# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name fpc version 3.2.2 categories lang pascal platforms macosx license {GPL-2 LGPL-2} maintainers {@kamischi web.de:karl-michael.schindler} \ {@barracuda156 gmail.com:vital.had} \ openmaintainer description Free Pascal, an open source Pascal and Object Pascal \ compiler. long_description Free Pascal is a 32, 64 and 16 bit professional Pascal \ compiler. It can target many processor architectures: \ Intel x86 (including 8086), AMD64/x86-64, PowerPC, \ PowerPC64, SPARC, ARM, AArch64, MIPS and the JVM. \ Supported operating systems include Linux, FreeBSD, \ Mac OS X/iOS/iPhoneSimulator/Darwin, Win32, Win64, WinCE \ and Android. homepage https://www.freepascal.org # Bootstrap compiler version set boot_v 3.0.4 master_sites sourceforge:freepascal:main \ https://downloads.freepascal.org/fpc/dist/${boot_v}/bootstrap/:bootstrap \ https://downloads.freepascal.org/fpc/dist/${boot_v}/powerpc-macosx/:bootstrap \ https://downloads.freepascal.org/fpc/dist/${boot_v}/i386-macosx/:bootstrap set src ${name}build-${version}.tar.gz checksums ${src} \ rmd160 3106b4aff1adc4cd08dfdd39cc3ef4e800888255 \ sha256 85ef993043bb83f999e2212f1bca766eb71f6f973d362e2290475dbaaf50161f \ size 84195619 # PowerPC compiler is only available as a dmg if {${configure.build_arch} in [list ppc ppc64]} { set pp fpc-${boot_v}.powerpc-macosx.dmg checksums-append \ ${pp} \ rmd160 c1dbe7fb71382a69146023b2cdac768e05fea8e3 \ sha256 587a6ae199d2fb992794c6b4ff9a7aa0c4646687ed5bbab5a6c96bdc322ba53c \ size 98748823 } elseif {${configure.build_arch} eq "i386"} { set pp fpc-${boot_v}a.intel-macosx.dmg checksums-append \ ${pp} \ rmd160 1b838335467c0ab31f856031139e25954602b1ad \ sha256 56b870fbce8dc9b098ecff3c585f366ad3e156ca32a6bf3b20091accfb252616 \ size 108371671 } else { set pp x86_64-macosx-10.9-ppcx64.tar.bz2 checksums-append \ ${pp} \ rmd160 7c5327aa6f4fd8616d78bc4f708463b9fb3e8844 \ sha256 0515ad4251c51fa7e5c0ff9b1d90ea50f41530b56276cc72b73798fae437b3b4 \ size 1556308 } distfiles ${src}:main ${pp}:bootstrap # doesn't install shared libraries installs_libs no # parallel building is unreliable use_parallel_build no extract.only ${src} use_configure no universal_variant no set fpcbasepath ${prefix}/libexec/${name} if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} >= 22} { # macOS 13, Ventura, fix obsolete linker options patchfiles-append t_darwin.pas.patch } subport "chmcmd-${name}" { revision 0 description The FPC Pascal htmlhelp (CHM) compiler long_description \ chmcmd is a cross-platform utility to generate compressed \ HTML (.chm) documentation, written in Free Pascal. depends_build-append \ port:${name} extract.post_args-append \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/chm \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/fcl-xml \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/fcl-base \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/fcl-process \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/fpmkunit \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/hash \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/iconvenc \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/libtar \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/paszlib \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/univint \ ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/rtl worksrcdir ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/packages/chm use_configure yes configure.cmd ${fpcbasepath}/bin/fpcmake configure.pre_args configure.args -r -v Makefile.fpc.fpcmake configure.post_args patchfiles-delete t_darwin.pas.patch build.env PREFIX=${prefix} build.target build.post_args-append \ V=1 VERBOSE=1 destroot { xinstall -m 0755 ${build.dir}/chmcmd ${destroot}${prefix}/bin } } subport "${name}-cross" { revision 0 description FreePascal common cross-compiler binaries long_description \ Crosscompilers serving as starting points \ for specific operating system targets. \ OS runtime libraries are not yet ready. depends_build-append \ port:${name} worksrcdir ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc/compiler use_configure no patch.pre_args -p1 build.args OPT="-ap -v0" build.target aarch64 arm avr i386 i8086 jvm m68k mips mipsel \ powerpc powerpc64 sparc x86_64 switch ${build_arch} { x86_64 { build.target-delete x86_64 } arm64 { build.target-delete aarch64 } } destroot { # delete unwanted files file delete -force ${worksrcpath}/ppcgen file delete {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/ppc*.