cmd_path} } else { return -code error "${result} or at its MacPorts guration time tion, did you move it?" } } } test mportclose { Mport close unit test. } -body { set mport [mportopen file://.] if {[catch {mportclose $mport}] != 0} { return "FAIL: cannot run mportclose" } if {[ditem_key $mport workername] != ""} { return "FAIL: port not closed" } return "Mport close successful." } -result "Mport close successful." test mportinfo { Mport info uni test. } -setup { set mport [mportopen file://.] } -body { set res [mportinfo $mport] if {[lindex $res 2] != "canonical_active_variants"} { return "FAIL: cannot get ::PortInfo" } return "Mport info successful." } -cleanup { mportclose $mport } -result "Mport info successful." test mportopen_installed { Mport installed unit test. } -constraints { root } -setup { set os.platform darwin set macosx_version 10.8 set os.major 10 set os_version 11 set os_arch i386 set supported_archs {} set configure.build_arch build_arch set portarchivetype tgz set destpath $pwd/work/destroot set portdbpath $pwd/portdbpath set workpath $pwd/fondu/work set portpath $pwd set subport fondu set version 3.0 set revision 1 set epoch i386 file copy -force $pwd/Portfile /tmp/ set mport [mportopen file://.] proc getportbuildpath {id {portname ""}} { global portdbpath regsub {://} $id {.} port_path regsub -all {/} $port_path {_} port_path return [file join $portdbpath build $port_path $portname] } proc getportworkpath_from_buildpath {portbuildpath} { return [file join $portbuildpath work] } proc getportworkpath_from_portdir {portpath {portname ""}} { return [getportworkpath_from_buildpath [getportbuildpath $portpath $portname]] } source $pwd/../../port1.0/portmain.tcl # sets up PortInfo array if {[eval_variants variations] != 0} { mportclose $mport error "Error evaluating variants" } # set $version var set workername [ditem_key $mport workername] # run destroot $workername eval eval_targets destroot # portinstall setup interp alias {} _cd {} cd set macosx_deployment_target $pwd/deploy_target file mkdir $pwd/$subport file link -symbolic $pwd/$subport/work $pwd/work if {[catch {portinstall::install_main}] != 0} { return "FAIL: cannot install port" } set variants {} set options {} } -body { set res [mportopen_installed $subport $version $revision $variants $options] if {![string match "ditem_*" $res]} { return "FAIL: installed port not opened" } if {[catch {mportclose_installed $res}] != 0} { return "FAIL: cannot close port" } if {[catch {mportclose_installed $res}] != 1} { return "FAIL: installed port not closed" } return "Installed port open successful." } -cleanup { set res [uninstall_main] mportclose $mport file delete -force $pwd/work file delete -force $pwd/$subport } -result "Installed port open successful." test ui_isset { Ui is set unit test. } -body { namespace eval macports { array set ui_options { test yes } } if {[macports::ui_isset test] != 1} { return "FAIL: set option not detected" } if {[macports::ui_isset port] != 0} { return "FAIL: unset option detected" } return "ui_isset successful." } -result "ui_isset successful." test global_option_isset { Global option is set unit test. } -body { namespace eval macports { array set global_options { test yes } } if {[macports::global_option_isset test] != 1} { return "FAIL: set option not detected" } if {[macports::global_option_isset port] != 0} { return "FAIL: unset option detected" } return "Global option isset successful." } -result "Global option isset successful." test init_logging { Init logging unit test. } -constraints { root } -setup { set mport [mportopen file://.] } -body { if {[macports::init_logging $mport] != 0} { return "FAIL: incorrect channels" } if {$macports::channels(any) != "stdout debuglog"} { return "FAIL: incorrect channels(any)" } if {$macports::channels(debug) != "debuglog"} { return "FAIL: incorrect channels(debug)" } return "Init logging successful." } -cleanup { mportclose $mport } -result "Init logging successful." test ch_logging { Channel logging unit test. Assumes main.log filename. } -constraints { root } -setup { set mport [mportopen file://.] set portname [_mportkey $mport subport] set portpath [_mportkey $mport portpath] set logname [macports::getportlogpath $portpath $portname] file delete -force $logname } -body { if {[macports::ch_logging $mport] != 0} { return "FAIL: channels not set" } if {![file exists $logname]} { return "FAIL: logname dir missing" } if {![file exists $logname/main.log]} { return "FAIL: main.log missing" } return "Channel logging successful." } -cleanup { mportclose $mport } -result "Channel logging successful." test push_log { Push log unit test. } -constraints { root } -setup { set mport [mportopen file://.] } -body { set ::logenabled 1 if {[catch {macports::push_log $mport}] != 0} { return "FAIL: cannot push log" } if {[lindex $::logstack 0] != [list $::debuglog $::debuglogname]} { return "FAIL: incorrect logstack" } return "Push log successful." } -cleanup { mportclose $mport } -result "Push log successful." # test pop_log # test set_phase # test ui_message # test ui_init # test ui_prefix_default # test ui_channels_default # test ui_warn_once # test puts test findBinary { Find binary unit test. } -body { if {[macports::findBinary pwd ls] != "/bin/pwd"} { return "FAIL: wrong binary" } if {[macports::findBinary pwd /bin/ls] != "/bin/ls"} { return "FAIL: wrong binary" } return "Find binary successful." } -result "Find binary successful." test binaryInPath { Binary in path unit test. } -body { if {[catch {macports::binaryInPath zz}] != 1} { return "FAIL: invalid binary found" } if {[macports::binaryInPath ls] != "/bin/ls"} { return "FAIL: wrong binary found" } return "Binary in path successful." } -result "Binary in path successful." # test getoption test setxcodeinfo { Set XCode info unit test. } -constraints { root } -body { unset macports::xcodeversion if {[macports::setxcodeinfo a b c] != ""} { return "FAIL: xcode binary not found" } if {![info exists macports::xcodeversion]} { return "FAIL: xcodeversion unset" } return "Set XCode version successful." } -result "Set XCode version successful." test set_developer_dir { Set developer dir unit test. Tests only for correct xcode-select dir. } -constraints { root } -body { unset macports::developer_dir if {[macports::set_developer_dir a b c] != ""} { return "FAIL: cannot set dev dir" } if {![info exists macports::developer_dir]} { return "FAIL: developer_dir var no set" } return "Set developer dir successful." } -result "Set developer dir successful." test _is_valid_developer_dir { Check valid dev dir unit test. } -body { set macports::set_developer /Applications/ if {[macports::_is_valid_developer_dir $macports::developer_dir] != 1} { return "FAIL: valid dir not detected" } return "Valid dev dir successful." } -result "Valid dev dir successful." # test mportinit test mportshutdown { Mport shutdown unit test. } -setup { unset macports::ping_cache set time [expr [clock seconds] - 86100] set time_exp [expr [clock seconds] - 87000] set macports::portdbpath $pwd/portdbpath set macports::ping_cache(host1) [list test $time] set macports::ping_cache(host2) [list test $time_exp] file mkdir $macports::portdbpath close [open $macports::portdbpath/pingtimes w+] } -body { if {[mportshutdown] != ""} { return "FAIL: errors occured" } set res "" append res "host1 \{test " $time "\}" set fd [open $macports::portdbpath/pingtimes r] if {[gets $fd] != $res} { return "FAIL: wrong value saved" } close $fd return "Mportshutdown successful." } -cleanup { file delete -force $macports::portdbpath } -result "Mportshutdown successful." test copy_xcode_plist { Copy xcode plist unit test. } -constraints { root } -body { set target $pwd/target if {[macports::copy_xcode_plist $target] != ""} { return "FAIL: cannot copy xcode plist" } if {![file exists $target/Library/Preferences/]} { return "FAIL: missing plist file" } return "Copy xcode plist successful." } -cleanup { file delete -force $target } -result "Copy xcode plist successful." test worker_init { Worker init unit test. } -setup { set name [interp create] set portpath $pwd/portpath set porturl set portbuildpath $pwd/build set options {a b} set variations {1 2} } -body { macports::worker_init $name $portpath $porturl $portbuildpath $options $variations if {$name != "interp0"} { return "FAIL: wrong workername" } if {[$name eval source Portfile] != "yes"} { return "FAIL: cannot load Portfile" } if {[$name eval findBinary ls] != "/bin/ls"} { return "FAIL: alias not created" } if {[$name eval return \$os_arch] != "i386"} { return "FAIL: var not set" } return "Worker init successful." } -result "Worker init successful." test create_thread { Create thread unit test. } -body { unset macports::portinterp_options set macports::portinterp_options {a b} set res [macports::create_thread] if {![string match "tid0x*" $res]} { return "FAIL: cannot create thread" } return "Create thread successful." } -result "Create thread successful." # test get_tar_flags # test fetch_port test getprotocol { Get protocol unit test. } -body { if {[macports::getprotocol] != "http"} { return "FAIL: wrong protocol" } return "Get protocol successful." } -result "Get protocol successful." # test getportdir test getportresourcepath { Get port resource path. Doesn't check for 'file' protocol. } -body { set macports::portdbpath $pwd/portdbpath set url "" set default_path $pwd/portdbpath/sources/ set fallback_path $pwd/portdbpath/sources/ if {[macports::getportresourcepath $url "" yes] != $default_path} { return "FAIL: wrong resource path" } if {[macports::getportresourcepath $url "" no] != $fallback_path} { return "FAIL: wrong fallback path" } if {[macports::getportresourcepath $url "test" no] != "${fallback_path}/test"} { return "FAIL: wrong fallback path with subdir" } return "Get resource path successful." } -result "Get resource path successful." test getdefaultportresourcepath { Get default port resource path unit test. } -body { set path test/path set macports::sources_default file://$pwd if {[macports::getdefaultportresourcepath $path] != "${pwd}/_resources/${path}"} { return "FAIL: wrong file res path" } set macports::sources_default http://$pwd set default_source_url [lindex ${macports::sources_default} 0] set right_path [macports::getsourcepath $default_source_url]/_resources/test/path if {[macports::getdefaultportresourcepath $path] != $right_path} { return "FAIL: wrong http res path" } return "Default res path successful." } -result "Default res path successful." # test mportopen # Covered by mportopen_installed # test mportclose_installed test mporttraverse { Mport traverse unit test. Uses 3rd column of the Portfile. } -setup { file mkdir $pwd/porttree file mkdir $pwd/porttree/cat1/fondu file mkdir $pwd/porttree/cat2/fondu file copy -force $pwd/Portfile $pwd/porttree/cat1/fondu/Portfile file copy -force $pwd/Portfile $pwd/porttree/cat2/fondu/Portfile proc test_proc {file} { global pwd res set fd [open ${pwd}/porttree/${file}/Portfile r] gets $fd line append res [lindex [split $line " "] 3] } global res set res "" } -body { mporttraverse test_proc $pwd/porttree if {$res != "8547285472"} { return "FAIL: porttree not traversed" } return "Mport traverse successful." } -cleanup { file delete -force $pwd/porttree } -result "Mport traverse successful." # test _mportsearchpath # test _mportinstalled # test _mportactive # test _portnameactive # test _mportispresent # test _mporterrorifconflictsinstalled # test _mportexec # test mportexec # test _upgrade_mport_deps # test _get_registry_archs # test getsourcepath # test _source_is_snapshot # test getportbuildpath # test getportlogpath # test getportworkpath_from_buildpath # test getportworkpath_from_portdir # test getindex # test mportsync # test mportsearch # test mportlookup # test mportlistall # test _mports_load_quickindex # test mports_generate_quickindex # test _mportkey # test mportdepends # test _mport_supports_archs # test _mport_archs # test _active_supports_archs # test _active_archs # test _explain_arch_mismatch # test _mport_has_deptypes # test _target_needs_deps # test _deptypes_for_target # test selfupdate # test upgrade # test _upgrade # test _upgrade_dependencies test mportselect { Mport select unit test. } -setup { set macports::prefix $pwd/prefix file mkdir $macports::prefix/etc/select/group set f1 [open $macports::prefix/etc/select/group/file1 w+] set f2 [open $macports::prefix/etc/select/group/file2 w+] set f3 [open $macports::prefix/srcs w+] puts $f1 "srcs\n" close $f1 close $f2 close $f3 set fd [open $macports::prefix/etc/select/group/base w+] puts $fd "a\nb" close $fd } -body { if {[mportselect list group] != {file1 file2}} { return "FAIL: files not listed" } if {[mportselect set