[ 0.000][d][global] user path: 'log2.txt' -> 'log2.txt' [ 0.002][v][cplayer] mpv 0.37.0 Copyright © 2000-2023 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects [ 0.002][v][cplayer] built on Apr 1 2024 01:57:28 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libplacebo version: v6.338.1 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] FFmpeg version: 4.4.4 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] FFmpeg library versions: [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libavutil 56.70.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libavcodec 58.134.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libavformat 58.76.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libswscale 5.9.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libavfilter 7.110.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libswresample 3.9.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] [ 0.002][v][cplayer] Configuration: -Dmanpage-build=enabled -Dcoreaudio=enabled -Dcocoa=enabled -Dcplugins=enabled -Dzlib=enabled -Dswift-build=enabled -Dhtml-build=disabled -Dvideotoolbox-gl=enabled -Dcuda-hwaccel=disabled -Dopensles=disabled -Degl-drm=disabled -Degl-angle-lib=disabled -Degl-angle-win32=disabled -Daudiounit=disabled -Dios-gl=disabled -Ddirect3d=disabled -Dandroid-media-ndk=disabled -Drpi=disabled -Ddvbin=disabled -Dlibmpv=false -Dcaca=disabled -Dcdda=enabled -Dpthread-debug=disabled -Ddvdnav=enabled -Degl-x11=disabled -Dgl=enabled -Dgl-cocoa=enabled -Dvulkan=disabled -Dgl-x11=disabled -Djack=disabled -Djavascript=disabled -Djpeg=disabled -Dlibarchive=enabled -Dlibbluray=enabled -Dlua=lua5.2 -Dopenal=disabled -Dpdf-build=disabled -Dpulse=disabled -Drubberband=disabled -Duchardet=disabled -Dvapoursynth=disabled -Dx11=disabled -Dxv=disabled -Dprefix=/opt/local -Dbuildtype=release -Dwrap_mode=default [ 0.002][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: bsd-fstatfs build-date cdda cocoa coreaudio cplugins darwin dvdnav ffmpeg gl gl-cocoa glob glob-posix gpl iconv lcms2 libarchive libass libavdevice libbluray libdl libm libplacebo lua5.2 macos-cocoa-cb macos-media-player macos-touchbar manpage-build osx-thread-name posix posix-shm swift threads vector videotoolbox-gl zimg zimg-st428 zlib [ 0.002][v][cplayer] Command line options: '--no-config' '--msg-level=all=trace' '--log-file=log2.txt' 'test.flac' [ 0.002][v][cplayer] mpv 0.37.0 Copyright © 2000-2023 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects [ 0.002][v][cplayer] built on Apr 1 2024 01:57:28 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libplacebo version: v6.338.1 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] FFmpeg version: 4.4.4 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] FFmpeg library versions: [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libavutil 56.70.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libavcodec 58.134.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libavformat 58.76.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libswscale 5.9.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libavfilter 7.110.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] libswresample 3.9.100 [ 0.002][v][cplayer] [ 0.002][v][cplayer] Configuration: -Dmanpage-build=enabled -Dcoreaudio=enabled -Dcocoa=enabled -Dcplugins=enabled -Dzlib=enabled -Dswift-build=enabled -Dhtml-build=disabled -Dvideotoolbox-gl=enabled -Dcuda-hwaccel=disabled -Dopensles=disabled -Degl-drm=disabled -Degl-angle-lib=disabled -Degl-angle-win32=disabled -Daudiounit=disabled -Dios-gl=disabled -Ddirect3d=disabled -Dandroid-media-ndk=disabled -Drpi=disabled -Ddvbin=disabled -Dlibmpv=false -Dcaca=disabled -Dcdda=enabled -Dpthread-debug=disabled -Ddvdnav=enabled -Degl-x11=disabled -Dgl=enabled -Dgl-cocoa=enabled -Dvulkan=disabled -Dgl-x11=disabled -Djack=disabled -Djavascript=disabled -Djpeg=disabled -Dlibarchive=enabled -Dlibbluray=enabled -Dlua=lua5.2 -Dopenal=disabled -Dpdf-build=disabled -Dpulse=disabled -Drubberband=disabled -Duchardet=disabled -Dvapoursynth=disabled -Dx11=disabled -Dxv=disabled -Dprefix=/opt/local -Dbuildtype=release -Dwrap_mode=default [ 0.002][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: bsd-fstatfs build-date cdda cocoa coreaudio cplugins darwin dvdnav ffmpeg gl gl-cocoa glob glob-posix gpl iconv lcms2 libarchive libass libavdevice libbluray libdl libm libplacebo lua5.2 macos-cocoa-cb macos-media-player macos-touchbar manpage-build osx-thread-name posix posix-shm swift threads vector videotoolbox-gl zimg zimg-st428 zlib [ 0.002][d][global] home path: '' -> '-' [ 0.002][d][global] user path: '~~home/' -> '' [ 0.002][d][global] user path: '~~old_home/' -> '' [ 0.002][v][cplayer] Setting option 'config' = 'no' (flags = 8) [ 0.002][v][cplayer] Setting option 'msg-level' = 'all=trace' (flags = 8) [ 0.002][v][cplayer] Setting option 'log-file' = 'log2.txt' (flags = 8) [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='MBTN_LEFT' builtin cmd='ignore' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='MBTN_LEFT_DBL' builtin cmd='cycle fullscreen' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='MBTN_RIGHT' builtin cmd='cycle pause' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='MBTN_BACK' builtin cmd='playlist-prev' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='MBTN_FORWARD' builtin cmd='playlist-next' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='WHEEL_UP' builtin cmd='add volume 2' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='WHEEL_DOWN' builtin cmd='add volume -2' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='WHEEL_LEFT' builtin cmd='seek -10' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='WHEEL_RIGHT' builtin cmd='seek 10' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='RIGHT' builtin cmd='seek 5' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='LEFT' builtin cmd='seek -5' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='UP' builtin cmd='seek 60' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='DOWN' builtin cmd='seek -60' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+RIGHT' builtin cmd='no-osd seek 1 exact' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+LEFT' builtin cmd='no-osd seek -1 exact' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+UP' builtin cmd='no-osd seek 5 exact' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+DOWN' builtin cmd='no-osd seek -5 exact' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='Ctrl+LEFT' builtin cmd='no-osd sub-seek -1' location=':1' [ 0.008][t][input] add: section='default' key='Ctrl+RIGHT' builtin cmd='no-osd sub-seek 1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+Ctrl+LEFT' builtin cmd='sub-step -1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+Ctrl+RIGHT' builtin cmd='sub-step 1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+LEFT' builtin cmd='add video-pan-x 0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+RIGHT' builtin cmd='add video-pan-x -0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+UP' builtin cmd='add video-pan-y 0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+DOWN' builtin cmd='add video-pan-y -0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt++' builtin cmd='add video-zoom 0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='ZOOMIN' builtin cmd='add video-zoom 0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+-' builtin cmd='add video-zoom -0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='ZOOMOUT' builtin cmd='add video-zoom -0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+BS' builtin cmd='set video-zoom 0 ; set video-pan-x 0 ; set video-pan-y 0' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='PGUP' builtin cmd='add chapter 1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='PGDWN' builtin cmd='add chapter -1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+PGUP' builtin cmd='seek 600' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+PGDWN' builtin cmd='seek -600' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='[' builtin cmd='multiply speed 1/1.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key=']' builtin cmd='multiply speed 1.