Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #17360

Nov 22, 2008, 5:25:29 PM (16 years ago)
mf2k (Frank Schima)

This is really a gtk2 build issue. Assigning to maintainer.


  • Ticket #17360

    • Property Owner changed from macports-tickets@… to nox@…
    • Property Priority changed from High to Normal
    • Property Port gtk2 added; gimp removed
    • Property Summary changed from gimp 2.6.2 install failure on Leopard (10.5) to gtk2 install failure while building gimp 2.6.2 on Leopard (10.5)
  • Ticket #17360 – Description

    initial v1  
    11Attmpting to install gimp 2.6.2 using 'sudo port -d install gimp' on OS X Leopard, and the install fails.  Without prior experience compiling software on *nix systems, the debug and error messages are more or less Greek to me.  Error message:
    34DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
    45DEBUG: Searching for dependency: zlib
    8687Error: The following dependencies failed to build: gimp-app gimp2 gegl gtk2 libopenraw boost boost-jam librsvg libart_lgpl libcroco libgsf bzip2 dbus dbus-glib gnome-vfs desktop-file-utils popt gconf orbit2 libidl gnome-mime-data openssl libbonobo libsdl lua readline openexr ilmbase libtool automake autoconf help2man p5-locale-gettext m4 libexif libgnomeui gnome-icon-theme hicolor-icon-theme icon-naming-utils p5-xml-simple p5-xml-namespacesupport p5-xml-sax gnome-keyring libgcrypt libgpg-error libtasn1 libbonoboui libglade2 libgnome esound audiofile libgnomecanvas libmng lcms libwmf poppler openjpeg poppler-data py25-gtk py25-cairo py25-numpy fftw-3 py25-hashlib python25 py25-nose py25-setuptools py25-zlib py25-gobject libxslt gimp-jp2 gimp-lqr-plugin liblqr gtk-nodoka-engine coreutils gutenprint icns-gimp macclipboard-gimp macfile-gimp ufraw exiv2 xsane sane-backends libusb
    8788Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
    8991That's it.  I've tried a few variants, attempted install from both the MacOS X terminal window and an xterm window (does this make any difference?) - no dice.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.