Changes between Version 1 and Version 5 of Ticket #16916

Feb 1, 2009, 12:59:13 AM (16 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Replacing "-mt-" with "-mp-" in description.


  • Ticket #16916

    • Property Status changed from new to assigned
    • Property Cc mlk@… added
  • Ticket #16916 – Description

    v1 v5  
    17 It was pointed out to me that the error should not have occurred if gcc-4.0.1 was used; but, gcc-4.0.1 was not used when compiling xetexdir/  Earlier, I had installed gcc-mt-4.3.2 via MacPorts and gcc-mt-4.3.2 does not recognize -ObjC++.  The curious part was that only xetexdir/ tried to compile with gcc-mt-4.3.2.  All other files used gcc-4.0.1.  Further research explained why the xetexdir/ did not reference gcc-4.0.1.  Instead of a prefixed call to /usr/bin/gcc, the call for xetexdir/ was gcc with no prefix.  In order to use MacPorts installed programs, the path has /opt/local/bin as the first option in the path name.  Since /opt/local/bin is the first option, an unprefixed gcc call will find the gcc-mt-4.3.2 first and use it instead of gcc-4.0.1.  This simple structure caused this problem with the unprefixed gcc call.  To verify that the call was an (no change because of installing gcc-mt-4.3.2) unprefixed gcc in every case, I uninstalled gcc-mt-4.3.2, did a build with the -d option while outputting to a log file, and checking the log file for the xetexdir/ compile command to find that I was correct in an unprefixed call to gcc.  Not having gcc-mt-4.3.2 installed resulted in a good build which was expected.  Reinstalling gcc-mt-4.3.2 resulted in a bad build which I also expected.  I then suspected that the Makefile used for compilation contained the unprefixed call and to verify that suspicion unpacked texlive_base in my Desktop directory, searched the various directories to find the directory for compiling xetexdir/, and found that Makefile had not yet been created.  I then ran ./configure and the result was a Makefile with an unprefixed call to gcc for xetexdir/ and prefixed calls to gcc for all other modules.  I did not trace the problem source back any further than the Makefile generation verification because I did not know enough of the procedure needed to build texlive to make changes farther back.  As far as I know, this is a problem for the texlive_base author to fix; but, decided to go through MacPorts since MacPorts is porting texlive_base and the maintainer of the texlive port should be aware of this problem and already have contacts with the authors of texlive.  I am not going to attach the log file because it is quite large; but, will make it available upon request if needed.  The log file will probably not tell you any more than I already have, namely that xetexdir/ is the only module with an unprefixed gcc call.
     17It was pointed out to me that the error should not have occurred if gcc-4.0.1 was used; but, gcc-4.0.1 was not used when compiling xetexdir/  Earlier, I had installed gcc-mp-4.3.2 via MacPorts and gcc-mp-4.3.2 does not recognize -ObjC++.  The curious part was that only xetexdir/ tried to compile with gcc-mp-4.3.2.  All other files used gcc-4.0.1.  Further research explained why the xetexdir/ did not reference gcc-4.0.1.  Instead of a prefixed call to /usr/bin/gcc, the call for xetexdir/ was gcc with no prefix.  In order to use MacPorts installed programs, the path has /opt/local/bin as the first option in the path name.  Since /opt/local/bin is the first option, an unprefixed gcc call will find the gcc-mp-4.3.2 first and use it instead of gcc-4.0.1.  This simple structure caused this problem with the unprefixed gcc call.  To verify that the call was an (no change because of installing gcc-mp-4.3.2) unprefixed gcc in every case, I uninstalled gcc-mp-4.3.2, did a build with the -d option while outputting to a log file, and checking the log file for the xetexdir/ compile command to find that I was correct in an unprefixed call to gcc.  Not having gcc-mp-4.3.2 installed resulted in a good build which was expected.  Reinstalling gcc-mp-4.3.2 resulted in a bad build which I also expected.  I then suspected that the Makefile used for compilation contained the unprefixed call and to verify that suspicion unpacked texlive_base in my Desktop directory, searched the various directories to find the directory for compiling xetexdir/, and found that Makefile had not yet been created.  I then ran ./configure and the result was a Makefile with an unprefixed call to gcc for xetexdir/ and prefixed calls to gcc for all other modules.  I did not trace the problem source back any further than the Makefile generation verification because I did not know enough of the procedure needed to build texlive to make changes farther back.  As far as I know, this is a problem for the texlive_base author to fix; but, decided to go through MacPorts since MacPorts is porting texlive_base and the maintainer of the texlive port should be aware of this problem and already have contacts with the authors of texlive.  I am not going to attach the log file because it is quite large; but, will make it available upon request if needed.  The log file will probably not tell you any more than I already have, namely that xetexdir/ is the only module with an unprefixed gcc call.
    1818While I do not think the platform is relevant, I will provide the basics, namely:  2001 PowerPC G4 Quicksilver upgraded to dual 1.73 GHz MPC-7448 from a dual 800 MHZ MPC-7450 with 1.5 GB RAM running under Mac OS 10.4.11.