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='{' builtin cmd='multiply speed 0.5' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='}' builtin cmd='multiply speed 2.0' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='BS' builtin cmd='set speed 1.0' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+BS' builtin cmd='revert-seek' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Shift+Ctrl+BS' builtin cmd='revert-seek mark' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='q' builtin cmd='quit' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Q' builtin cmd='quit-watch-later' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='encode' key='q' builtin cmd='quit 4' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='ESC' builtin cmd='set fullscreen no' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='encode' key='ESC' builtin cmd='quit 4' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='p' builtin cmd='cycle pause' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='.' builtin cmd='frame-step' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key=',' builtin cmd='frame-back-step' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='SPACE' builtin cmd='cycle pause' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='>' builtin cmd='playlist-next' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='ENTER' builtin cmd='playlist-next' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='<' builtin cmd='playlist-prev' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='O' builtin cmd='no-osd cycle-values osd-level 3 1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='o' builtin cmd='show-progress' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='P' builtin cmd='show-progress' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='i' builtin cmd='script-binding stats/display-stats' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='I' builtin cmd='script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='`' builtin cmd='script-binding console/enable' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='z' builtin cmd='add sub-delay -0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Z' builtin cmd='add sub-delay +0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='x' builtin cmd='add sub-delay +0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Ctrl++' builtin cmd='add audio-delay 0.100' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Ctrl+-' builtin cmd='add audio-delay -0.100' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='G' builtin cmd='add sub-scale +0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='F' builtin cmd='add sub-scale -0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='9' builtin cmd='add volume -2' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='/' builtin cmd='add volume -2' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='0' builtin cmd='add volume 2' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='*' builtin cmd='add volume 2' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='m' builtin cmd='cycle mute' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='1' builtin cmd='add contrast -1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='2' builtin cmd='add contrast 1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='3' builtin cmd='add brightness -1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='4' builtin cmd='add brightness 1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='5' builtin cmd='add gamma -1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='6' builtin cmd='add gamma 1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='7' builtin cmd='add saturation -1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='8' builtin cmd='add saturation 1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+0' builtin cmd='set current-window-scale 0.5' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+1' builtin cmd='set current-window-scale 1.0' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+2' builtin cmd='set current-window-scale 2.0' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='d' builtin cmd='cycle deinterlace' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='r' builtin cmd='add sub-pos -1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='R' builtin cmd='add sub-pos +1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='t' builtin cmd='add sub-pos +1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='v' builtin cmd='cycle sub-visibility' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+v' builtin cmd='cycle secondary-sub-visibility' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='V' builtin cmd='cycle sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='u' builtin cmd='cycle-values sub-ass-override "force" "yes"' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='j' builtin cmd='cycle sub' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='J' builtin cmd='cycle sub down' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='SHARP' builtin cmd='cycle audio' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='_' builtin cmd='cycle video' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='T' builtin cmd='cycle ontop' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='f' builtin cmd='cycle fullscreen' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='s' builtin cmd='screenshot' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='S' builtin cmd='screenshot video' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Ctrl+s' builtin cmd='screenshot window' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Alt+s' builtin cmd='screenshot each-frame' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='w' builtin cmd='add panscan -0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='W' builtin cmd='add panscan +0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='e' builtin cmd='add panscan +0.1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='A' builtin cmd='cycle-values video-aspect-override "16:9" "4:3" "2.35:1" "-1"' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='POWER' builtin cmd='quit' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='PLAY' builtin cmd='cycle pause' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='PAUSE' builtin cmd='cycle pause' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='PLAYPAUSE' builtin cmd='cycle pause' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='PLAYONLY' builtin cmd='set pause no' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='PAUSEONLY' builtin cmd='set pause yes' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='STOP' builtin cmd='quit' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='FORWARD' builtin cmd='seek 60' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='REWIND' builtin cmd='seek -60' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='NEXT' builtin cmd='playlist-next' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='PREV' builtin cmd='playlist-prev' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='VOLUME_UP' builtin cmd='add volume 2' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='VOLUME_DOWN' builtin cmd='add volume -2' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='MUTE' builtin cmd='cycle mute' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='CLOSE_WIN' builtin cmd='quit' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='encode' key='CLOSE_WIN' builtin cmd='quit 4' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Ctrl+w' builtin cmd='quit' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='E' builtin cmd='cycle edition' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='l' builtin cmd='ab-loop' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='L' builtin cmd='cycle-values loop-file "inf" "no"' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Ctrl+c' builtin cmd='quit 4' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='DEL' builtin cmd='script-binding osc/visibility' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='Ctrl+h' builtin cmd='cycle-values hwdec "auto-safe" "no"' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='F8' builtin cmd='show-text ${playlist}' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='F9' builtin cmd='show-text ${track-list}' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='!' builtin cmd='add chapter -1' location=':1' [ 0.009][t][input] add: section='default' key='@' builtin cmd='add chapter 1' location=':1' [ 0.010][d][global] user path: 'log2.txt' -> 'log2.txt' [ 0.010][d][osc] Loading lua script @osc.lua... [ 0.010][d][ytdl_hook] Loading lua script @ytdl_hook.lua... [ 0.010][d][stats] Loading lua script @stats.lua... [ 0.010][d][console] Loading lua script @console.lua... [ 0.010][d][auto_profiles] Loading lua script @auto_profiles.lua... [ 0.014][d][osc] loading mp.defaults [ 0.014][d][ytdl_hook] loading mp.defaults [ 0.014][d][stats] loading mp.defaults [ 0.014][d][osc] loading @osc.lua [ 0.014][d][stats] loading @stats.lua [ 0.014][d][console] loading mp.defaults [ 0.014][d][console] loading @console.lua [ 0.014][d][osc] reading options for osc [ 0.014][d][osc] script-opts/osc.conf not found. [ 0.014][d][osc] lua-settings/osc.conf not found. [ 0.014][d][auto_profiles] loading mp.defaults [ 0.016][d][ytdl_hook] loading @ytdl_hook.lua [ 0.016][d][ytdl_hook] reading options for ytdl_hook [ 0.016][d][ytdl_hook] script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf not found. [ 0.016][d][ytdl_hook] lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf not found. [ 0.016][d][auto_profiles] loading @auto_profiles.lua [ 0.016][d][stats] reading options for stats [ 0.016][d][stats] script-opts/stats.conf not found. [ 0.016][d][stats] lua-settings/stats.conf not found. [ 0.026][v][osx/cocoacb] Created CGL pixel format with attributes: kCGLPFAOpenGLProfile, kCGLOGLPVersion_3_2_Core, kCGLPFAAccelerated, kCGLPFADoubleBuffer, kCGLPFAColorSize, 64, kCGLPFAColorFloat, kCGLPFABackingStore, kCGLPFAAllowOfflineRenderers, kCGLPFASupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching, 0 [ 0.026][v][libmpv_render] GL_VERSION='4.1 Metal - 88' [ 0.026][v][libmpv_render] Detected desktop OpenGL 4.1. [ 0.026][v][libmpv_render] GL_VENDOR='Apple' [ 0.026][v][libmpv_render] GL_RENDERER='Apple M1' [ 0.026][v][libmpv_render] GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='4.10' [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] Combined OpenGL extensions string: [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_container_object_shareable GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_row_bytes GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_NV_texture_barrier [ 0.026][v][libmpv_render] Loaded extension GL_APPLE_rgb_422. [ 0.026][v][libmpv_render] GL_*_swap_control extension missing. [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] Texture formats: [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] NAME COMP*TYPE SIZE DEPTH PER COMP. [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] r8 1*unorm 1B LF CR ST {8} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rg8 2*unorm 2B LF CR ST {8 8} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgb8 3*unorm 3B LF CR ST {8 8 8} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgba8 4*unorm 4B LF CR ST {8 8 8 8} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] r16 1*unorm 2B LF CR ST {16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rg16 2*unorm 4B LF CR ST {16 16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgb16 3*unorm 6B LF CR ST {16 16 16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgba16 4*unorm 8B LF CR ST {16 16 16 16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] r8ui 1*uint 1B CR ST {8} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rg8ui 2*uint 2B CR ST {8 8} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgb8ui 3*uint 3B ST {8 8 8} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgba8ui 4*uint 4B CR ST {8 8 8 8} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] r16ui 1*uint 2B CR ST {16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rg16ui 2*uint 4B CR ST {16 16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgb16ui 3*uint 6B ST {16 16 16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgba16ui 4*uint 8B CR ST {16 16 16 16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] r16f 1*float 4B LF CR ST {32/16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rg16f 2*float 8B LF CR ST {32/16 32/16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgb16f 3*float 12B LF CR ST {32/16 32/16 32/16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgba16f 4*float 16B LF CR ST {32/16 32/16 32/16 32/16} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] r32f 1*float 4B LF CR ST {32} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rg32f 2*float 8B LF CR ST {32 32} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgb32f 3*float 12B LF CR ST {32 32 32} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgba32f 4*float 16B LF CR ST {32 32 32 32} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgb10_a2 4*unorm 4B LF CR ST {0/10 0/10 0/10 0/2} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgba12 4*unorm 8B LF CR ST {16/12 16/12 16/12 16/12} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgb10 3*unorm 6B LF CR ST {16/10 16/10 16/10} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] rgb565 3*unorm 2B LF ST {0/8 0/8 0/8} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] appleyp 0*unorm 2B LF ST {} [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] LA = LUMINANCE_ALPHA hack format [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] LF = linear filterable [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] CR = can be used for render targets [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] ST = can be used for storable images [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] Image formats: [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p => 3 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.026][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p => 3 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] gray => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8] (r) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] gray16 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] uyvy422 => 1 planes 1x1 0/0 [appleyp] (brg) [unknown] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] nv12 => 2 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] p010 => 2 planes 2x2 16/6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] argb => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (argb) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgra => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (bgra) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] abgr => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (abgr) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgba => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (rgba) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr24 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgb8] (bgr) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb24 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgb8] (rgb) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] 0rgb => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (_rgb) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr0 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (bgr) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] 0bgr => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (_bgr) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb0 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (rgb) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgba64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (rgba) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb565 => 1 planes 1x1 0/0 [rgb565] (rgb) [unknown] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] pal8 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] vdpau [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] d3d11 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] dxva2_vld [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] mmal [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] mediacodec [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] cuda [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yap8 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8] (r/a) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yap16 => 2 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16] (r/a) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] grayaf32 => 2 