group file1] != ""} { reutrn "FAIL: cannot set links" } if {![file exists $macports::prefix/a]} { return "FAIL: link not created" } if {[mportselect show group] != "file1"} { return "FAIL: file not selected" } return "Mport select successful." } -cleanup { file delete -force $macports::prefix } -result "Mport select successful." test gettmpdir { Get tmp dir unit test. } -body { global env set env(TMPDIR) temporal if {[macports::gettmpdir] != "temporal"} { return "FAIL: set temp dir not detected" } unset env(TMPDIR) if {[macports::gettmpdir] != "/tmp"} { return "FAIL: default value not set" } return "Get tmp dir successful." } -result "Get tmp dir successful." test arch_runnable { Arch runnable unit test. } -body { set macports::os_major 12 set macports::os_arch i386 set macports::os_platform darwin if {[macports::arch_runnable ppc1] != no} { return "FAIL: major:12 arch:i386 arch:ppc* not detected" } if {[macports::arch_runnable ppc64] != no} { return "FAIL: major:12 arch:i386 arch:ppc64 not detected" } set macports::os_major 7 set macports::os_arch i386 set macports::os_platform darwin if {[macports::arch_runnable x86_64] != no} { return "FAIL: major:7 arch:i386 arch:x86_64 not detected" } set macports::os_major 12 set macports::os_arch i386 set macports::os_platform darwin if {[macports::arch_runnable x86_64] != yes} { return "FAIL: major:12 arch:i386 arch:x86_64 not detected" } return "Arch runnable successful." } -result "Arch runnable successful." # test revupgrade # test revupgrade_scanandrebuild test path_is_in_prefix { Path is in prefix unit test. } -body { set macports::applications_dir appdir if {[macports::path_is_in_prefix appdir/test/port] != yes} { return "FAIL: application dir not detected" } set macports::prefix prefix if {[macports::path_is_in_prefix prefix/test/port] != yes} { return "FAIL: prefix not detected" } if {[macports::path_is_in_prefix test/port] != no} { return "FAIL: no prefix detected" } return "Path prefix successful." } -result "Path prefix successful." test revupgrade_handle_special_paths { Revupgrade handle special paths unit test. } -body { set res [macports::revupgrade_handle_special_paths fname test_path] if {$res != "test_path"} { return "FAIL: wrong path" } set res [macports::revupgrade_handle_special_paths fname @loader_path/test_load] if {$res != "./test_load"} { return "FAIL: wrong load path" } return "Revupgrade handle special path successful." } -result "Revupgrade handle special path successful." # test revupgrade_buildgraph test get_pingtime { Get ping time unit test. } -setup { set time [expr [clock seconds] - 86300] set macports::ping_cache( [list MacPorts $time] set macports::host_blacklisted(macports_blacklist) [list black $time] set macports::host_preferred(macports_pref) [list pref $time] } -body { if {[macports::get_pingtime] != "MacPorts"} { return "FAIL: wrong ping time" } if {[macports::get_pingtime macports_blacklist] != -1} { return "FAIL: wrong time for blacklisted host" } if {[macports::get_pingtime macports_pref] != 1} { return "FAIL: wrong time for preferred host" } return "Get ping time successful." } -result "Get ping time successful." test set_pingtime { Set ping time unit test. } -body { set macports::ping_cache(macports) {} if {[lindex [macports::set_pingtime macports 007] 0] != 007} { return "FAIL: ping time not set" } return "Set ping time successful." } -result "Set ping time successful." test get_archive_sites_conf_values { Get archive sites conf values unit test. } -setup { file mkdir $pwd/archive_sites set fd [open $pwd/archive_sites/archive_sites.conf w+] puts $fd "name fondu" puts $fd "urls" puts $fd "type tgz" close $fd set macports::autoconf::macports_conf_path $pwd/archive_sites } -body { set res [macports::get_archive_sites_conf_values] if {[lindex [split $res " "] 1] != ""} { return "FAIL: name not set" } if {[lindex [split $res " "] 3] != "tgz"} { return "FAIL: wrong type set" } set macports::archive_sites_conf_values {a b c} if {[macports::get_archive_sites_conf_values] != {a b c}} { return "FAIL: wrong result for bad conf file" } return "Get archive sites conf values successful." } -cleanup { file delete -force $pwd/archive_sites } -result "Get archive sites conf values successful." cleanupTests