*] # create dirs xinstall -m 0755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/bin xinstall -m 0755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/fpc/${version} # loop over installing all cross-compilers foreach PPCCROSS [glob -tails -directory ${worksrcpath} ppc*] { xinstall -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/$PPCCROSS \ ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/fpc/${version} ln -sf ../lib/fpc/${version}/$PPCCROSS \ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/$PPCCROSS } } } subport "${name}-cross-arm-wince" { revision 0 worksrcdir fpcbuild-${version}/fpcsrc use_parallel_build no use_configure no depends_build-append port:${name} port:${name}-cross # build.target rtl packages # destroot.target rtl_install packages_install build.target rtl destroot.target rtl_install # target specifics description FPC cross-compiler for arm-wince long_description \ This Pascal crosscompiler produces arm executables, \ which run natively on arm-wince systems. \n \ Get help with: \n \ fpc -h \n \ Compile and link a Pascal file with: \n \ \n \ fpc -Parm -Twince FILENAME build.args PP=ppcarm CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=wince OPT="-ap -v0" destroot.args CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=wince CROSSINSTALL=1 \ INSTALL_PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} # remove duplicate doc and bin files post-destroot { file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/share file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/bin } } foreach ostarget {nativent win32 wince} { subport "${name}-cross-i386-$ostarget" { revision 0 worksrcdir fpcbuild-${version}/fpcsrc use_parallel_build no use_configure no depends_build-append port:${name} port:${name}-cross # build.target rtl packages # destroot.target rtl_install packages_install build.target rtl destroot.target rtl_install # target specifics description FPC cross-compiler for i386-$ostarget long_description \ This Pascal crosscompiler produces i386 executables, \ which run natively on i386-$ostarget systems. \n \ Get help with: \n \ fpc -h \n \ Compile and link a Pascal file with: \n \ \n \ fpc -Pi386 -T$ostarget FILENAME build.args PP=ppc386 CPU_TARGET=i386 OS_TARGET=$ostarget \ OPT="-ap -v0" destroot.args CPU_TARGET=i386 OS_TARGET=$ostarget CROSSINSTALL=1 \ INSTALL_PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} # remove duplicate doc and bin files post-destroot { file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/share file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/bin } } } subport "${name}-cross-x86-64-win64" { revision 0 worksrcdir fpcbuild-${version}/fpcsrc use_parallel_build no use_configure no depends_build-append port:${name} port:${name}-cross # build.target rtl packages # destroot.target rtl_install packages_install build.target rtl destroot.target rtl_install # target specifics description FPC cross-compiler for x86_64-win64 long_description \ This Pascal crosscompiler produces x86_64 executables, \ which run natively on x86_64-win64 systems. \n \ Get help with: \n \ fpc -h \n \ Compile and link a Pascal file with: \n \ \n \ fpc -Px86_64 -Twin64 FILENAME build.args PP=ppcx64 CPU_TARGET=x86_64 OS_TARGET=win64 OPT="-ap -v0" destroot.args CPU_TARGET=x86_64 OS_TARGET=win64 CROSSINSTALL=1 \ INSTALL_PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} # remove duplicate doc and bin files post-destroot { file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/share file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/bin } } if {${subport} eq "${name}"} { revision 1 