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f] (r/a) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv444pf => 3 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuva444pf => 4 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv420pf => 3 planes 2x2 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuva420pf => 4 planes 2x2 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv422pf => 3 planes 2x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuva422pf => 4 planes 2x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv440pf => 3 planes 1x2 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuva440pf => 4 planes 1x2 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv410pf => 3 planes 4x4 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuva410pf => 4 planes 4x4 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv411pf => 3 planes 4x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuva411pf => 4 planes 4x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb30 => 1 planes 1x1 10/0 [rgb10_a2] (bgr) [unknown] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] y1 => 1 planes 1x1 8/-7 [r8] (r) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] gbrp1 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-7 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] gbrp2 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-6 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] gbrp3 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-5 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] gbrp4 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-4 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] gbrp5 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-3 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] gbrp6 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-2 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] vdpau_output [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] vaapi [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] videotoolbox [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] drm_prime [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuyv422 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p => 3 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv410p => 3 planes 4x4 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv411p => 3 planes 4x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] monow [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] monob [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuvj422p => 3 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] uyyvyy411 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr8 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr4 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr4_byte [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb8 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb4 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb4_byte [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] nv21 => 2 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/bg) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] gray16be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p => 3 planes 1x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuvj440p => 3 planes 1x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p => 4 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb48be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb48 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgb16] (rgb) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb565be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb555be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb555 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr565be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr565 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr555be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr555 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] vaapi_moco [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] vaapi_idct [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p16 => 3 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p16be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p16 => 3 planes 2x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p16be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p16 => 3 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p16be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb444 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] rgb444be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr444 [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr444be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] ya8 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rg8] (ra) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr48be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] bgr48 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgb16] (bgr) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p9be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p9 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p10be [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p10 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.027][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p10be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p10 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p9be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p9 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p10be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p10 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p9be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p9 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp => 3 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp9be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp9 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp10be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp10 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp16 => 3 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p => 4 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p => 4 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p9be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p9 => 4 planes 2x2 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p9be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p9 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p9be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p9 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p10be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p10 => 4 planes 2x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p10be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p10 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p10be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p10 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p16 => 4 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p16 => 4 planes 2x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p16 => 4 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] xyz12 => 1 planes 1x1 16/4 [rgb16] (rgb) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] xyz12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] nv16 => 2 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] nv20 => 2 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] nv20be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] rgba64be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bgra64be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bgra64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (bgra) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yvyu422 [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] ya16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] ya16 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rg16] (ra) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrap => 4 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrap16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrap16 => 4 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] qsv [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] d3d11va_vld [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p12 