Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #18811

Mar 12, 2009, 10:50:37 PM (16 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Replying to moody@…:

Updated to XCode 3.1.2 and did a clean rebuild - which worked.

Interesting. I uninstalled Xcode 3.1.2 (actually iPhone SDK 2.2.1) and reinstalled Xcode 3.1.1 (actually iPhone SDK 2.1) and was able to reproduce this problem. I modified the Graphviz ports to require Xcode 3.1.2 on Leopard in r48011.

However, the GraphViz application itself would not load any (known to be valid) dot files.

Which files? Have you tried the sample graphs that come with Graphviz in the directory /opt/local/share/graphviz/graphs?

Messages in the Console were not complete, but my gut tells me that the file loading was failing because dot was being passed a file type it did not recognize (as in dot -Tpdf).

-Tpdf should be a valid type for dot, at least assuming you have not disabled pango/cairo support using the +no_pangocairo variant. Have you tried using dot in the terminal? Does that work? If not, does it print an error?

I went ahead and tried to install the graphviz-devel-gui and it is working.

I'm surprised by this, since graphviz and graphviz-gui 2.22.1 were just released a few days ago; they should be virtually identical to graphviz-devel and graphviz-gui-devel at this time.