installs_libs yes if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" \ && ${configure.build_arch} in [list ppc ppc64]} { post-extract { xinstall -d ${workpath}/tmp/boot system "hdiutil attach ${distpath}/${pp} -private -nobrowse \ -mountpoint ${workpath}/tmp/boot" copy ${workpath}/tmp/boot/${name}-${boot_v}.powerpc-macosx.pkg \ ${workpath}/pkg system "hdiutil detach ${workpath}/tmp/boot -force" delete -force ${workpath}/tmp/boot system -W ${workpath} "gunzip -d pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz" system -W ${workpath}/pkg "pax -r < Contents/Archive.pax" copy ${workpath}/pkg/usr/local/lib/${name}/${boot_v}/${bootstrapCompiler} \ ${workpath} } } elseif {${os.platform} eq "darwin" \ && ${configure.build_arch} eq "i386"} { depends_extract port:xar post-extract { xinstall -d ${workpath}/tmp/boot system "hdiutil attach ${distpath}/${pp} -private -nobrowse \ -mountpoint ${workpath}/tmp/boot" xinstall -d ${workpath}/pkg system -W ${workpath} "${prefix}/bin/xar -xf \ ${workpath}/tmp/boot/${name}-${boot_v}a.intel-macosx.pkg \ -C ${workpath}/pkg" system "hdiutil detach ${workpath}/tmp/boot -force" delete -force ${workpath}/tmp/boot system -W ${workpath}/pkg/${name}-${boot_v}a.intel-macosx.pkg \ "cat Payload | gunzip -dc | cpio -i" system -W ${workpath}/pkg/${name}-${boot_v}a.intel-macosx.pkg \ "cp ./usr/local/lib/${name}/${boot_v}/${bootstrapCompiler} \ ${workpath}" } } else { extract.only-append ${pp} } post-patch { # adjust the path "codfilepath" for plex # from /usr/local to MacPort's prefix. reinplace "s|/usr/local|${prefix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/utils/tply/pyacc.y \ ${worksrcpath}/utils/tply/pyacc.pas \ ${worksrcpath}/utils/tply/plex.pas } switch ${build_arch} { i386 { set bootstrapCompiler ppc386 set cpuTarget i386 set compiler ppc386 } x86_64 { set bootstrapCompiler ppcx64 set cpuTarget x86_64 set compiler ppcx64 } arm64 { set bootstrapCompiler ppcx64 set cpuTarget aarch64 set compiler ppca64 } ppc { set bootstrapCompiler ppcppc set cpuTarget powerpc set compiler ppcppc } ppc64 { set bootstrapCompiler ppcppc64 set cpuTarget powerpc64 set compiler ppcppc64 } default { set bootstrapCompiler unsupported set cpuTarget unsupported set compiler unsupported } } if {${os.platform} eq "darwin"} { if {${os.major} >= 20} { # 11, Big Sur set otherOptions "-WM11.0 -XR${configure.sdkroot}" } elseif {${os.major} >= 13} { # 10.9, Mavericks set otherOptions "-WM10.9" } elseif {${configure.build_arch} eq "i386"} { if {${os.major} == 8} { set otherOptions "-WM10.4" } elseif {${os.major} < 11} { set otherOptions "-WM10.5 -Aas" } else { set otherOptions "-WM${macosx_deployment_target}" } } elseif {${configure.build_arch} in [list ppc ppc64]} { # Relevant only for macOS PowerPC patchfiles-append patch-powerpc.diff # On Tiger building is trivial if {${os.major} == 8} { set otherOptions "-WM10.4" } else { # At the moment linking fails for pas2js on 10.5 and 10.6 # with the system or cctools ld. ld_classic works, # but it does not link against 10.5+ SDK. Therefore, # use 10.4 SDK for all PowerPC. See: # https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source/-/issues/40625 macosx_deployment_target 10.4 set tiger_sdkpath ${developer_dir}/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk if {![file exists $tiger_sdkpath]} { pre-fetch {ui_error "Building ${name} requires 10.4 SDK"} } # We use symlinks to needed tools, but make sure those # have not been created already: set binutils_path ${workpath}/bin pre-build { if {![file exists $binutils_path]} { xinstall -m 0755 -d ${workpath}/bin ln -s /usr/bin/as ${workpath}/bin/as ln -s /usr/bin/ld_classic ${workpath}/bin/ld } } set otherOptions "-WM${macosx_deployment_target} \ -XR${tiger_sdkpath} -Fl=/usr/lib -FD${binutils_path}" } } else { set otherOptions "" } } worksrcdir ${name}build-${version}/fpcsrc build.env PP=${workpath}/${bootstrapCompiler} \ PREFIX=${destroot}${fpcbasepath} build.args OPT="-v0 -ap ${otherOptions}" CPU_TARGET=${cpuTarget} \ UTILS=1 destroot.args {*}${build.args} destroot.env {*}${build.env} # codesign