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p14be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p14 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p12 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p14be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p14 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p12 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p14be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p14 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp12 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp14be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrp14 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuvj411p => 3 planes 4x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_bggr8 [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_rggb8 [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_gbrg8 [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_grbg8 [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_bggr16 [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_bggr16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_rggb16 [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_rggb16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_gbrg16 [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_gbrg16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_grbg16 [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] bayer_grbg16be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] xvmc [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p10 => 3 planes 1x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p10be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p12 => 3 planes 1x2 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] ayuv64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (argb) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] ayuv64be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] p010be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrap12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrap12 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrap10be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrap10 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gray12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gray12 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gray10be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gray10 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] p016 => 2 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] p016be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gray9be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gray9 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrpf32be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrpf32 => 3 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (g/b/r) [float] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrapf32be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gbrapf32 => 4 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (g/b/r/a) [float] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] opencl [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gray14be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] gray14 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] grayf32be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] grayf32 => 1 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f] (r) [float] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p12 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p12be [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p12 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.028][d][libmpv_render] nv24 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.029][d][libmpv_render] nv42 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/bg) [unorm] [ 0.029][d][libmpv_render] vulkan [ 0.029][d][libmpv_render] y210be [ 0.029][d][libmpv_render] y210 [ 0.029][d][libmpv_render] x2rgb10be [ 0.029][v][libmpv_render] Testing FBO format rgba16f [ 0.029][d][libmpv_render] Resizing texture: 16x16 [ 0.029][v][libmpv_render] Using FBO format rgba16f. [ 0.029][v][libmpv_render] Disabling HDR peak computation (one or more of the following is not supported: compute shaders=0, SSBO=0). [ 0.029][d][global] cache path: '' -> '/Users/rivers/Library/Caches/io.mpv' [ 0.029][v][libmpv_render] Loading hwdec driver 'videotoolbox' [ 0.029][v][cplayer] Waiting for scripts... [ 0.030][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="showhide", contents="mouse_move script-binding osc/__keybinding1\nmouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding2\n", flags="force"] [ 0.030][t][input] add: section='showhide' key='MOUSE_MOVE' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding1' location=':1' [ 0.030][t][input] add: section='showhide' key='MOUSE_LEAVE' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding2' location=':2' [ 0.030][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_stats", contents="", flags="default"] [ 0.030][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_stats", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.030][t][input] enable section 'input_stats' [ 0.030][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.030][t][input] default 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.030][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_stats", contents="", flags="force"] [ 0.030][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_stats", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.030][t][input] enable section 'input_forced_stats' [ 0.030][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.030][t][input] default 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_forced_stats 12 [ 0.030][d][console] reading options for console [ 0.030][d][console] script-opts/console.conf not found. [ 0.030][d][console] lua-settings/console.conf not found. [ 0.030][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_console", contents="", flags="default"] [ 0.030][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_console", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.030][t][input] enable section 'input_console' [ 0.030][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.030][t][input] default 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_forced_stats 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_console 12 [ 0.030][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_console", contents="", flags="force"] [ 0.030][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_console", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.030][t][input] enable section 'input_forced_console' [ 0.030][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.030][t][input] default 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_forced_stats 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_console 12 [ 0.030][t][input] input_forced_console 12 [ 0.031][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="showhide_wc", contents="mouse_move script-binding osc/__keybinding3\nmouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding4\n", flags="force"] [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='showhide_wc' key='MOUSE_MOVE' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding3' location=':1' [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='showhide_wc' key='MOUSE_LEAVE' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding4' location=':2' [ 0.031][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="showhide", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.031][t][input] enable section 'showhide' [ 0.031][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.031][t][input] default 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_forced_stats 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_console 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_forced_console 12 [ 0.031][t][input] showhide 12 [ 0.031][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="showhide_wc", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.031][t][input] enable section 'showhide_wc' [ 0.031][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.031][t][input] default 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_forced_stats 