$ port installed The following ports are currently installed: adwaita-icon-theme @3.26.1_0 (active) aspell-dict-de @20030222-1_0 (active) aspell-dict-en @2017.08.24_0 (active) at-spi2-atk @2.26.1_0 (active) at-spi2-core @2.26.2_0 (active) atk @2.26.1_0 (active) atkmm @2.24.2_0 (active) autoconf @2.69_5 (active) autoconf-archive @2017.09.28_0 (active) automake @1.15.1_0 (active) bind9 @9.11.2_0 (active) bison @3.0.4_3 (active) bison-runtime @3.0.4_2 (active) bzip2 @1.0.6_0 (active) cairo @1.14.12_0+quartz+x11 (active) cairomm @1.12.2_0+x11 (active) curl @7.57.0_2+ssl (active) curl-ca-bundle @7.57.0_0 (active) cyrus-sasl2 @2.1.26_6+kerberos (active) db48 @4.8.30_4 (active) dbus @1.10.24_0 (active) desktop-file-utils @0.23_0 (active) enchant @1.6.0_5+applespell (active) expat @2.2.5_0 (active) fontconfig @2.12.6_1 (active) freetype @2.8_0 (active) gawk @4.2.0_0 (active) gd2 @2.2.5_0+x11 (active) gdbm @1.13_3 (active) gdk-pixbuf2 @2.36.11_0+x11 (active) gettext @ (active) giflib @4.2.3_0+x11 (active) glib2 @2.54.2_1+x11 (active) glibmm @2.54.1_0+x11 (active) gmime @2.6.23_1 (active) gmime3 @3.0.5_0 (active) gmp @6.1.2_1 (active) gnome-backgrounds @3.26.2_0 (active) gnome-common @3.18.0_0 (active) gnome-themes-standard @3.22.3_0+x11 (active) gnupg2 @2.2.3_0+pinentry_mac (active) gnutls @3.5.16_1+doc (active) gobject-introspection @1.54.1_0 (active) gpgme @1.10.0_0 (active) graphite2 @1.3.9_0 (active) graphviz @2.40.1_1+pangocairo+x11 (active) gsed @4.4_0 (active) gsmartcontrol @1.1.0_0 (active) gtk2 @2.24.31_0+x11 (active) gtk3 @3.22.26_0+x11 (active) gtkmm @2.24.5_1+x11 (active) gtkmm3 @3.22.2_0+x11 (active) gtkspell2 @2.0.16_7+x11 (active) gts @0.7.6_3 (active) harfbuzz @1.7.2_0 (active) hicolor-icon-theme @0.17_0 (active) icu @58.2_2 (active) intltool @0.51.0_4 (active) itstool @2.0.2_3 (active) jasper @2.0.14_0 (active) jpeg @9b_0 (active) kerberos5 @1.15.2_0 (active) libassuan @2.4.4_0 (active) libcomerr @1.43.7_0 (active) libcroco @0.6.12_0 (active) libedit @20170329-3.1_2 (active) libepoxy @1.4.3_1+python36 (active) libffi @3.2.1_0 (active) libgcrypt @1.8.2_0 (active) libgpg-error @1.27_1 (active) libiconv @1.15_0 (active) libidn @1.33_1 (active) libidn2 @2.0.4_0 (active) libksba @1.3.5_1 (active) libLASi @1.1.1_1 (active) libnetpbm @10.80.01_0 (active) libpixman @0.34.0_0 (active) libpng @1.6.34_0 (active) libpsl @0.19.1_2 (active) librsvg @2.40.19_0 (active) libsigcxx2 @2.10.0_0 (active) libtasn1 @4.12_0 (active) libtool @2.4.6_4 (active) libunistring @0.9.8_0 (active) libusb @1.0.21_0 (active) libusb-compat @0.1.5_0 (active) libxml2 @2.9.7_0 (active) libxslt @1.1.32_0 (active) lzip @1.19_0 (active) m4 @1.4.18_2 (active) mesa @17.1.6_0+osmesa+python27 (active) mm-common @0.9.11_0 (active) ncurses @6.0-20171125_0 (active) nettle @3.4_0 (active) npth @1.5_0 (active) openldap @2.4.45_0 (active) openssl @1.0.2n_0 (active) p5.24-encode-locale @1.50.0_0 (active) p5.24-file-listing @6.40.0_1 (active) p5.24-getopt-long @2.500.0_0 (active) p5.24-html-form @6.30.0_1 (active) p5.24-html-parser @3.720.0_0 (active) p5.24-html-tagset @3.200.0_4 (active) p5.24-http-cookies @6.40.0_0 (active) p5.24-http-daemon @6.10.0_1 (active) p5.24-http-date @6.20.0_1 (active) p5.24-http-message @6.130.0_0 (active) p5.24-http-negotiate @6.10.0_1 (active) p5.24-io-html @1.1.0_0 (active) p5.24-io-socket-ssl @2.52.0_0 (active) p5.24-libwww-perl @6.310.0_0 (active) p5.24-lwp-mediatypes @6.20.0_1 (active) p5.24-lwp-protocol-https @6.70.0_0 (active) p5.24-mime-base64 @3.150.0_0 (active) p5.24-mozilla-ca @20160104_0 (active) p5.24-net-http @6.170.0_0 (active) p5.24-net-libidn @0.120.0_4 (active) p5.24-net-ssleay @1.820.0_0 (active) p5.24-pathtools @3.620.0_0 (active) p5.24-scalar-list-utils @1.490.0_0 (active) p5.24-sub-name @0.210.0_0 (active) p5.24-sub-uplevel @0.280.0_0 (active) p5.24-test-exception @0.430.0_0 (active) p5.24-test-nowarnings @1.40.0_1 (active) p5.24-test-warn @0.320.0_0 (active) p5.24-try-tiny @0.280.0_0 (active) p5.24-uri @1.720.0_0 (active) p5.24-www-robotrules @6.20.0_1 (active) p5.24-xml-parser @2.440.0_0 (active) p5.26-encode-locale @1.50.0_0 (active) p5.26-file-listing @6.40.0_1 (active) p5.26-getopt-long @2.500.0_0 (active) p5.26-html-form @6.30.0_1 (active) p5.26-html-parser @3.720.0_0 (active) p5.26-html-tagset @3.200.0_4 (active) p5.26-http-cookies @6.40.0_0 (active) p5.26-http-daemon @6.10.0_1 (active) p5.26-http-date @6.20.0_1 (active) p5.26-http-message @6.130.0_0 (active) p5.26-http-negotiate @6.10.0_1 (active) p5.26-io-html @1.1.0_0 (active) p5.26-io-socket-ssl @2.52.0_0 (active) p5.26-libwww-perl @6.310.0_0 (active) p5.26-lwp-mediatypes @6.20.0_1 (active) p5.26-lwp-protocol-https @6.70.0_0 (active) p5.26-mozilla-ca @20160104_0 (active) p5.26-net-http @6.170.0_0 (active) p5.26-net-libidn @0.120.0_4 (active) p5.26-net-ssleay @1.820.0_0 (active) p5.26-pathtools @3.620.0_0 (active) p5.26-scalar-list-utils @1.490.0_0 (active) p5.26-sub-name @0.210.0_0 (active) p5.26-sub-uplevel @0.280.0_0 (active) p5.26-test-exception @0.430.0_0 (active) p5.26-test-nowarnings @1.40.0_1 (active) p5.26-test-warn @0.320.0_0 (active) p5.26-try-tiny @0.280.0_0 (active) p5.26-uri @1.720.0_0 (active) p5.26-www-robotrules @6.20.0_1 (active) p5.26-xml-parser @2.440.0_0 (active) p11-kit @0.23.9_1 (active) pan2 @0.143_0 (active) pango @1.40.14_0+quartz+x11 (active) pangomm @2.40.1_0+x11 (active) pcre @8.41_0 (active) perl5 @5.24.2_0+perl5_24 (active) perl5.24 @5.24.3_0 (active) perl5.26 @5.26.1_0 (active) pinentry-mac @0.9.4_0 (active) pkgconfig @0.29.2_0 (active) popt @1.16_0 (active) port_cutleaves @0.1.4_0 (active) pth @2.0.7_1 (active) py27-appdirs @1.4.3_0 (active) py27-beaker @1.8.1_0 (active) py27-certifi @2017.11.05_0 (active) py27-libxml2 @2.9.7_0 (active) py27-mako @1.0.7_0 (active) py27-markupsafe @0.23_0 (active) py27-packaging @16.8_0 (active) py27-parsing @2.2.0_0 (active) py27-setuptools @36.8.0_0 (active) py27-six @1.11.0_0 (active) python2_select @0.0_2 (active) python3_select @0.0_1 (active) python27 @2.7.14_0 (active) python34 @3.4.7_1 (active) python_select @0.3_7 (active) readline @7.0.003_1 (active) shared-mime-info @1.7_2 (active) smartmontools @6.5_0+attributelog+savestates (active) sqlite3 @3.21.0_0 (active) tcp_wrappers @20_2 (active) tiff @4.0.9_0 (active) urw-fonts @1.0.7pre44_0 (active) vala @0.38.4_0 (active) webp @0.6.1_0 (active) wget @1.19.2_1+ssl (active) Xft2 @2.3.2_0 (active) xorg-compositeproto @0.4.2_0 (active) xorg-damageproto @1.2.1_0 (active) xorg-dri2proto @2.8_0 (active) xorg-fixesproto @5.0_0 (active) xorg-glproto @1.4.17_0 (active) xorg-inputproto @2.3.2_0 (active) xorg-kbproto @1.0.7_0 (active) xorg-libice @1.0.9_0 (active) xorg-libpthread-stubs @0.4_0 (active) xorg-libsm @1.2.2_0 (active) xorg-libX11 @1.6.5_0 (active) xorg-libXau @1.0.8_0 (active) xorg-libXaw @1.0.13_2 (active) xorg-libxcb @1.12_2+python27 (active) xorg-libXcomposite @0.4.4_0 (active) xorg-libXcursor @1.1.14_0 (active) xorg-libXdamage @1.1.4_0 (active) xorg-libXdmcp @1.1.2_0 (active) xorg-libXext @1.3.3_0 (active) xorg-libXfixes @5.0.3_0 (active) xorg-libXi @1.7.8_0 (active) xorg-libXinerama @1.1.3_0 (active) xorg-libXmu @1.1.2_0 (active) xorg-libXrandr @1.5.1_0 (active) xorg-libXt @1.1.5_1 (active) xorg-libXtst @1.2.3_0 (active) xorg-libXxf86vm @1.1.4_0 (active) xorg-randrproto @1.5.0_0 (active) xorg-recordproto @1.14.2_0 (active) xorg-renderproto @0.11.1_0 (active) xorg-xcb-proto @1.12_1+python27 (active) xorg-xcb-util @0.4.0_0 (active) xorg-xextproto @7.3.0_0 (active) xorg-xf86vidmodeproto @2.3.1_0 (active) xorg-xineramaproto @1.2.1_0 (active) xorg-xproto @7.0.31_0 (active) xpm @3.5.12_0 (active) xrender @0.9.10_0 (active) xz @5.2.3_0 (active) yelp-tools @3.18.0_0 (active) yelp-xsl @3.20.1_0 (active) zlib @1.2.11_0 (active) --------------- Hardware-Übersicht: Modellname: MacBook Pro Modell-Identifizierung: MacBookPro5,1 Prozessortyp: Intel Core 2 Duo Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 2,4 GHz Anzahl der Prozessoren: 1 Gesamtanzahl der Kerne: 2 L2-Cache: 3 MB Speicher: 8 GB ------------------ A pice of EtreCheck Log: EtreCheck version: 3.4.6 (460) Report generated 2017-12-15 12:18:49 Download EtreCheck from https://etrecheck.com Runtime: 3:16 Performance: Good Hardware Information: ? MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008) [Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service] MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro5,1 1 2,4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Duo) CPU: 2-core 8 GB RAM Upgradeable - [Instructions] BANK 0/DIMM0 4 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok BANK 0/DIMM1 4 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok Handoff/Airdrop2: not supported Wireless: en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 126 Video Information: ? NVIDIA GeForce 9400M - VRAM: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT - VRAM: 256 MB Color LCD 1440 x 900 Disk Information: ? SanDisk Ultra II 960GB disk0: (960,2 GB) (Solid State - TRIM: Yes) [Show SMART report] (disk0s1) [EFI]: 210 MB MBP MyMac (disk0s2 - Journaled HFS+) / [Startup]: 959.34 GB (555.10 GB free) (disk0s3) [Recovery]: 650 MB MATSHITADVD-R UJ-868 () USB Information: ? USB20Bus Apple Inc. Built-in iSight USB20Bus USBBus Apple, Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver USBBus Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller System Software: ? OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 (15G18013) - Time since boot: less than an hour Gatekeeper: ? Mac App Store and identified developers