for older systems does not have a --remove-signature option # work around: replace codesign by a dummy. if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} <= 15} { # 10.11, El Capitan build.args-append CODESIGN=/usr/bin/true } # build the compiler utilities msgdif and msg2inc post-build { system -W ${worksrcpath}/compiler/utils \ "../${compiler} -ap -v0 -Fu../../rtl/units/${cpuTarget}-darwin \ ${otherOptions} msgdif.pp && \ ../${compiler} -ap -v0 -Fu../../rtl/units/${cpuTarget}-darwin \ ${otherOptions} msg2inc.pp" } post-destroot { # create a symlink to the architecture dependent executable ln -s ${fpcbasepath}/lib/${name}/${version}/${compiler} \ ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/bin # target arm64 needs make utils_install explicitly if {${build_arch} == "arm64"} { system -W ${worksrcpath} \ "make utils_install FPC=${worksrcpath}/compiler/${compiler} \ PREFIX=${destroot}${fpcbasepath} \ OPT=\"-Furtl/units/${cpuTarget}-darwin -ap -v0 \ ${otherOptions}\"" } # generate a configuration file xinstall -d ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/etc system -W ${destroot}${fpcbasepath} \ "bin/fpcmkcfg -d basepath=${fpcbasepath}/lib/${name}/${version} \ -o etc/fpc.cfg" ln -s ${fpcbasepath}/etc/fpc.cfg ${destroot}${prefix}/etc system "patch ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/etc/fpc.cfg \ ${filespath}/fpc.cfg.patch" # remove the -WM option for older systems or update it as needed if {${os.platform} eq "darwin"} { if {${configure.build_arch} in [list ppc ppc64]} { # macOS PowerPC reinplace "s|-WM10.9|-WM10.4|g" \ ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/etc/fpc.cfg } elseif {${configure.build_arch} eq "i386"} { # macOS x86 reinplace "s|-WM10.9|-WM${macosx_deployment_target}|g" \ ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/etc/fpc.cfg } elseif {${os.major} < 11} { # 10.7, Lion reinplace "s|-WM10.9||g" ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/etc/fpc.cfg } elseif {${os.major} >= 20} { # 11, Big Sur reinplace "s|-WM10.9|-WM11.0|g" \ ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/etc/fpc.cfg } if {${os.major} < 13} { reinplace "s|/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer||g" \ ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/etc/fpc.cfg } } # set prefix of search path for qt4pas reinplace "s|PREFIX|${prefix}|g" ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/etc/fpc.cfg # install man xinstall -d ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/man foreach d {1 5} { file copy ${workpath}/${name}build-${version}/install/man/man${d} \ ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/man foreach f [glob ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/man/man${d}/*.${d}] { system "/usr/bin/gzip ${f}" } } ln -s ${fpcbasepath}/man/man1/fpc.1.gz \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1 ln -s ${fpcbasepath}/man/man5/fpc.cfg.5.gz \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man5 # chmcmd will be installed by the chmcmd-fpc subport file delete -force ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/bin/chmcmd foreach b [glob -nocomplain ${destroot}${fpcbasepath}/bin/*] { set n [file tail ${b}] ln -s ${fpcbasepath}/bin/${n} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin } # install the compiler utilities msgdif and msg2inc xinstall -m 0755 -W ${worksrcpath}/compiler/utils msgdif msg2inc \ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin } notes " The compiler fpc looks for the fpc.cfg file in the following places: - The current directory. - Home directory, looks for .fpc.cfg - The directory specified in the environment variable PPC_CONFIG_PATH,\ and if it's not set under compilerdir/../etc. - If it is not yet found: in /etc. All the files of fpc are installed in ${fpcbasepath} and\ the executables are installed in ${fpcbasepath}/bin. The fpc.cfg\ is installed in ${fpcbasepath}/etc to make fpc find fpc.cfg.\ To customize, use ~/.fpc.cfg or /etc/fpc.cfg and call\ ${fpcbasepath}/bin/fpc directly. " livecheck.distname ${name} } else { livecheck.type none }