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_console 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_forced_console 12 [ 0.031][t][input] showhide 12 [ 0.031][t][input] showhide_wc 12 [ 0.031][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input", contents="mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding5\nshift+mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding6\nmbtn_right script-binding osc/__keybinding7\nmbtn_mid script-binding osc/__keybinding8\nwheel_up script-binding osc/__keybinding9\nwheel_down script-binding osc/__keybinding10\nmbtn_left_dbl ignore\nshift+mbtn_left_dbl ignore\nmbtn_right_dbl ignore\n", flags="force"] [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='input' key='MBTN_LEFT' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding5' location=':1' [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='input' key='Shift+MBTN_LEFT' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding6' location=':2' [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='input' key='MBTN_RIGHT' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding7' location=':3' [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='input' key='MBTN_MID' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding8' location=':4' [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='input' key='WHEEL_UP' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding9' location=':5' [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='input' key='WHEEL_DOWN' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding10' location=':6' [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='input' key='MBTN_LEFT_DBL' cmd='ignore' location=':7' [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='input' key='Shift+MBTN_LEFT_DBL' cmd='ignore' location=':8' [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='input' key='MBTN_RIGHT_DBL' cmd='ignore' location=':9' [ 0.031][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input", flags=""] [ 0.031][t][input] enable section 'input' [ 0.031][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.031][t][input] default 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_forced_stats 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_console 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_forced_console 12 [ 0.031][t][input] showhide 12 [ 0.031][t][input] showhide_wc 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input 0 [ 0.031][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="window-controls", contents="mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding11\n", flags="force"] [ 0.031][t][input] add: section='window-controls' key='MBTN_LEFT' cmd='script-binding osc/__keybinding11' location=':1' [ 0.031][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="window-controls", flags=""] [ 0.031][t][input] enable section 'window-controls' [ 0.031][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.031][t][input] default 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_forced_stats 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_console 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input_forced_console 12 [ 0.031][t][input] showhide 12 [ 0.031][t][input] showhide_wc 12 [ 0.031][t][input] input 0 [ 0.031][t][input] window-controls 0 [ 0.031][t][osc] hide_osc [ 0.031][d][auto_profiles] Exiting... [ 0.031][v][cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/visibility="auto" -> 1 [ 0.031][d][cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input"] [ 0.031][d][cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=64, args=[name="window-controls"] [ 0.031][v][cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"b":0,"r":0,"t":0,"l":0} -> 1 [ 0.031][t][cplayer] Run command: show-text, flags=64, args=[text="", duration="-1", level="0"] [ 0.031][t][cplayer] Run command: show-text, flags=64, args=[text="", duration="-1", level="0"] [ 0.031][t][cplayer] Run command: show-text, flags=64, args=[text="", duration="-1", level="0"] [ 0.031][t][cplayer] Run command: show-text, flags=64, args=[text="", duration="-1", level="0"] [ 0.031][v][cplayer] Done loading scripts. [ 0.031][d][global] state path: 'watch_later' -> '-' [ 0.031][d][global] state path: 'watch_later' -> '-' [ 0.031][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load [ 0.031][v][ytdl_hook] ytdl:// hook [ 0.031][v][ytdl_hook] not a ytdl:// url [ 0.031][v][cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"b":0,"r":0,"t":0,"l":0} -> 1 [ 0.031][t][osc] rendering [ 0.031][t][cplayer] Run command: show-text, flags=64, args=[text="", duration="-1", level="0"] [ 0.032][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load [ 0.032][v][ytdl_hook] playlist hook [ 0.032][d][osc] osc_init [ 0.032][v][ifo_dvdnav] Opening test.flac [ 0.032][v][bdmv/bluray] Opening test.flac [ 0.032][v][file] Opening test.flac [ 0.032][d][file] resize stream to 131072 bytes, drop 0 bytes [ 0.032][d][file] Stream opened successfully. [ 0.032][v][demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal. [ 0.032][d][demux] Trying demuxer: disc (force-level: normal) [ 0.032][t][file] seek request from 0 to 0 [ 0.032][d][demux] Trying demuxer: edl (force-level: normal) [ 0.032][t][file] seek request from 0 to 0 [ 0.032][v][cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"b":0,"r":0,"t":0,"l":0} -> 1 [ 0.032][t][cplayer] Run command: osd-overlay, flags=64, args=[id="1", format="ass-events", data="", res_x="854", res_y="854", z="1000", hidden="no", compute_bounds="no"] [ 0.032][d][osd/libass] ASS library version: 0x1701000 (runtime 0x1701000) [ 0.032][d][demux] Trying demuxer: cue (force-level: normal) [ 0.032][t][file] seek request from 0 to 0 [ 0.032][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawaudio (force-level: normal) [ 0.032][t][file] seek request from 0 to 0 [ 0.032][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawvideo (force-level: normal) [ 0.032][t][file] seek request from 0 to 0 [ 0.032][d][demux] Trying demuxer: mkv (force-level: normal) [ 0.032][t][file] seek request from 0 to 0 [ 0.032][d][demux] Trying demuxer: libarchive (force-level: normal) [ 0.032][t][file] seek request from 2 to 0 [ 0.032][v][osd/libass] libass API version: 0x1701000 [ 0.032][v][osd/libass] libass source: tarball: 0.17.1 [ 0.032][t][osd/libass] Raster: FreeType 2.13.2 [ 0.032][d][demux] Trying demuxer: lavf (force-level: normal) [ 0.032][t][file] seek request from 0 to 0 [ 0.032][v][osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.13 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 8.4.0 (COMPLEX) [ 0.032][t][osd/libass] Initialized [ 0.032][v][osd/libass] Setting up fonts... [ 0.033][v][osd/libass] Using font provider coretext [ 0.033][v][osd/libass] Done. [ 0.033][t][osc] rendering [ 0.033][d][osc] osc_init [ 0.033][t][ffmpeg] Probing flac score:100 size:2048 [ 0.033][v][cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"b":0,"r":0,"t":0,"l":0} -> 1 [ 0.033][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_osc", contents="", flags="default"] [ 0.033][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_osc", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.033][t][input] enable section 'input_osc' [ 0.033][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.033][t][input] default 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_forced_stats 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_console 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_forced_console 12 [ 0.033][t][input] showhide 12 [ 0.033][t][input] showhide_wc 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_osc 12 [ 0.033][v][lavf] Found 'flac' at score=100 size=2048. [ 0.033][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_osc", contents="", flags="force"] [ 0.033][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_osc", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.033][t][input] enable section 'input_forced_osc' [ 0.033][t][input] active section stack: [ 0.033][t][input] default 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_stats 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_forced_stats 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_console 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_forced_console 12 [ 0.033][t][input] showhide 12 [ 0.033][t][input] showhide_wc 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_osc 12 [ 0.033][t][input] input_forced_osc 12 [ 0.034][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 32768, eof:0 [ 0.034][t][ffmpeg/demuxer] flac: Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 8288 bytes read:32768 seeks:0 nb_streams:1 [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: invalid channel mode: 15 [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: invalid channel mode: 15 [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: invalid channel mode: 15 [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: invalid channel mode: 15 [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: invalid channel mode: 15 [ 0.035][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 65536, eof:0 [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/audio] flac: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/demuxer] flac: All info found [ 0.035][t][lavf] mp_seek(0x142f16050, 0, size) [ 0.035][t][lavf] mp_seek(0x142f16050, 0, size) [ 0.035][t][lavf] mp_seek(0x142f16050, 0, size) [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/demuxer] flac: stream 0: start_time: 0 duration: 56.1894 [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/demuxer] flac: format: start_time: 0 duration: 56.1894 (estimate from stream) bitrate=970 kb/s [ 0.035][t][ffmpeg/demuxer] flac: After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 62464 bytes read:65536 seeks:0 frames:1 [ 0.035][v][lavf] avformat_find_stream_info() finished after 65536 bytes. [ 0.035][v][demux] Detected file format: flac (libavformat) [ 0.035][v][cplayer] Opening done: test.flac [ 0.036][v][find_files] Loading external files in . [ 0.036][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded [ 0.036][v][lavf] select track 0 [ 0.036][i][cplayer] (+) Audio --aid=1 (flac 2ch 44100Hz) [ 0.036][v][ad] Codec list: [ 0.036][v][ad] flac - FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) [ 0.036][v][ad] Opening decoder flac [ 0.036][v][ad] Requesting 1 threads for decoding. [ 0.036][v][ad] Selected codec: FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) [ 0.036][v][af] User filter list: [ 0.036][v][af] (empty) [ 0.036][v][cplayer] Starting playback... [ 0.036][t][lavf] bytes=0, read_more=1 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.036][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=16 pts=0.000000 dts=0.000000 pos=8288 [num=1 size=528] [ 0.036][t][lavf] bytes=528, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.036][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 98304, eof:0 [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=16 pts=0.104490 dts=0.104490 pos=8304 [num=>1 size=1056] [ 0.036][t][lavf] bytes=1056, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=16 pts=0.208980 dts=0.208980 pos=8320 [num=>1 size=1584] [ 0.036][t][lavf] bytes=1584, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: invalid channel mode: 13 [ 0.036][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 131072, eof:0 [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=1499 pts=0.313469 dts=0.313469 pos=8336 [num=>1 size=3072] [ 0.036][t][lavf] bytes=3072, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=1770 pts=0.417959 dts=0.417959 pos=9835 [num=>1 size=5360] [ 0.036][t][lavf] bytes=5360, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.036][v][af] [in] 44100Hz stereo 2ch s32 [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.036][v][af] [userspeed] 44100Hz stereo 2ch s32 [ 0.036][v][af] [userspeed] (disabled) [ 0.036][v][af] [convert] 44100Hz stereo 2ch s32 [ 0.036][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=12474 pts=0.522449 dts=0.522449 pos=11605 [num=>1 size=18352] [ 0.036][t][lavf] bytes=18352, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.036][t][ffmpeg] NULL: invalid sample size code (7) [ 0.036][v][ao] Trying audio driver 'coreaudio' [ 0.036][v][ao/coreaudio] requested format: 44100 Hz, stereo channels, s32 [ 0.036][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 163840, eof:0 [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: invalid channel mode: 13 [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=12718 pts=0.626939 dts=0.626939 pos=24079 [num=>1 size=31584] [ 0.037][t][lavf] bytes=31584, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: invalid channel mode: 13 [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=12267 pts=0.731429 dts=0.731429 pos=36797 [num=>1 size=44368] [ 0.037][t][lavf] bytes=44368, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.037][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 196608, eof:0 [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=11984 pts=0.835918 dts=0.835918 pos=49064 [num=>1 size=56864] [ 0.037][t][lavf] bytes=56864, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=12405 pts=0.940408 dts=0.940408 pos=61048 [num=>1 size=69792] [ 0.037][t][lavf] bytes=69792, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.037][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13209 pts=1.044898 dts=1.044898 pos=73453 [num=>1 size=83520] [ 0.037][t][lavf] bytes=83520, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] selected audio output device: DELL U2720Q (52) [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] input channel layout: [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] layout: tag: <0>, bitmap: <0>, descriptions <2> [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] - description 0: label <1, 0>, flags: <0>, coords: <0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000> [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] - description 1: label <2, 1>, flags: <0>, coords: <0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000> [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] mp chmap: stereo [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] input channel layout: [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] layout: tag: <0>, bitmap: <0>, descriptions <2> [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] - description 0: label <2, 1>, flags: <0>, coords: <0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000> [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] - description 1: label <1, 0>, flags: <0>, coords: <0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000> [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] mp chmap: fr-fl [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] Channel layouts: [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] - stereo [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] - fr-fl [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] - mono [ 0.066][v][ao/coreaudio] result: stereo [ 0.068][t][osc] rendering [ 0.074][v][ao/coreaudio] Latency property cntl: 96 frames [ 0.075][v][ao/coreaudio] Latency property zisf: 512 frames [ 0.075][v][ao/coreaudio] Latency property tfas: 576 frames [ 0.075][v][ao/coreaudio] Device sample rate: 44100.000000 [ 0.075][v][ao/coreaudio] audiounit latency [ns]: 0 [ 0.075][v][ao/coreaudio] device latency [ns]: 26848072 [ 0.075][v][ao/coreaudio] using soft-buffer of 8820 samples. [ 0.075][i][cplayer] AO: [coreaudio] 44100Hz stereo 2ch s32 [ 0.075][v][cplayer] AO: Description: CoreAudio AudioUnit [ 0.075][v][af] [convert] (disabled) [ 0.075][v][af] [out] 44100Hz stereo 2ch s32 [ 0.075][t][lavf] bytes=82992, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.075][d][osc] osc_init [ 0.075][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 229376, eof:0 [ 0.075][v][cplayer] audio ready [ 0.075][v][cplayer] starting audio playback [ 0.075][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.075][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.075][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.075][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=12801 pts=1.149388 dts=1.149388 pos=86662 [num=>1 size=96320] [ 0.075][t][lavf] bytes=96320, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.160][v][cplayer] playback restart complete @ 0.000000, audio=playing, video=eof [ 0.160][v][cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"b":0,"r":0,"t":0,"l":0} -> 1 [ 0.169][t][lavf] bytes=95792, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.169][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.169][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.169][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.169][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=12576 pts=1.253878 dts=1.253878 pos=99463 [num=>1 size=108880] [ 0.169][t][lavf] bytes=108880, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.215][t][osc] rendering [ 0.274][t][lavf] bytes=106864, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.274][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 262144, eof:0 [ 0.274][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.274][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.274][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.274][t][osc] rendering [ 0.275][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=12510 pts=1.358367 dts=1.358367 pos=112039 [num=>1 size=119888] [ 0.275][t][lavf] bytes=119888, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.305][t][osc] rendering [ 0.338][t][osc] rendering [ 0.378][t][lavf] bytes=117600, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.378][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.378][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.378][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.379][t][osc] rendering [ 0.379][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=12884 pts=1.462857 dts=1.462857 pos=124549 [num=>1 size=131008] [ 0.379][t][lavf] bytes=131008, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.483][t][lavf] bytes=118016, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.483][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.483][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.483][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.483][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13504 pts=1.567347 dts=1.567347 pos=137433 [num=>1 size=132032] [ 0.483][t][lavf] bytes=132032, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.483][t][osc] rendering [ 0.538][t][osc] rendering [ 0.587][t][lavf] bytes=118800, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.587][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 294912, eof:0 [ 0.587][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.587][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.588][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.588][t][osc] rendering [ 0.588][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13254 pts=1.671837 dts=1.671837 pos=150937 [num=>1 size=132576] [ 0.588][t][lavf] bytes=132576, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.620][t][osc] rendering [ 0.692][t][lavf] bytes=119792, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.692][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.692][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.692][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.692][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13136 pts=1.776327 dts=1.776327 pos=164191 [num=>1 size=133440] [ 0.692][t][lavf] bytes=133440, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.692][t][osc] rendering [ 0.742][t][osc] rendering [ 0.796][t][lavf] bytes=120944, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.796][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 327680, eof:0 [ 0.796][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.796][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.797][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.797][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13225 pts=1.880816 dts=1.880816 pos=177327 [num=>1 size=134688] [ 0.797][t][lavf] bytes=134688, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.797][t][osc] rendering [ 0.843][t][osc] rendering [ 0.875][t][osc] rendering [ 0.901][t][lavf] bytes=121760, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 0.901][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.901][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.901][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 0.901][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13395 pts=1.985306 dts=1.985306 pos=190552 [num=>1 size=135680] [ 0.901][t][lavf] bytes=135680, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 0.907][t][osc] rendering [ 0.956][t][osc] rendering [ 1.005][t][lavf] bytes=121952, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 1.005][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.005][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.005][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.005][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13640 pts=2.089796 dts=2.089796 pos=203947 [num=>1 size=136112] [ 1.006][t][lavf] bytes=136112, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 1.006][t][osc] rendering [ 1.058][t][osc] rendering [ 1.110][t][lavf] bytes=122784, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 1.110][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 360448, eof:0 [ 1.110][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.110][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.110][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.111][t][osc] rendering [ 1.111][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13214 pts=2.194286 dts=2.194286 pos=217587 [num=>1 size=136512] [ 1.111][t][lavf] bytes=136512, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 1.152][t][osc] rendering [ 1.187][t][osc] rendering [ 1.214][t][lavf] bytes=123424, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 1.214][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.214][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.214][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.214][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13391 pts=2.298776 dts=2.298776 pos=230801 [num=>1 size=137328] [ 1.214][t][lavf] bytes=137328, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 1.218][t][osc] rendering [ 1.269][t][osc] rendering [ 1.319][t][lavf] bytes=124304, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 1.319][t][ffmpeg] NULL: invalid channel mode: 12 [ 1.319][t][ffmpeg] NULL: broken stream, invalid padding [ 1.319][t][ffmpeg] NULL: invalid channel mode: 15 [ 1.319][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.319][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.319][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.319][t][lavf] 32768=mp_read(0x142f16050, 0x13388d000, 32768), pos: 393216, eof:0 [ 1.319][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13463 pts=2.403265 dts=2.403265 pos=244192 [num=>1 size=138288] [ 1.319][t][lavf] bytes=138288, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 1.423][t][lavf] bytes=124880, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 1.424][t][ffmpeg] NULL: header crc mismatch [ 1.424][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.424][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.424][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.424][t][osc] rendering [ 1.424][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13348 pts=2.507755 dts=2.507755 pos=257655 [num=>1 size=138752] [ 1.424][t][lavf] bytes=138752, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 1.470][t][osc] rendering [ 1.502][t][osc] rendering [ 1.528][t][lavf] bytes=124736, read_more=0 prefetch_more=1, refresh_more=0 [ 1.528][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.528][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.528][t][ffmpeg] NULL: sample/frame number mismatch in adjacent frames [ 1.528][t][lavf] append packet to audio: size=13419 pts=2.612245 dts=2.612245 pos=271003 [num=>1 size=138672] [ 1.528][t][lavf] bytes=138672, read_more=0 prefetch_more=0, refresh_more=0 [ 1.533][t][osc] rendering [ 1.574][t][input] key code=0x200010 'RIGHT' [ 1.574][t][input] key 'RIGHT' -> 'seek 5' in 'default' [ 1.574][d][cplayer] Run command: seek, flags=73, args=[target="5.000000", flags="relative", legacy="unused"] [ 1.574][v][lavf] queuing seek to 6.353977 [ 1.574][v][lavf] execute seek (to 6.353977 flags 32) [ 1.575][v][cplayer] hr-seek, skipping to 6.353977 [ 1.575][t][ffmpeg/demuxer] flac: read_seek: 0 280210 [ 1.575][t][ffmpeg/demuxer] flac: using cached pos_min=0x4229b dts_min=115200